141. Strange Experience

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The next day after they celebrate their new bounties, The Clowns explore the island again. They go to the other towns of this Kingdom in groups again.

Now, Manba is the one who guards the ship and he is the one who asked it. He wants to make some medicines after spending a lot of them to treat the people on the passenger ship before.

The Clowns go in groups again with similar composition as yesterday, except for Manba who gets replaced by Palu. Ruff is glad that Palu is in their group because Palu can stop Enel from making trouble.

Ruff & Manba have difficult times controlling Enel's behavior yesterday. The lightning man is very problematic and likes to make trouble. They keep threatening Enel using Buggy, Cricket, & Mantis to make him behave.

Palu never disciplined Enel like Buggy, Cricket, & Mantis. But he has the ability & capability to do it like the 3 of them. He just doesn't need to do it because the 3 of them have done it, so his help isn't needed.

Meanwhile, Cricket & Mantis need to buy food ingredients again because they've spent it all last night for the party. It's not a problem though because it is one of their entertainments after sailing in the sea for days.

Buggy's group also explores the other towns while buying some interesting items. Their day in the Vira Kingdom is peaceful and so are for the next 5 days when they wait for the Log Pose to be set.

They explored every town in the Vira Kingdom, even the Capital. They've also got acquainted with some locals and they all are very friendly toward pirates like The Clowns.

There are other pirate crews too, but there aren't many problems that happened in these few days. The authorities always acted fast when a problem happened. The Clowns never tried to make trouble, so they can stay peacefully.

"Such a strange experience," says Buggy as they leave the island.

"Yeah, usually we'll have a trouble come to us even if we don't search for it," says Cricket.

"You should be glad that nothing happened," says Mantis.

"We are, but it is just too strange," says Buggy.

"Sigh, just enjoy it. This is such a rare thing in our adventure. Maybe the next island will give us bigger trouble, so get ready for it," says Mantis.

"Hmm, you're right. LET'S PREPARE FOR A TROUBLE IN THE NEXT ISLAND, BOYS!" shouts Buggy to the boys.

"YEAH!" replies the boys excitedly.


Mantis hits Buggy's head with a frying pan and she has a pissed expression.

"I mean you need to get ready if trouble happened, not trying to make trouble yourself. Your words sound like you want to make trouble on the next island. Besides, don't get excited about having trouble," says Mantis pissedly.

Buggy rubs the bump on his head and says, "I-I don't try to make trouble. I just anticipated it."

"That's better to be the case or I will discipline you myself if you are the one who creates trouble. It applies to every one of you boys. UNDERSTAND?" asks Mantis while pointing at the boys with her frying pan.

The boys gulp their saliva before saluting and say, "YES, MA'AM!"

"YOU HEAR HER, BOYS. NOW GET TO WORK!" shouts Buggy before he & the boys run off to do their works as their ship sails further from the island.

The Clowns sail to the next island while training on the ship. Buggy always reminds them to keep training every day even for a short time. They shouldn't slack off even though their strengths can be said to be above Paradise level pirates.

However, there is also a big organization that can eradicate them anytime, Marine. With Marine HQ being located in Paradise, no pirate can sail peacefully here. Maybe only 'Giant' crews like Whitebeard and Big Mom can do that.

Buggy & Cricket also start to teach Armament Haki to Enel. The others who can't use it are Deon, Manba, Jude, and Ruff. All of them except Ruff have been taught Armament before.

Ruff hasn't been taught because he isn't ready yet. He needs to increase his basic power first before training his haki. Deon also has just been able to use Observation Haki, so he needs to focus on it first even though Buggy has taught him Armament.

Buggy wants to buy training equipment like weights. But his ship can't hold too many weights even though Palu has strengthened it. There are still limits that Palu can't fix unless by building a new ship.

At night, Palu & Buggy discuss their new ship plan. Palu has made a blueprint based on Buggy's description. The ship's design looks very good, but there are some parts that Buggy wants to change.

"What about the head-figure?" asks Palu.

"Hmm, let's make a valkyrie's figure under the pillar. Maybe gold or silver color will be good," says Buggy.

"But it's too contrast with the ship's black color," says Palu.

"Hmm, then should we make it black too?" asks Buggy.

"Maybe not entirely. Let's make it black with some gold accent," says Palu.

"Alright, sounds good. Maybe some gold color accent across the ship will be good too. Just for decorations," says Buggy.

"Sure, but just a little or it will make the ship looks ugly," says Palu.

Buggy nods and they continue their discussion. There are just 2 more islands before they reach Sabaody. They will make the new ship after that, so they need to finalize the ship's design soon.

The next day, Buggy talks with Ruff about some technology ideas. With Enel here, Buggy wants Ruff to make some electrical items. But he wants Ruff to make an electric energy generator using wind or wave power so they don't need to rely on Enel's power.

"I already have an intention to use Enel's power, but your idea about generator has never crossed my mind. It surely will be a great invention and help us in a long term," says Ruff.

"Yeah, I want you to focus on it first. The other electrical items can wait, our priority is the energy source. I have many ideas about electrical items, including weapons. I will tell you about them after you can make the generator," says Buggy.

"Alright, but I don't know when I'll finish it," says Ruff.

"No problem, just take your time. Besides, I want you to increase the Dials' usage. Try to explore them so we can use them in our new ship in the future," says Buggy.

They discuss about the Dials' usage now. Buggy tells Ruff to not focus too much on weapons and improve their ship's functions more. Weapons are important, but their ship is even more important.

Weapons aren't used every time like ships. Their ship is their life & death in the sea. They can make up for the lack of their weapons' power. But they can't do anything about their ship if it's bad.

"We will make a new ship soon, so I want you to make many inventions before we build it. Talk with Palu every time you have a good idea so he can think of the best placement for it. But you still need my permission to put it on the new ship," says Buggy.

"Don't worry, Captain. You will get the most advanced ship in this age using all those Dials," says Ruff confidently.

Buggy smirks and says, "I can't wait for that."

"LAND AHOY!" shouts Deon from the Crow nest.

Everyone goes out to look at the island that Deon found. It is a small island and seems uninhabited because there's no sign of civilization. But then, they realize that there is a ship on the coast, and it is a Marine ship.

"Damn, what a stroke of bad luck. Why's he here?" asks Buggy unhappily while looking at the island with his binocular.
You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.

I've uploaded:
1. Chapter 160-165 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater
2. Chapter 171-176 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 1Where stories live. Discover now