1: Character Introduction

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George: George Davidson is a university student. He is studying Computer Science in a good university. He could only enroll in the university because of the scholarship he received for having good grades.

His mother is the only family he has. His father died in a car crash when George was little and his mother moved to America. George couldn't even think about losing his mother. She has suffered a stroke in the past. Which means she has to stay at the hospital with full bed rest or her health could get worse.

George works in a McDonald's to pay for his studies as well as his mother's hospital bills. Thankfully some of the hospital bills are covered by the insurance.

George has trust issues. He can't trust anyone unless he gets to know them for a long time. His childhood friends all betrayed him back in Britain.

George is a hard worker. He studies during the day, works all evening and studies during the night at his home too. He wants to become a programmer in the future. He takes his future very seriously. For him, studies are more important than any sort of entertainment.

Dream/Clay: Dream (Clay Johnson) is the son of a rich businessman who owns multiple companies. He studies Computer Science at a big university. He chose Computer Science because he wanted to learn to code plugins for Minecraft.

He lives in a big multi-story house with his father and many people who work around the house like cleaners, cooks, etcetera. His mother passed away a couple years ago due to cancer.

Dream blames the hospital for it saying the medical treatment in the hospital was bad. He also blamed his father for it as he never took care of his mother and was too busy with work to look after his own wife. He was the closest to his mother.

Clay is gay. His father is homophobic and hence he is closeted. He only came out to Nick, his best friend, and his mother.

He gets a lot of pocket money and he is allowed to ask for more if he needs. He wastes most of his money on stupid things but also likes to help someone if they're in need.

At the University, he never pays attention to anything, including lectures. All the girls are always trying to get his attention but fail every time since they don't know he's gay. They have even given him the nickname Dream since they consider him 'dreamy'.

He doesn't care about his life, all he cared about was his mother. He has no current future plans.

Sapnap/Nick: Sapnap is the nickname of Dream's best friend, Nick Armstrong. He studies with Dream at the same university, just a different subject, Business. He wants to become a successful businessman and have many companies like his best friend's father.

He hates his own parents because they never care about him. Dream helps him with every problem he faces, whether it's monetary or familial. In return he provides companionship and care to Dream that he knows Dream needs.

Sapnap has known that he's bi for a while now. In the past, he used to rant to Dream how attractive girls are, he still does that except the only difference is he rants about how attractive boys are as well.

Sapnap has been in quite a few relationships but none of them worked out for him. Currently he has a crush on Alex, a law student.

Other Characters (Mostly Made Up Names):

Edward (Dream's father)
Lisa (Dream's late mother)

Henry (George's late father)
Alexa (George's mother)

Mark (Sapnap's father)
Nicole (Sapnap's mother)

Alex (Quackity)
Darryl (Bad)
Zak (Skeppy)
Minx (Becca)

Possible Characters:

Schlatt (Johnathan)
Puffy (Cara)

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