After docking the ship on the hidden coast, The Clowns leave to explore the island. Palu stays on the ship to guard it while the others go to the town. Buggy gave them pocket money before they leave.
They go in groups to explore the island. Buggy goes with Jude and Deon, Manba goes with Enel and Ruff, while Cricket goes with Mantis. Each group has a different plan and task in their exploration.
Buggy's group will gather information and Buggy will teach Deon to do it. Cricket's group will buy food ingredients, while Manba's group will walk around the town and buy their crew's other needs.
After splitting with the other groups, Buggy's group goes to the Blackmarket. They'll buy information like usual because it's the easiest way to get it.
There aren't many big events in the last month when The Clowns were on Birka. It's still about new pirate crews that keep appearing. But 2 things caught his interest, the first thing is their bounties raise.
"Oho, we get new bounties now," says Buggy excitedly.
"Really?!" says Jude & Deon as they approach Buggy.
Buggy 'The Clown': 350 million
Montblanc 'Chestnut' Cricket: 200 million
'Black Hammer' Palu: 135 million
Mantis 'The Dancer': 110 million
'Ash Girl' Ariella Jude: 70 million
'Fatman' Manba: 64 million
'Rainbow Hair' Bunglon Deon: 52 million
Enel 'The Thunder': 35 millionTotal: 1.012 billion
"Damn, Enel already gets his bounty," says Deon.
"Why'd they raise our bounties? And how could they know about Enel? He just get started and this is the first island that he visited since he joined," says Jude curiously.
Buggy flips some pages of the information papers and finds out the reason for that.
"Heh, apparently those Iron Shovel guys were sending distress signals because they couldn't leave that place. Their distress signal was caught by a nearby ship, too bad that it was a Marine ship led by Vice-Admiral Borsalino. So they were caught and imprisoned. It seems they told the Marine about us," says Buggy.
"Oh, then what about Enel's bounty?" asks Jude.
"He got a bounty because of his devil fruit. A logia is always considered as strong & dangerous devil fruit. His lightning ability is also considered to be more dangerous than yours. So the Marine thinks he has a big danger potential. But he is still weak, so he only gets 35 million," explains Buggy.
"But you, Cricket, Palu, and Mantis got big raise now," says Deon.
"Must be because of our armament haki. It is not a common power in Paradise, so the Marine raised our danger levels," says Buggy.
Deon & Jude nod in understanding, then they take their new bounty posters. They'll show the posters to the others later after they returned to the ship.
Buggy continues to read the information papers. He reads the 2nd thing that piqued his interest. It's about Red Hair Pirates who keep making their names bigger.
"So Shanks has gone further than me, huh? I still need to go to 2 islands again before reaching Sabaody, while he just needs 1 more. Well, doesn't matter. I won't change what I do just because of that," ponders Buggy.
"Captain, there's someone who calls you," says Jude while pointing at a man with a waiter uniform.
The man stands near the door and holds a tray with a big denden mushi on it.
"What do you want?" asks Buggy.
"Fufufu, Buggy The Clown. Maybe you don't know me, but I have something to talk about with you," says a man through the denden mushi.
Buggy grins when he hears that voice, "Don't worry, I know about you, Donquixote Doflamingo."
"So you know about me, then it will make this talk simpler. Why did you attack my business partners?" ask Doflamingo.
"Business partners? Ah, those slave traders, huh? Hahaha, you are quite stupid, aren't you, Doflamingo? We are pirates, so we do what we want. My crew needed supplies, and we saw a ship, so we robbed them," says Buggy.
"Don't take me as a fool, Clown! I know you searched the slaves first, so you didn't come for supplies. What's your real reason?" asks Doflamingo angrily.
Buggy grins and takes the microphone, "You want to know the reason? Then meet me yourself. That is if you dare, Noble Kid."
Doflamingo gets surprised and wants to say something, but Buggy closes the call. He gets angry and crushes the microphone in his hand.
"Bastard, he knows about me," says Doflamingo angrily.
"Calm down, Doffy. You need to take your time. We have a big plan and you will eventually be this world's king. He's not worth your time," says Trebol.
"That's right. He is not Whitebeard or Big Mom, so you don't need to worry. We can always remove him in the future. That is if he can survive Grandline," says Diamante.
"Fufufu, you're right. But it's still pissed me off, so let's hasten our plan a little," says Doflamingo.
"No problem," says Diamante.
The Donquixote family hasten their big plan after the talk with Buggy. But the man who caused it doesn't know it and he won't care even if he knows. If Doflamingo dares to face him, then he will gladly take it.
But Buggy knows that Doflamingo won't come, at least he won't come soon. That guy isn't a coward or he won't have Conqueror Haki. But he is too careful and thinks too much. Being careful is good, but being too careful isn't always good.
If Doflamingo starts to sail on Grandline and do things like Buggy, then maybe he can be stronger than when he fight with Luffy. He is older than Buggy & Shanks and has activated his Conqueror Haki at a young age.
Doffy has more time to train than Buggy, but he stays in North Blue for too long. So his opponents are weak and he can't grow by fighting strong people. Even after he sails on Grandline, Doffy focuses more on his scheme rather than raising his power.
"Who is he, Captain?" asks Deon.
"Just a small pirate from North Blue, not worth our time," says Buggy while smirking.
"Is he those slave traders' friend?" asks Jude.
"Business partner. He is someone who won't see other people outside of his 'Family' as his friends. Maybe he's the supplier who caught those people," says Buggy as they leave the room.
"Hmph, I don't like people who enslaved others. I will beat him up if he ever shows up in front of me," says Jude angrily.
"Hahaha, I'll leave him to you, then. You can castrate him if you want," says Buggy as he walks away to leave the location.
"Ca-Captain, I-I'm not that cruel," says Jude as she chases Buggy.
Deon laughs seeing that and follows them. Buggy's group leaves and goes to explore the town now. The 3 of them walk around the town while chit-chatting. Some bounty hunters look at them but don't do anything because the 3 of them are too strong for these bounty hunters.
"Such big fishes, too big actually. We shouldn't bite more than we can chew or we will be the ones who get bitten," says a man.
"Let's find other targets," says another man.
The other bounty hunters agree and leave the location. Buggy smirks seeing them leave, but then he remembers those stupid bounty hunters and that bastard Angelo.
"I hope there won't be idiots like them again. It's just too troublesome," says Buggy as he continues his walk.
Luckily, there's no trouble in their exploration and the bounty hunters know their place. The Clowns have a big party on their ship that night. They always like parties, and their new bounties are worth a big celebration.
You can read up to 30+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.
I've uploaded:
1. Chapter 159 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater
2. Chapter 170 of Transcended as Lord Buggy
(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 1
FanfictionThis is the Part 1 that has reached its limit of 200 chapters in Wattpad. The next chapters will be uploaded in Part 2, so please check my profile for it, thank you. ________________________ Bob is someone that hate people who praise Lord Buggy D. C...