36. Crossing The Line

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The Clown Pirates are crossing the Calm Belt now. Mantis is currently cooking some food for them and Steve. Jude is helping her because she didn't have anything to do and she is shy around Buggy. Cricket is helping Buggy make some small bombs, or also better known as Muggy balls.

"When did you learn making these things, Captain?"-Cricket

"Since i was on Roger Pirates. As pirates we also need to upgrade our weapons, so we need to do our own research. Sometime we also need to make our own weapons instead of buying them."-Buggy

"To save money?"-Cricket

"There's also that, but the main reason is to not lose from our enemies. Our enemy isn't just Marine, but also other pirate crews. All of them will try to strengthen themselves, and weapon is a must. If you can't strengthen yourself, then strengthen your weapons!"-Buggy

"Hmm, that make sense. Maybe i need to make my own bullets?"-Cricket

"Yeah, i think you need to do it. Make some special bullets that have more damage or have unique properties. You can try to make the muggy balls small enough at bullet size to be used on your guns."-Buggy

They continue to make the Muggy Ball and after that, Buggy make the other ball, the Buggy ball. It's a cannon ball that will have great power, just like the canon Buggy ball. Buggy didn't bother to change the name, it's troublesome. Beside, it's the original Buggy's idea, so at least he will give appreciation by not changing the name.

'Sigh, i have some other weapon ideas that i get from the canon story. I want Kaido's long range cannons, dial powered weapons, or even Pacifista..... Let's forget that last thing, there's no way i can make pacifista.'-Buggy

Buggy have some list of weapons from One Piece and from modern world. He don't know much about the concept behind them, but he can learn it slowly. Good weapons are important for his crew to be strong after all, so he need to make sure they have good weapons.

"Food's ready."-Mantis

Suddenly Mantis call them and tell them that the food is ready. Buggy leave his work and go to the kitchen to eat. Mantis also have Steve's portion, and she ask Steve to stop walking and eat first.

After the meal, they continue their journey, and it didn't take long for them to reach Grandline. When they're near with Grandline, they can see the contrast between Calm Belt and Grandline. The sky in Grandline is dark and there's a rain right now, the wind & waves are also strong, very contrast with the very calm Calm Belt.

"H-how can something like this happen?"-Mantis widen her eyes in disbelief

"You've just see the surface, wait for it!"-Buggy

They wait for a moment, and suddenly a giant ice chunk fall from the sky. They can't even talk before the sky got bright and the sea become calm. But then, a rain of thunder cover the sky of Grandline.

"That is Grandline, the most ridiculous sea in the world."-Buggy

They've just stand there for a few minutes, but the weather on Grandline have changed a few times too. Buggy's crew can only stand on their place, rooted. They never see such ridiculous thing, now they know that they're just small fishes in a pond.

"Steve, the Grandline sea is too dangerous for our current ship. Place it in your mouth while we cross Grandline. You need to move underwater to avoid detection too, alright? But you need to take air every once in a while, i'll tell you when we need it."-Buggy

"Rawr."-Steve nod

"And don't ever think about eating us, or i will blast your stomach to get out."-Buggy

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