50. Nico Robin

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The Clowns have defeated the Marine Unit, so now they're getting ready to leave before more Marines come. Diez's Marine Unit also has left the island and surely has called for reinforcement.

But before they sail away, Buggy sense someone is looking at them. He searches for the person and finally sees a little girl hiding behind a tree from far away.

'Robin, huh? She really looks like in the bounty poster. I won't recognize her without the bounty poster. In fact, I won't recognize anyone without bounty posters or other sources.'-Buggy

For Buggy, everyone in here was a drawing in his past life, but now they were real humans. That's why Buggy search for many information like bounty posters or bought it from blackmarket.

However, some characters are very noticeable. Like when he first saw Shanks, who has red hair and wearing a straw hat. He also knows Shanks from the original's memory.

As for the case with Bellemere, Buggy recognized her through her noticeable hairstyle. He doesn't remember anyone except her with red hair & Chelsea Hawk cut in One Piece. But he still asked her to make sure of it.

As for Robin, he has seen her bounty picture before, so he knows her face. The most noticeable thing from her is her eyes. So even when she wears a cloak to cover her face, Buggy can see her eyes and know that it's Robin. Robin seems to notice that he has found her, so she run away.

"You guys, get ready to leave anytime! I will leave for a moment."-Buggy order his crewmates

"Where'd you want to go, Cap-"-Mantis asks Buggy, but he already left

"Bastard, I will punch him if he isn't the Captain."-Mantis has a tickmark and get pissed

"You talk like you haven't hit him many times because he doesn't eat some vegetables that you've cooked."-Cricket sweatdrop

Buggy doesn't like to eat vegetables, especially the green-colored ones. That's why Mantis always forces him to eat even if she needs to hit him like she is his mother. Also, as a cook, she doesn't like to see someone waste their food.

While Mantis gets pissed at him, Buggy runs very fast and catches up to Robin. He catches her shoulder and surprises her. But then she suddenly cross her hands and some small hands made of flower petals appear on his body.

'She ate the devil fruit, huh?'-Buggy

Robin uses her hands to grab him and try to bend his body back. This is her technique to break his spine, and it is very effective. But too bad, she is still too weak to bend Buggy's body even a little.

"You can stop it now, you're not strong enough to do anything to me currently."-Buggy

Robin struggles and tries to release Buggy's grip on her shoulder.

"Don't struggle too much! You'll just hurt yourself. Besides, you should know who am I already right now."-Buggy

"Buggy The Clown, a pirate with 50 million bounty. Also, a few sources indicate that you were Roger pirates' apprentice."-Woman voice

Suddenly, a woman's voice is heard, so Buggy looks at the source. It's the woman in the bar that gave him the fake information.

"Please release her, or you'll really hurt her shoulder."-Woman

Buggy release Robin, who then runs to the woman, and hides behind her.

"Who are you?"-Buggy

"I am Dina, Robin's mother's friend. For now, I am her caretaker."-Dina

'Huh? I don't remember anything about her, is she really Olivia's friend?'-Buggy

(a.n: She is an original character for story purposes)

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 1Where stories live. Discover now