85. Crocus

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"I've returned, Grandline," says Buggy excitedly while looking at the vast sea.

The Clowns finally reach Grandline's entrance after having a bad start. They all get excited because this is where their real journey will start. This is what they've prepared for.

"What should we do now, Captain?" asks Cricket.

"Of course, we will follow the log pose. But before that, let's go to that watchtower. I want to meet someone," says Buggy while pointing at the watchtower on their left.

They dock their ship on the coast and go to the watchtower. There's no one there, but Buggy can feel someone is inside the watchtower. He knocks on the door and someone comes out soon.

"Long time no see, Crocus-san," says Buggy after seeing the one who comes out, it's Roger Pirates' doctor, Crocus.

"Hmm? Oh, Buggy, it's been a long time. How are you doing? Haha," says Crocus excitedly while patting Buggy's shoulder.

"I'm good. You should know that from the news too," says Buggy while smiling.

"Haha, you haven't appeared in any news for 6 months, so I don't know anything. You've finally come to Grandline again, huh? Shanks has started earlier, you know. It's been 1 year I guess," says Crocus.

"Shanks can do what he wants and I will do what I want. I'm not in a rush to come here like him, so I took my time," says Buggy.

"Well, as long as you're fine, then it won't be a problem. You've also become very strong now, even though you were like that in the past," says Crocus while smiling.

Buggy flinches and immediately covers Crocus' mouth. He doesn't want his crew to know that he was a coward. Well, that was the original Buggy, but he is Buggy now, so it is embarrassing.

"Like that?" asks Mantis curiously.

"A-ahaha, it's nothing. I was just very weak in the past, so I trained hard after that. He must be surprised to see my progress, that's all," says Buggy nervously while pinching Crocus' stomach lightly.

Crocus looks at Buggy with stink eyes and thinks, 'Sure you were a little weaker than Shanks, but you were not that weak for your age at that time. The problem was your cowardness.'

Crocus flicks Buggy's hand and says, "Yeah, I'm just too surprised at his progress. He has grown stronger very fast, after all."

Buggy's crewmates feel that it's not what Crocus meant. But they won't know it unless Crocus or Buggy tell them. They can only let it be for now because they won't get the answer soon.

Buggy then introduces his crewmates to Crocus. They talk with Crocus for some time while gathering information. Crocus must've known more about Grandline's current situation than them. They talk while eating Mantis' food.

"Big change in Grandline, huh? For now, the situation in Paradise is still like usual since the Great Pirate Era started. But in New World, there are some big movements. Whitebeard & Big Mom pirates have started to conquer many islands there," says Crocus.

"What about the Marine?" asks Buggy.

"They're still like usual, going here & there to catch pirate crews. They've raised their vigilance and got more active lately though," says Cricket.

Currently, Paradise is still peaceful enough compared to New World. With Marineford being in Paradise, the situation here is still controllable. Marine also work harder lately and many rookie pirates were caught.

The rookie pirate crews that aren't strong enough will not survive even in Paradise, not to mention in New World. Over there, many pirate crews started to join big crews like Whitebeard or Big Mom so they can survive.

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