The Clown Pirates set their ship's course to the nearest island on the map. They sail for one day and finally reach the island. It's a small uninhabited island that has been drawn on the map.
The Clowns explore the island to find interesting things. They explore the island for 6 hours and found nothing except plants, animals & a lake.
They took the fruits & leaves from the plants & hunt the animals for their supplies. They also took the freshwater from the lake. Free supplies are always welcomed by any crew.
The Clown Pirates stay on the island for a night. They have some small talks while gathering around the campfire. Buggy sees Jude is looking over the map and he remember something.
"Jude, how many days will it take for us to reach Baterilla?" asks Buggy.
"Baterilla? Hmm, judging from the distance between this island and Baterilla, it will take around 3 days. Do you want to go there, Captain?" asks Jude.
"Yeah, I want to check something there. Set the next destination to Baterilla," says Buggy.
"I understand," says Jude.
Buggy wants to check if Ace has been born or not. He has forgotten a lot of things that he knew about One Piece World. However, he still remembers that Ace was 20 y.o when he died in the Summit war.
This is 20 years before the canon starts. So Ace will be born around this time. He might be born already or almost born. Buggy doesn't know it, so he needs to make sure. He has a doctor now, so if Rouge hasn't given birth, he will try to save her.
(a.n: f*ck original timeline, lol. I'll just do what I want ~\(≧▽≦)/~)
"Manba, can you do a Caesarian Section?" asks Buggy.
"I can. We used it sometimes when a woman couldn't deliver her baby normally. Why'd you ask?" asks Manba.
"I might need your help for that if it's not too late," says Buggy.
Manba nods and says he will prepare everything for the procedure. Manba asks Buggy about the details like the mother's condition. So Buggy tells him what he knows about Rouge's condition.
Everyone get surprised when they hear what Rouge did to save her baby. But they're also angry at the Marine & WG for targetting a baby just because he is Roger's son.
"I don't know what technique that she used to hold her pregnancy like that. But I know that it's dangerous and can kill her. I also predict that she used her life force to do it. If that's the case, then it will be very hard to save her," says Manba.
"It's okay. At the very least, I want you to check it. I won't force you to save her if you can't," says Buggy.
Buggy doesn't have much hope too for Manba to be able to save Rouge. Her condition isn't something that can be solved easily. But Buggy wants to assure it by asking Manba to check on her. He wants to do what he can to help Rouge.
'I will do what I can to save her, Captain. I don't want to have any regret because I don't do anything. I hope it's not too late yet,' thinks Buggy.
The Clown Pirates rest after that and they sail in the morning. They go to Baterilla and Jude tries to get the ship to move as fast as possible. Manba also prepares everything that he might need to help Rouge.
It takes them 2 days to reach Baterilla, 1 day faster than Jude's prediction. The wind, weather & current are very friendly to them in these 2 days. So they can move faster than predicted.
The Clown Pirates almost reach the island, but they see some Marine ships are there. Buggy gets excited when he sees the Marine ships. It means that they still search for Rouge, so Rouge won't give birth yet.

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 1
FanfictionThis is the Part 1 that has reached its limit of 200 chapters in Wattpad. The next chapters will be uploaded in Part 2, so please check my profile for it, thank you. ________________________ Bob is someone that hate people who praise Lord Buggy D. C...