12. Hunting 50 Millions Crew

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After their success on the first hunt, Buggy & his team keep hunting pirates. They will hunt for 2 weeks, then rest for a week. They need to have time for themselves and not just hunting.

When he rest, Buggy will return to Orange Town. He save all his money there and rarely use it. He also use his 1 week of rest to train like usual. He also train everyday on the ship, but in his 1 week rest, he can focus on his training.

Surprisingly, the kid, Rio is still training with Buggy. He said he will be a great marine and capture Buggy in the future. Buggy just laugh and tell Rio to aim for an Admiral position if Rio want to catch him.

~1 Year later~

1 year have passed since Roger's execution, and Buggy's work as Bounty Hunters went well. His team have captured many pirates & bandits on East Blue. The rise of Great Pirate Era make many people start to become pirates, so there will be no end to those bounties.

Their team have never missed a target and always caught them. They've become famous on East Blue as the Three Clover. After they get that epithet, they decided to use it for their flag. They draw it on their mast and flag.

The three of them have amassed good amount of wealth on East Blue. They might be the richest bounty hunters on East Blue right now. Each of them have get shares of more than 100 million beri in 1 year.

The key is their consistency to hunt and they never waste anything. They take all valuables from their enemies and sell it with good price. Other hunters usually only hunt when they're short on money, but Buggy & co have organized schedule to hunt.

They also didn't spend too much and keep their money, something that other hunters never do. Those hunters always spend all their money in a short time. The basic difference is that Buggy & co have dreams to chase, while other hunters just hunt to get money and live with it.

"Hey, let's hunt this crew, Black Skull Pirates. Their total bounty is 50 million."-Buggy

""WHAT?! 50?""-Burton & Jimmy

"Yeah, 25 for captain, 15 for vice captain, 5 for their navigator, and 5 for their sniper."-Buggy

"4 heads with bounties? Are you sure we can take them?"-Burton

"Of course. You guys have already recovered your skills, and even get stronger now. These guys are one of the strongest crew on East Blue right now, so they must've had a lot of treasures."-Buggy

"Hmm, fine. But why did they get such high bounties like that?"-Jimmy

"They destroy a small town and kill all it's residence."-Buggy

""!?""-Burton & Jimmy

"Even children?"-Jimmy

"Even children."-Buggy

"Then i guess we need to break all their bones before giving them to Marine."-Burton said in low angry voice

"Yeah, i agree with you."-Jimmy

They all know pirates often do heinous crime like this. They know they are no saints and have killed some pirates. But they will do what they can to be good people. Now knowing their targets have done such things, the 3 of them will make sure to capture these pirates.

They get an information that their target have a base on Cico Island. It's an empty island located rather far from any Marine Base. The island is also surrounded by fog most of the time, make it harder for people to reach it.

However, fog isn't a problem for the three of them. Buggy have teached Burton & Jimmy observation haki. They don't have good talent for it, but they're decent. It's good enough to be used on East Blue. And if they meet an untouchable devil fruit user, it will be Buggy who fight them as he already have armament haki.

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