26. Whiteland Kingdom

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Buggy & Cricket are sitting on the kitchen table, facing each other.

"We have a very big problem."-Buggy said with a serious face

"I know, this is a life or dead situation. We are in the crisis of identity."-Cricket also get serious

*tak tak tak*

"Your breakfast is ready."-Mantis

Mantis place 3 plates of egg fried rice in the table with 2 plates considerably bigger. She also place a plate full of sunny side up eggs before taking a seat.

"Eat it while it still hot!"-Mantis

"Mantis, we are in a serious conversation right now."-Buggy

"Yeah, you need to join us."-Cricket

"Eat! And no talking while eating!"-Mantis said with murderous eyes

""Yes.""-Buggy & Cricket become submissive

The three pirates eat their breakfast peacefully. Buggy & Cricket devour the food on their plates cleanly and eat all the sunny side up eggs. They even ask for more because it's really good. Then after some plates of breakfast, they continue their discussion.

"We need a name & jolly roger flag for our crew."-Buggy

"Aren't you the captain, you should name it! We'll think about the jolly roger flag after that."-Mantis

"Hmm, the problem is i can't really find a good name. Usually it have the trait of the captain, but i can't really find something that sounds good."-Buggy rub his chin while thinking

"How if we just use your name? Buggy Pirates!"-Mantis

"No, i don't want to use my name, the idea isn't original. I want something unique."-Buggy

"A unique trait of the captain, huh? Then Red Nose Pirates!"-Cricket

"It will sound like a mock when people call me."-Buggy

"How about shortening your name? Bug Pirates!"-Mantis

"Now we sound like pests."-Buggy

"I know, let's use your devil fruit! Split Pirates!"-Cricket

"We sound like a crew that doesn't get along."-Buggy

"Hmm, Miss Mantis Admirer?"-Mantis tilt her head and try to act cute

"..... Anyway, we need something more original and didn't sound boring."-Buggy

"DON'T IGNORE ME!"-Mantis have red face

"Sigh, then try to find a good name."-Buggy

"But you refused everything."-Mantis seem pissed

"They just doesn't sound good."-Buggy

"Hmm, how about Clown Pirates? I mean Captain's nose looks like a clown's nose, he just need to add some make ups."-Cricket

"Sounds good & fun, but shouldn't we instill fear to our enemies as a pirate crew? They will laugh instead of scared when they hear our name."-Mantis

"Then how about Killer Clown Pirates?"-Buggy

"That's good, but didn't match our personality."-Mantis

After some long discussion, they decide on Clown Pirates. It didn't sound intimidating, and even sound funny. However, when they get big, it will sound scary instead. It also match a little with their personality.

'In the end, we choose to use Clown, and i'll really become Buggy the Clown now. Sigh, i'm really not good with names. At least it sound good and didn't just use my name.'-Buggy

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 1Where stories live. Discover now