23. Red Axe Gang

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Sometime after Buggy & Cricket finish their meal, the Red Axe Gang arrived. All their 1000 mens' marching sound can be heard throughout the town. Buggy & Cricket come out from the restaurant to meet them.

"So you're the one who beat up my idiot son."-Visco

"Yeah, i am."-Buggy

"Let me hear your reason before i kill you here."-Visco

"Well, he refused the money i gave to pay Mantis' debt. And his mens attacked us, so what would you suggest us to do? Letting ourselves being beaten up? Nah, you can do it yourself."-Buggy

"You pay the debt? Taki!"-Visco

"Right away, sir."-Taki

Taki then take a beaten up mafia who was defeated by Buggy & Cricket.

"Did he gave the money?"-Visco

"....Yes, but young leader refused it because he only accept the girl's money."-Mafia 1

"So that's how it is."-Visco

The beaten up mafia return to the back and Visco look at Buggy & Cricket again.

"Well, so it's my idiot son's fault. But even if it's his fault, you shouldn't beat him up like that. Only i can do that to him."-Visco

".... Then what's the point of asking that guy just now? You're just wasting time. This mafia leader seem to be as stupid as his son."-Cricket

"That's what we called genetics trait, my partner."-Buggy

"Ah, i see."-Cricket

"You sure have foul mouths there. How about this? You give me the money, and her debt will be cleared right away."-Visco have a tickmark

"Hah, do you think that we're stupid? Even if we pay her debt, you'll still attack us, right? After all, it only pay her debt, but it doesn't do anything about your son's case."-Buggy

"Heeh, you're smarter than i thought."-Visco

"You're just more stupid than me."-Buggy

The mafia leader get annoyed and order his mens to attack, but Buggy shout and ask them to stop. He didn't want to create a big destruction here, so he asked them to move somewhere else. The mafia gang agree and they move to an open land outside of the town.

"Let's get this over with."-Visco


The mafias then start to run toward Buggy & Cricket. Buggy grin and he fly after detaching his upper body. He carry the case to the sky, and then open it. Buggy start to take the bombs and throw them to the enemies.


The enemies are grouping, so his bombs take out a lot of them. Cricket also shoot at the ones in the front rows, while Buggy attack the middle. Cricket shoot his flintlock at the enemies. He have prepared many bullets for this, so he won't run out of bullets soon.


"Damn, we've fall into his trap."-Visco

"What should we do, leader?"-Taki

"Tell them to spread, so the bombs won't take out many of them!"-Visco


The mafias then start to spread and the boms take out less people now. However, it's a bit too late, as Buggy's bomb have take out around 3/4 of their troops. They were gathered in one place before, so the bombs really give them big damage.

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