Buggy cracks his neck and walks slowly toward Kizaru. The Lightman looks at him and suddenly flashes to him. Kizaru appears in front of Buggy and swings his sword down.
The light sword is coming closer, but Buggy doesn't do anything. He gets cut by the sword cleanly in half from his head. Kizaru feels something is wrong as no blood comes out and Buggy's eyes are lively.
"My turn," says Buggy.
Buggy swings Pollux on his right hand to Kizaru's body. He has charged Pollux while Kizaru attacked him just now. Pollux releases a very strong pressure as Buggy swings it and Kizaru get pushed back by the pressure.
Kizaru flies into the forest and crashes into trees, destroying them. It makes the officers surprised because they have never seen Kizaru getting hit like that. They all look at Buggy who has returned to normal.
While the officers are distracted, The Clowns attack them. They get hit and reminded that they have their own opponents. There's no time to worry about Kizaru, they need to worry about themselves because The Clowns aren't weak.
"Wow, the Marines fall at the same time," says Palu mockingly.
"Maybe they like the ground," says Cricket while smirking.
The Clowns laugh at the officers who have bitter expressions now. It's their own mistake that they got hit & fell on the ground. They get up and get ready to fight the Clowns again.
Cricket looks at the situation and gives his orders, "Spread!"
"Aye!" replies the Clowns.
The Clowns spread in different directions and the Marine officers chase them. Both sides know that they can only fight all out without any disturbance. So they need to spread and fight in different locations.
After everyone left, Ruff & Deon peek from Little Hunter's crow nest. They make sure that the situation is safe before they get down. Now there are only unconscious Marines who fainted because of Buggy's Conqueror Haki on the beach.
"Go back to the ship after you finished your job like what Captain said," says Deon to Ruff.
"I know. Even I don't want to stay there for too long. Who knows what that lightman can do to me? He can move very fast and even Captain won't be able to chase him if he decides to leave," says Ruff as he takes his big backpack.
"It's good that you understand it. Then, I will leave first," says Deon as he disappears using his camouflaging ability.
Ruff put his backpack on his back before he leaves the ship. He goes to the beach and looks at the unconscious Marines.
"Hehehe, Captain is really smart and evil," says Ruff while putting his backpack down.
Ruff opens his backpack and takes some black rubber balls. He plays with the balls before throwing them toward the unconscious Marines. The black balls explode upon contact, but they don't explode like bombs.
The black balls' explosion release black sticky liquid that spread on the unconscious Marines' bodies. The sticky liquid coagulates fast and turns into a black rubbery thing. Ruff moves around and throws the black balls happily while singing a weird song.
{Go my babies~! Go my babies~! Go! Go! Go!
I throw my sticky babies to adults.
They just swish~ pop pop pop~
Blacky sticky gooey baby-
Euh, disgusting.
*Whistle* trilili~
Blacky sticky gooey baby~}(A.n: just sing it as bad as you can)
Ruff keeps singing his weird unknown song as he throws the black balls around. Luckily, no one heard him or he will get embarrassed and the ones who heard it will have their ears broken because of his horrible song & voice.
As Ruff keeps throwing his black balls, Deon is moving toward the Marine battleship. He moves stealthily while being invisible. There are some people in the battleship, they're the ship's crew, and Deon's job is to take them down.
Buggy ordered him to take them down so they won't call for reinforcement. Kizaru's unit alone is very troublesome and they can't face another unit. That's why Deon needs to take down the crew fast and undetected.
Deon walks around the battleship to find the ship's crew. They all are hiding after seeing Buggy defeat 230 soldiers with just a gaze. It made them afraid as they are just normal sailors, so they hide in the lower cabin.
It is easy for Deon to find them because he has been trained by Bani to use Mantra. He knows they are gathering in the lower cabin, but he has a hard time finding the way there. The battleship is big and has many doors, rooms, & corridors.
After walking around for some minutes, Deon finally finds the hiding location. The crew is gathering in a confined room with a door that shuts tightly. Some people are holding weapons and point them at the door, ready if enemies enter through it.
Deon looks at the door's round glass window and nods. He takes some pink balls from his pocket and a gas mask. He wears the gas mask before breaking the glass window and throwing the pink balls inside the confined room.
The crew gets alerted by the broken glass window. They're just about to make a move when the pink balls enter through the broken glass window. The balls popped and release thick pink gas that spread everywhere.
The gas spread fast and the ship's crew inhale it. Some people try to hold their breath, but they can't hold it for too long and finally inhale the gas. They all fall asleep because they inhale a sleeping gas that Manba made.
Manba made the gas using his medical knowledge. Then Ruff made the popping balls and fill them with Manba's sleeping gas. Both of them have some collaboration projects and have made some bio-weapons.
After everyone in the confined room fell asleep, Ruff opens the door to let the gas out. He wears a gas mask, so he isn't affected by the gas that comes out of the room. He waits until the room is empty from the gas before entering the room and tying the crew.
"First task complete. Now, what's the 2nd task?" ponders Deon as he tries to remember.
On the beach, Ruff has finished his job. He has covered every soldier with his black sticky thing. The black sticky thing has coagulated and become rubbery.
Now the soldiers are sticking to the ground and each other. They won't be able to move after they woke up later. Ruff has put some thick layers of the black sticky thing to make sure they can't move at all.
"Hmm, will Captain allow me to try some of my inventions?" ponders Ruff.
If Buggy is there, he will surely allow it. But now, he is occupied and can't even relax for a little bit. Kizaru kept attacking him with very fast & strong attacks.
Buggy & Kizaru has clashed using their swords for minutes now. The lightman is very fast and it forced Buggy to fully concentrate on his fight. He used his Haki to the max, be it Observation or Armament.
Even after he fully concentrated on the fight, Buggy still got hit many times. But he doesn't lose his ground and doesn't let himself get flung again like before. He also hits Kizaru a few times, although they aren't fatal attacks. He has more damages than the lightman now.
Buggy swings his swords at full speed and power. He fights with his wrists detached so he can move his swords faster with the help of his devil fruit's levitation ability. It is the only way for him to match Kizaru's ridiculous speed.
He also tried to attack Kizaru with his kick or other split body parts. But the lightman can always block or evade them even at the last second. Kizaru is just too fast, speed is a great power.
"Why don't you give up now?" asks Kizaru while swinging his sword.
"Hah, give up? We're just getting started," says Buggy as he swings his swords faster & stronger.
Kizaru gets surprised as Buggy can exert more power and says, "Truly a dangerous man."
You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.
I've uploaded:
1. Chapter 168 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater
2. Chapter 179 of Transcended as Lord Buggy
(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 1
FanfictionThis is the Part 1 that has reached its limit of 200 chapters in Wattpad. The next chapters will be uploaded in Part 2, so please check my profile for it, thank you. ________________________ Bob is someone that hate people who praise Lord Buggy D. C...