34. First Bounty

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The Clown Pirates have saved a girl, her name is Ariella Jude. She is a navigator on a Merchant ship, or at least she was. 2 days ago, the ship was sailing like usual. Their destination was Deul Kingdom, and their job was to sent a lot of Spices. They're about to make a big contract with the Kingdom for the Spices.

Later that night, they encounter a very big storm. As a navigator Jude advised the captain to return because she know their ship won't make it. However, the ship's Captain refuse because they need to reach their destination in the morning. Returning or sailing around the storm will make them late.

The Captain even sent his closest mens to destroy their lifeboats to prevent anyone from escaping. They couldn't be late for such a big contract, or they won't get it. Then just like her prediction, the ship can't survive and sunk. Jude save herself by hiding in a barrel, so she survived.

"So you've floating around on the sea for almost 2 days, huh? But that's very smart of you to use a barrel as a lifeboat."-Mantis

"Well, Papa teached me to do this if the ship is in danger and i can't use lifeboat. But i can't reach any island in these 2 days, and no ship pass by before, so you really saved me."-Jude

"Then, what will you do now? Return to your father?"-Mantis

"No, Papa has died 2 years ago, that's why i work as Navigator using all the knowledge that i get from him."-Jude get sad

"Oh, i'm sorry about that."-Mantis

"It's okay."-Jude

"So where do you want to go? We will send you there."-Mantis

"I don't know, i don't have anywhere to go now. Papa has died, and i don't think that the company will take me again because they'll think that the incident is my fault as navigator."-Jude

"Hmm, then how if you become our Navigator?"-Mantis suddenly ask Jude to be their navigator

"Eh? N-n-navi-gator?"-Jude is flustered & rather scared

"No need to be that scared. We are different from the pirates that you thought of. We are just a bunch of adventure seeking people."-Mantis


"You know, Captain want to discover the world's mysteries. Cricket want to find out if his ancestor's words are true or not. As for me, i want to learn cooking from all over the world. That's why we set out to the sea and search for all of those things."-Mantis

"T-then why don't you just become an explorer crew?"-Jude

"Because we can't, especially because of Captain's dream. Discovering world's mysteries means that he will also find something that was hidden by the world. By discovering it, captain will be the world's enemy, that's why he choose to be pirate right from the start."-Mantis

"B-but pirates do bad things, Papa will be sad if i do bad things."-Jude

"Well, the only bad things that we've ever done is stealing from the rich, but then we gave it to the poor. The rest of it are just self defense battle. If you don't want to do the bad things, then you don't need to do it. Your main job is to be the navigator and make our ship safe."-Mantis


"Yeah, really."-Mantis

Jude get silent and ponder about it.

"Uhm, will you guys go to Grandline?"-Jude

"Of course, we're going to see the whole world, including Grandline. After exploring the Blue seas, we will go to Grandline. Did you want to go to Grandline?"-Mantis

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