Chapter 24

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TW: Hospitals

Dream POV:

Mrs Davidson was taken to Silver Lake Medical Clinic. I was following the ambulance in my car. As soon as we got there, she was immediately taken to the ICU to let the treatment begin.

We were asked to fill out her information at the front desk while the doctors began her treatment. Dr Minx, one of the best doctors in the city was treating her.

After me and George filled in the information form and paid the admission fee, we were asked to sit outside the ICU. There were waiting chairs just outside the ICU where me and George sat down.

George kept glancing over at the door with a worried expression. I noticed his uneasiness and slowly scooted over to him, putting my hand just above his knee. He looked up at me.

"Don't worry George, she will wake up soon. She's a strong lady. She'll fight this and be healthy again." I said in a hushed tone with a small, comforting smile on my face.

George nodded and sighed. He slowly scooted towards me, leaving no space between us, and rested his head on my shoulder. I put my arm around his shoulder, holding him close to me.

"I'm just worried. Everything happened so quickly, and I wasn't even there for my mum when I should have been." George whispered.

"Shh, don't say that. You're the greatest son I've ever met. She will be fine and happy because she has a son like you." I whispered back. George slightly shook his head. Then the ICU door opened and Dr Minx came over to us.

"Excuse me Mr Davidson?" She said. George looked up at her and stood up.

"Yes doctor?" He replied. I stood up beside him.

"Your mother is out of any possible danger. She's awake now and you can go meet her, but be quick because she needs rest. And don't talk about anything that can cause her to stress." The doctor said.

"Yes doctor, thank you so much." George said as he tugged me towards the ICU. We made our way over to Mrs Davidson's bed and she glanced up at us with a smile.

"Hi George and Dream." She said softly. George took her hand in his and looked at her with soft brown eyes. "Where are we?"

"In a better hospital. You're getting treated by the best doctor. You'll be going home with me so soon now." George murmured.

"I hope so too. I don't like being in a hospital." Mrs Davidson said. George chuckled slightly.

"Yeah, we'll get you outta here in no time. Just get better and be positive, yeah?" He said. Mrs Davidson nodded with a smile. Then she looked over at me and raised her other hand for me to hold.

"My two favourite boys. You guys are always here for me. I can't thank you both enough." She said, her gaze flickering between me and George.

"It's my pleasure to be able to help, Mrs Davidson." I said politely. She smiled and slowly brought her hand up to my cheek, caressing it with motherly love. She did the same with George who melted into her touch.

"I feel tired." She said as she let go of us and closed her eyes. "I'll take a nap."

"You should go to sleep. It's pretty late at night, and you need rest." George said he took a step away from her bed. I did the same.

Mrs Davidson slowly opened her eyes again and waved at us. We waved back and she pulled her blanket up, going to sleep. We exited the ICU and sat back down on the waiting chairs. Dr Minx was waiting for us there.

"We'll keep her in observation for the night and we can shift her to a private room tomorrow. Will you guys be going home or staying the night?" She asked.

"I'll be staying, thank you again." George replied. Dr Minx nodded and left. George yawned and shuffled in his seat.

"You can go to sleep, you look tired." I said. George shook his head.

"I have to stay up though, what if they need me in the middle if the night?" He asked.

"I'll stay awake then. You can go to sleep. You must be tired after work and stuff." I offered. He shook his head again.

"You don't have to stay. Cathy might be waiting for you at home? And don't you need sleep too?" He asked.

"Cathy is asleep already, and I have taken a nap too, so I'm fine. You can go to sleep, I'll stay up. I've mastered the art of staying awake." I said. George chuckled slightly.

"You're such an idiot." He mumbled with a smile. I stood up so he could lay down and I made my way over to the seats opposite him. He laid down and fell asleep almost instantly. He must've been tired.

He looked so pretty and peaceful in his sleep. His chest rising and falling at a slow pace, his full lips just slightly parted, his eyes fluttered shut and his soft brown hair tousled. As cute as ever.

I noticed as George slowly curled up in the seat. He looked cold. I quickly got up and pulled off my hoodie. I gently laid the hoodie on top of George as a blanket and he immediately snuggled into it's warmth. My heart squeezed at the sight.

"I love you Georgie." I whispered, hoping he didn't hear me while also secretly hoping he did. I went to sit on my chair and pulled out my phone. I scrolled through Twitter while sometimes glancing at George to make sure he was alright.

All those sleepovers with Nick were coming to use as we both never slept when he had came over to stay. We often stayed up playing video games. I smiled at the memories. We've not had a sleepover in so long!

I sighed and pocketed my phone. Twitter could be boring sometimes. I decided to read a nearby magazine which was about health and hygiene. Boring, but I was already bored.
1022 words.

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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