Chapter 9

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TWs: Mentions Death, mentions accident, nightmare.

Dream POV:

"Yeah. That's me. Cathy is my daughter." My dad said with a hint of sorrow and guilt in his voice. He sounded genuine for once but I didn't know if I should trust those emotions or if they were fake again.

"You have a daughter?! And a whole another family?" I yelled while stepping away from Cathy's door and towards my dad as to not wake her up and seem intimidating at the same time.

"Yes I do okay? It was a mistake but it can't be reversed now." My dad said refusing to meet my eyes. I continued glaring at him but tears slowly filled my eyes.

"Did mom know?" I whispered. My dad didn't say anything nor did he look up. "Freaking answer me!"

"She did." He muttered. "I didn't want her to know but she found out. She knew I had a child with another woman."

"And she didn't say anything about it?" I asked. My dad shook his head.

"She was mad at me but never showed it. She didn't want it to affect you in any way..." He said finally looking up with teary eyes. "She loved you Clay. All she ever wanted was for you to be happy."

"I know she did. But what you have done is unforgivable. I don't think I can forgive you either." I said.

"I never wanted to do something like that! All I wanted was a happy family with two sweet kids but we lost Laura. Then I wanted another kid with your mother but she got diagnosed with cancer. I had to Clay, I had to." My dad said trying to justify his wrongdoings.

"That's messed up. Laura isn't replaceable! You can't just forget her and have another kid in her place! And was one child not enough? Am I not enough?" I asked with anger flowing through my veins.

"You are enough Clay. You're my perfect child. But hey, look at the positive side. You now have a sister..." My dad said with fake hurt lacing his voice. I had seen my dad enough to know that it was fake.

"Yeah I have Cathy and I'm going to treat her the same as I would if she was mom's child. But I'm not going to ever forget Laura. She was my sister. She has a special place in my heart. Cath-" I said but got cut off as I heard crying from Cathy's room.

I opened the door and rushed inside, closing it behind me. I immediately sat next to her in bed and carefully pulled her close. Her eyes shot open and she gasped before relaxing slightly in my arms, tears flowing down her cheeks.

"I'm here with you Cathy, calm down. What happened? Bad dream?" I asked. She nodded and wiped her tears. I helped her sit up and rubbed her back.

"I saw us in the car, me and mom. And there was a truck a little ways away from our car. Mom wasn't moving and I tried to yell for help but nothing came out of my mouth. Then I saw the accident happening..." Cathy said as she cried louder.

"Come here." I said as I hugged her. She sniffled loudly and her tears hit my shirt making it wet. I ran my hand through her hair and rubbed her back with the other one.

"She's gone. She left me alone..." Cathy whispered.

"You're not alone, I'm here for you. I've been through the same Cathy. You need to stay strong. I'll always be here with you." I said trying to comfort my little sister. She nodded and sobbed into my shoulder. Then she pulled back and dried her eyes.

"...I'm hungry." She mumbled, her voice broken from crying. I smiled slightly and cupped her face with my hand.

"Did you not have dinner at the hospital?" I asked. She shook her head.

"Their food tastes disgusting! I ate half but I couldn't eat the rest, it was bad." She said making a face. I chuckled and got up from her bed.

"What do you wanna eat?" I asked. Cathy shrugged.

"I'm fine with anything." She said. "What do you have?"

"Whatever you want. I can get someone to cook what you want or I have snacks too if you want those." I offered. She thought about it for a while.

"Do you have Pringles?" She asked. I nodded and went to the door.

"What flavour?" I asked as I opened the door about to step outside.

"The one you like." She said. I just nodded and went to the pantry to get the chips myself. I didn't want to bother the workers at this hour of the night. I grabbed the first can I saw which was Cheddar Cheese.

I went back to Cathy's room with the can of chips in my hand and handed it to her. She opened the lid and started munching on the chips. I just sat next to her giving her some company.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Cathy asked me. I shook my head.

"No, they are for you." I said. She moved the can towards me insisting me to eat the chips. I took one chip and ate it.

"Have you had dinner?" She asked. I had to think if I had eaten anything for dinner or not and then I realised I hadn't. I shook my head slowly.

"No I forgot to eat." I muttered. Cathy giggled and moved the can more so that it was in front of me.

"Then eat with me. I don't think I can eat all these chips on my own." She said. I smiled and took another chip. We both finished the can of Pringles and I stood up to throw it away. Then I started walking towards the door to go to my room and let Cathy rest.

"Dream wait, don't leave me alone." Cathy said. I went back over to the side of her bed.

"I'm not leaving you alone. You need rest to get better. I'll be in my room. I haven't slept yesterday, I need rest too." I said. Cathy frowned.

"Can't you sleep here with me? I can't sleep alone." She said while frowning. I gave her a sympathetic smile and sat on her bed. She pulled me down so I was laying next to her. Then she hugged me tightly. I hugged her back and ran my fingers through her hair.

Soon she fell asleep and I felt myself drifting off too.
1093 words.

Sorry for not uploading yesterday. My dad got into a car crash and is injured. Thankfully he's stable now but things weren't the best yesterday and I got no time to write.

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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