40. Ruji Village

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The Clown Pirates are sailing to Ruji Village to send Tarmad's skeleton to his family. When they leave the vicinity of Ilisia Kingdom, Buggy whistles to call the giant snake, Salaki.

Salaki comes out from the sea and swims beside their ship. Her sudden appearance startles Mantis & Jude. Buggy tells them about Salaki briefly to avoid them panicking.

"Huuuuu..., what a good friendship."-Jude cry

"So that's why we go to Ruji Village. But what will the snake do after this? She lost her cave right?"-Mantis

"There are some uninhabited islands where she can live, undisturbed. We can take her there if she wants, but she'll make the decision herself."-Buggy

The crew agree and let Salaki choose her own new home. She is a wild beast, so wildlife is the best for her.

Mantis then cooks a lot of food for the crew and snake. Salaki put the coffin & crate on the ship before she eat with the pirates. She really likes the food, it's clearly shown on her face.

They arrive at Ruji Village that located on Pelek island the next morning. They dock their ship on a hidden coast before carrying the coffin to the village. Cricket stays on the ship to guard it with Salaki. They can't take a giant snake to the village and scare the villagers after all.

They reach Ruji village, the only village on this island. Mantis asks some people about Tarmad's family's house and finally gets it. The house is located on the outskirt, it's a small wooden house, just like other houses in the village.

*Knock knock* Buggy knock the door

"Excuse me!"-Buggy

"Yes~"-Woman voice

Soon, a middle-aged woman opens the door and looks at Buggy.

"Uhm, who are you? Did you have any business with me?"-Woman

"Did you know Tarmad?"-Buggy

"Y-yes, I am his wife, Rika, but he hasn't returned for 5 years. Are you his friend? Did you know where he is?"-Rika has a hopeful expression

"I'm sorry, I'm not his friend, but I know where he is. He's right here."-Buggy move aside to show the coffin behind him

"D-Don't tell me! N-no way!"-Rika's body shake and tears start to flow from her eyes

Rika approach the coffin weakly and open the lid. She sees the skeleton and the captain's attire. She can't recognize Tarmad because he has turned into a skeleton, but she can recognize his clothes clearly.

"He leaves this letter before he dies."-Buggy gives the letter to Rika

Rika read the letter, which is the same one that Buggy read. However, there is another message on the other side of the paper. The message is for Tarmad's family, so Buggy didn't read it.

Rika cry while reading the letter. She hasn't heard anything from her husband in 5 years, but when he returns, he has turned into a skeleton.


Buggy turns around and sees a boy around 12 y.o runs to him. The boy has a wood bat in his right hand, and he jumps to Buggy. The boy swings his bat and Buggy catches it easily with his right hand.


"If you're worried about your mom, then you need to check if she's fine first!"-Buggy

Buggy flick the boy's wrist, make him release the bat. Then Buggy grabs the boy's back collar and throws him to the other side of the coffin. The boy gets up and looks at Buggy angrily, but then he sees the coffin and his crying mom.

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 1Where stories live. Discover now