81. Clowns' Sparring

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The Clowns are exploring the Briss Kingdom while waiting for Palu to fix their ship. Buggy has told his crew to not make any problem while exploring the Kingdom. The next Vice-Admiral won't be as forgiving as Garp.

Buggy & Jude go to the Blackmarket to gather information. They gather a lot of information around the world. It's important for them to keep updated about the world's situation.

As Buggy's predicted, Shanks doesn't show up at all since his last bounty was published. It seems he has similar thoughts with Buggy. They will strengthen their crews for now until they're ready to face the dangers ahead.

But what picked Buggy's interest isn't the news about Red Hair Pirates. It's the rise of Big Mom Pirates in the New World. They have started to conquer many islands and people start to put Big Mom on the same level as Whitebeard.

'So this is the time, huh? It won't take long for her to become an Emperor of The Sea. Then in a few years, Kaido will rise into that position too. Kaido, he is my first target among the future Emperors. I need to take him down before Beasts Pirates grow too big,' ponders Buggy.

Buggy knows it will be very difficult to defeat Kaido. Even Oden can only injure him in his Dragon form. Oden is very strong, Buggy knows it very well because they've sailed together for some time.

'Unless I reach an Emperor level strength, then I won't be able to defeat Kaido. To do that, at least I'll need to be able to use advanced haki. That's why training my Conqueror Haki is important,' thinks Buggy while planning on what he needs to do.

Buggy thinks of what he needs to defeat Kaido & Beasts Pirates. He will need to be very strong and master advanced haki. He also needs to strengthen his crew to rival Beasts Pirates.

'Oden's battle with Kaido will happen in 2 years. I still have time to help him, but will he let me do it? He is very stubborn and had refused our help in the past. But the current situation should change his mind. Hmm, I will just try to ask him in 2 years. For now, I need to focus on my crew's strength,' thinks Buggy.

Buggy doesn't like to have a small crew, but he doesn't like a very big crew too. He likes to have a crew that is similar to Roger Pirates. Only one big ship with tens of crew members.

A big crew like Whitebeard Pirates that have some divisions & ships is too troublesome for him. It's better to have subordinate crews rather than some fleets right under him.

A small crew like the Straw Hat is also not to his liking. Such crew will often need outsiders' help when fighting a force with a high number. He doesn't want to rely on it when fighting an Emperor in the future.

"Captain, I think you need to see this," says Jude to Buggy while showing a paper to him.

Buggy takes the paper and reads it. It's a piece of news about Buggy & Shanks. The World News agency has sniffed out about their origins as apprentices in Roger Pirates.

Their bounty's fast raise has picked their interest. So they started to investigate and found this fact. It would be big news, so they won't let it go and published it with some added spices.

It is stated that both of them might be the successor of the Pirate King, Roger. They also stated that Buggy or Shanks might be the next Pirate King because they know the location of Laugh Tale.

"Hmph, they always exaggerating any news that they heard. But this will be troublesome because it does make sense. Some people who want to find Laugh Tale will start to target us to know its location. Worst case is a big pirate crew from New World will come after us too," says Buggy.

"What should we do then?" asks Jude.

"Nothing, we just need to do what we usually do. We just need to avoid big forces that we can't defeat yet. Our goal isn't to defeat them, but to explore the world, after all. But we will fight them if the situation forced us to do so," says Buggy.

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