Chapter 1

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Happy Birthday George! So excited for the baking stream even though I'll probably be asleep by then-

Dream POV:

Another day over at this hell of a university. What do I do now? Never in a million years would I willingly go home. I should ask Sapnap if he wants to hang out.

"Hey Sap!" I exclaim as I run up to Sapnap.

"Hey man! What's up?" He asked.

"Nothing much. Wanna hang out? I don't wanna go home and I'm sure neither do you." I said. He nodded.

"Sure, but I have to go back early today. I have to go to a party. I think you're invited too right?" Sapnap asked.

"Yeah, but I'm not going there. It's disgusting in there, people making out everywhere, alcohol, probably weed too. I don't like all that." I said.

"I know, I expected that answer. But c'mon you should atleast come to one party! Live a little idiot!" He said enthusiastically.

"Nah, I don't want these hoes all over me." I chuckled. Sapnap laughed with me.

"Alright fine, let's go. I'm hungry!" Sapnap yelled and ran outside, I ran after him. We slowed down after running a little.

"So where do you wanna eat?" I asked him. He thought for a moment before answering.

"McDonald's! But not the one down here. There's one further that way, it's bigger than our regular one, you know which one I mean?" Sapnap asked. I nodded and headed to the parking lot with him. I sat on the drivers seat while Nick sat shotgun. I drove to the McDonald's he asked for.

"Ight, drive thru? Or you wanna go sit and chill?" I asked him. Honestly, I wanted to sit inside. It will take longer that way which is a perfect way to stay away from home. Sapnap shrugged. "Inside it is, get out and find a good table. I'll park the car somewhere."

He got out of the car and ran to the McDonald's. I parked my car as far away from the restaurant as I could. Another way to avoid home. I jumped out the car and went to the McDonald's. Nick had picked the back table. I sat next to him and we talked for a bit.

"Did you order?" I asked him. He nodded. "Great, so how are things going with Quackity?" He shrugged.

"I don't know. He still hasn't taken the hint. I mean why would someone wave at you every time they see you if they weren't interested? But I guess it'll take time." He said. I nodded.

"But do you seriously think that just waving at someone is that much of a hint? C'mon, you know better than that." I said. He playfully glared at me.

"Of course I know better cause Mr Popular over here has never even been in a relationship. Just go and find a guy!" He retorted.

"I just don't find anyone attractive yet! Maybe because I don't pay attention to anyone. I'm sure I'll find a good guy one day, better than anyone you've dated." I said playfully.

"Yeah yeah, sure. I totally believe you." Sapnap scoffed.

"Order number #404! Please collect your order." The person on the counter said.

"That's our order! Go get it!" Sapnap exclaimed. I sighed and got up and went towards the counter.

"That's my order. I'll take it, thank you." I said. I picked up the food and saw a cute cashier behind the counter. I couldn't help but smile at him.

"Hi Dream! Didn't expect to see you here today." He said. Holy shit how does he know my name?! 

George POV:

I arrived at work and dressed up in my uniform. Honestly, I hate my job. It's not well paying for my hard work and my boss is a jerk. But then again I need a source of income to pay my mother's hospital bills. They're due, about over a couple thousand. It freaks me out thinking about living without her.

I went over and stood at the cash counter. The first customer I had was this brunette who looked really familiar. Where have I seen this guy? I shrugged it off and got back to work.

Another dirty blonde guy entered the restaurant and went over to sit with the brunette. Oh! That's Dream! The rich guy. What's he doing here?

Their order was done. I chuckled slightly at the number of the order.

"Order number #404! Please collect your order." I said. Dream got up and came over to get the food.

"That's my order. I'll take it, thank you." He picked up the food and smiled at me. I smiled back. I think he recognised me.

"Hi Dream! Didn't expect to see you here today." I said with a smile. His face turned to a more confused one.

"Uh I'm sorry but do I know you?" He asked. I nodded slightly confused. Did he seriously forget he goes to the same university as me?

"Yeah, I would hope you do. We go to the same university and we're both Computer Science students. I'm George by the way." I told him. His eyes squinted before widening.

"Oh, George! Yeah you're in my classes! I'm such an idiot how did I forget. I'm sorry. How are you doing?" He asked me. I didn't wanna rant about my life problems to him right now...

"I'm great! How about you?" I lied. When I asked the question Dream's face changed from a happy face to a more serious face, then back to happy again.

"I'm fine too! Just hanging out with my buddy." He said pointing to the brunette. I recognised him now. That's Nick!

"Great! Well enjoy your food." I said. Dream nodded and left. I suddenly felt tears coming up because I lied to Dream and that I couldn't tell him what I was going through. My mind went back to my mum. Her condition wasn't improving. It made me want to cry.

I immediately asked someone to take my place for a bit and I rushed to the bathroom. I went into one of the stalls and started crying soundlessly.

As I wiped my tears sobbing quietly I heard a knock on my stall door.

"George? Are you okay?" Dream asked.
1031 words.

New Book! Tell me your thoughts! Constructive criticism is appreciated!

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night. Love you all. Thanks for reading!

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