Chapter 10

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TW: Mentions Death.

Dream POV:

I woke up first the next morning. I tried to sit up but felt a weight holding me back. I glanced down with tired eyes and saw Cathy clinging onto me in her sleep. I smiled at her peaceful expression and gently wiggled out of her grasp.

When I successfully got up without waking her up, I put a pillow on the spot where I was just a minute ago. Cathy hugged the pillow in her sleep and I let a barely audible chuckle pass my lips.

I exited her room, going to my own to grab some clothes. I went to the bathroom connected to my room to take a shower and brush my teeth. I was glad it was a Saturday so I didn't have to deal with college.

After stepping out of the bathroom with a towel in hands to dry my hair, I decided to ask Nick if he wanted to hang out. I texted him asking if he was free today but he didn't reply. He didn't even read the message. I thought he was still passed out sleeping.

Then I went downstairs. The workers and servants greeted me nicely and I greeted them back. I went to the kitchen where our head chef was preparing breakfast. He noticed me and greeted me with a smile.

"Master Clay, why did you trouble yourself to come down here? You could've asked me to come to you. Did you need anything?" The chef, Mr. Hayden asked keeping his gaze low. That was something all workers did when talking to me or dad.

"Mr Hayden I've already told you to not treat me like royalty or something. You've fed me since I was a child and thanks to you I'm healthy and strong. You don't need to address me as 'master' or whatever. It feels way too formal." I said as I put my hands on his shoulders.

"But mas-" He started but I shook my head instantly. "C-Clay, that's a part of my job. I'm your servant."

I shushed him again. "You're a part of this family Mr Hayden. I've grown up around you. I hate when you are formal with me, you already know that." I said.

"Clay your father doesn't like when I call you anything besides master Clay or master Johnson. You on the other hand are so different from him. But I could lose my job if I don't do what I'm told." Mr Hayden said. "Anyways, did you come down here for something?"

"Yeah actually, I wanted to know what can we make for a 10 year old? Does pancakes sound good?" I asked the professional. Mr Hayden nodded with a smile.

"Is it for the little girl that came here yesterday with you? Miss..." Mr Hayden said.

"Cathy. You can just call her Cathy, and she's my sister now. She will live with us from now on. I just wanted to give her a good breakfast. Poor kid has been through a lot." I said.

"Oh that's unfortunate. May I ask what happened?" Mr Hayden asked. I frowned and looked down.

"She lost her mom in a car accident yesterday. She's traumatized from that. She's too young for all this." I said. Mr Hayden nodded with a frown.

"I'll make her some pancakes. Do you think she'd like blueberry ones?" Mr Hayden said. I simply shrugged.

"I trust you to do the best, but I would love to help you. Since you know, you have to make a lot of food." I said with a smile. Mr Hayden looked at me with wide eyes and shook his head.

"No Clay, I'll make it myself. It's not a problem. I don't want your father to yell at both of us." He said.

"He won't do that Mr Hayden. I'd be glad if I could help." I said, picking up a pan. Mr Hayden sighed but let me help.

"I can't have you burning yourself. I'll do the heat work, you can help with the batter." He said. I smiled and went to get the ingredients Mr Hayden asked for. Then he guided me on how to make the batter. We both made a stack of blueberry pancakes and he was decorating it when my dad came into the kitchen.

"Where's the breakfast Hayd- Clay what are you doing here?" He asked. Both mine and Mr Hayden's smile dropped and he lowered his gaze.

"I'm sorry Mr Johnson, master Clay insisted on helping me with the pancakes. I'll be out with the breakfast right away." He muttered in a small voice. I felt bad for him.

"It's not his fault so don't you dare say anything to him." I said. My dad glanced at me and left the kitchen. Mr Hayden sighed.

"I told you we'd get in trouble." He said. I chuckled.

"You won't, and I can't." I said reassuringly.

"Whatever you say Clay. I'll be going outside now." Mr Hayden said with a smile. He took my dad's breakfast and exited the kitchen. I grabbed the plate of pancakes and went upstairs to Cathy's room.

"Cathy wake up." I said softly as I put the plate on the nightstand and tried to figure out how to wake her up. I shook her gently until she groaned and her eyes fluttered open.

"G'mornin" She said rubbing her eyes. I helped her sit up and handed her the plate of pancakes.

"Morning. I made you pancakes!" I said. She smiled and took a bite out of a pancake.

"Mm! These are delicious! I love blueberry pancakes." She said, quickly finishing her breakfast and stretching a little.

"Do you wanna- actually no, don't shower with a cast. You can take a bath if you'd like?" I asked. She nodded.

"Yeah. I have to use the bathroom too. Can you take me there?" She asked. I nodded and lifted her up to sit her in the wheelchair and pushed it towards the bathroom.

"Are you able to walk?" I asked her.

"I can manage, don't worry." She replied. I smiled and she struggled to get up but slowly she did manage to walk on her own. I left the bathroom and went on my phone as I got a text from Sapnap.
1050 words.

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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