Chapter 6

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Dream POV:

After leaving Cathy in her room I headed over to George's mom's room. It would've been rude to just go inside so I waited by the door. Soon George walked out and I hugged him. He slowly hugged me back.

"Your mom will be well very soon George." I said. It broke me to see his mother in the hospital while he had to manage between his college and work. I really wanted to help him in some way but I had no idea how. I just want her to return home healthy soon.

My eyes got teary and I broke the hug. I turned around quickly hoping George didn't see the tears and ran outside. I ran to a park just outside the hospital and sat down on a bench, tears streaming down my face.

"I miss you mom." I whispered. Everything that happened today had triggered me. I wished my mom was still here with me.

I felt a very light and cold hand rest on my shoulders. I quickly wiped my tears and looked up. I saw a pale blue shadow like form and my eyes widened as I realised something.

It was mom...

"M-Mom?" I said, my voice was shaky.

"Yes honey, It's me. Please don't cry." She said. Hearing her voice had comforted me already but I was still crying because I couldn't believe the miracle in front of me.

"M-Mom y-you-'re ba-back!" I said. My mom hugged me. She was very cold and I shivered at the contact.

"I came to visit you and tell you how proud I am to have such a good son." She said. A smile found it's way on my face.

"I miss you everyday mom. I wish I could do something to save you, then you'd still be here with me..." I whispered. My mom wiped my tears and kissed my cheek.

"Don't cry honey. I am still here with you, not as a human but as a ghost. I'll always be here for you and I'll always guide you through everything in your life. I love you." She said.

"I love you too mom." I said. Then I noticed her starting to fade away. Worry filled my eyes as I tried to grasp onto her.

"Leave me now, Dream. I have to go now. Remember I'm always with you watching you from up there. Take care." And with that she faded away while I tried to hold onto her.

Tears streamed down my face again. Did she just leave me all alone again? I put my knees up to my chest and hugged them as I looked to the sky and cried.

"Why'd you have to leave me mom?" I whispered. I didn't care that the sun was hurting my eyes, I just wanted to talk to mom again.

"Hey Dream." A voice said. I looked up hoping it was my mom. I was wrong, but it was George. I quickly wiped my eyes and gave him a small sad smile.

"H-Hi." I said. I hated how my voice was shaking. George flashed a quick worried smile and sat next to me.

"What happened?" He said holding my shoulders. I sighed deeply and looked up at the sky. Tears filled my eyes again but I blinked them away.

"N-Nothing. I'm f-fine." I said. George shook his head.

"You're clearly not. You can tell me, Dream. I'll keep it to myself." George said. I nodded and took a deep breath.

"I miss mom..." was all I could whisper. George suddenly hugged me. I returned the hug and started crying in his shoulder.

"It's gonna be okay Dream. You're really strong." He said.

"I'm not George... I cry every time I think about my mom. I loved her. She was the only one who truly cared. She left me 3 years ago while fighting cancer..." I told him. He hugged me tighter and rubbed my back.

"...Do you know how my parents used to calm me down? They'd hug me tight like this and rub my back. Then I'd calm down instantly." George muttered.

"Thank you George." I whispered. George nodded slightly signalling he accepted my thank you. He didn't let go of me just yet, neither did I want him to.

"I wanna tell you a bit about myself. Things I've never told anyone. Do you want me to share my life secrets with you?" He asked. I nodded slightly and pulled away from the hug. I held his hand as he took a deep breath in.

"If you're comfortable enough to tell me, then go ahead. I'm all ears. But I won't force you to tell me." I said. George smiled slightly, making me smile too.

"It all used to be normal. We were happy like some perfect family. That was until my dad got into a car accident... He couldn't make it. I was shattered after that. He was my idol, I always wanted to be like him..." George said. His eyes got glossy and my hold on his hands tightened.

"I was sad all the time after that. Every little thing back in England reminded me of him. Mum decided it was best for the both of us to move to a different country, so we moved to the States. Mum started working and I started going to a new school here." He continued. The tears in his eyes were now falling down his cheeks. He'd wipe them away occasionally.

"Then a few months ago, she had a stroke. Luckily I was home and could call the ambulance on time. She couldn't breathe and I was panicking. We made it to the hospital just in time. Now she has been prescribed full time bed rest as walking would worsen her condition." He finished, sniffling and wiping his tears.

"I had no idea you went through all that... And you handled it all so well too. You are the strong one, George." I said as I pulled George in for a hug.

"I never grew close enough to anyone to tell them. It was easier to keep it inside rather than telling anyone. I can't trust people easily, they all end up betraying me." George said.

"I won't. I'll never break your trust. You can talk to me anytime, it feels lighter if you talk your feelings out. I'll be there whenever you need me." I said. He nodded and pulled away from the hug.

"We should get going or we'll be late for classes." George said and stood up. I stood up as well and we started walking opposite directions, I went towards the car park and he seemed like he was walking to uni.

"Hey George wait! I can drop you at uni. You'll be late if you walk there." I said. George seemed to think about it and nodded after a while.

We both got in the car and I drove us to the university. I parked the car and George got out. I took the keys out of the ignition and got out as well. George was already by the entrance. Then he turned around and smiled at me.

"Thank you, Dream."
1211 words.

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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