Chapter 16

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Dream POV:

It was the next day. I exited my room to go to Cathy's and saw her on her phone. I greeted her and sat down on her bed next to her. She greeted me back.

I had been staying at home more often since I brought Cathy here. Maybe it's because now I have someone else's company except for Sapnap's. The reason I hated being here was my dad but he didn't bother me anymore because I held more power (and a blackmail) on him.

"What you doing?" I asked her. She showed me her phone screen with a giggle. She was texting someone. I looked closer and it was Jessica. I smiled at her and shook my head lightly.

"I told her about the accident. She's worrying about me." Cathy said. "Do you think she likes me?"

"She might, but I can't say anything. I haven't met her, you know? Keep the hopes up though." I said. Cathy nodded and typed away on her phone. "Do you want to invite her over?"

Cathy looked at me with excited eyes. "Am I allowed to?" She asked. I nodded and she immediately went back to texting Jessica. "I did! I told her I'd meet her in the park."

"Cool! Do you need help getting ready? I can get your clothes for you." I offered. She nodded and sat up. I asked her what clothes she needed and got them for her. Then I left her room and immediately got a call from Sapnap.

"He-" before I could even say hey I heard a loud sob from the other end. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" I asked.

"A-Al-ex was k-kissing Karl..." Nick muttered. I was slightly confused but tried to calm him down anyway.

"Hey, calm down yeah? Him kissing Karl doesn't immediately mean they're together. Don't lose the hope man." I said. Nick hummed from the other side. "Where are you right now? I'm coming right away."

"I decided to come to uni early today. I have a test in a few hours." He said. I nodded even though be couldn't see me.

"I'll just tell Cathy okay? Just gimme a minute. Do you want to stay on call?" I asked. Nick hummed again. I knocked on Cathy's door. "Can I come in, Cathy?"

"Yeah!" Cathy replied. I opened the door and entered her room. "Jessica will be here after school. I'll get ready later."

"Yeah, uh- I had to go somewhere urgent. Will you be okay by yourself?" I asked. Cathy nodded and smiled with a thumbs up. I smiled back and went out of her room. "I'm on my way Sap."

I ran outside with my keys and started my car. I sped all the way to college, almost crashing several times, but I trusted my driving. Luckily there weren't any cops around and I didn't get pulled over.

"I'm here, where are you?" I asked. Sapnap muttered 'outside the library' with a voice crack. I parked my car and ran towards the library. I ended the call and Sapnap looked up at me. He ran to me and hugged me and started crying.

"It's alright Sap, calm down." I said rubbing his back. He just kept sobbing and I took him to sit outside on a bench.

"I thought I had a chance with him. He doesn't even like me! That's why he was never the first one to start a conversation." Sapnap said. I rubbed his back the whole time and let him let all his feelings out.

"I've never seen you cry this hard for someone. Are you actually going to be okay? I'll always be here with you." I said. Nick nodded and wiped his tears away, sucking his sobs in.

"I've fallen so hard, never fallen this deep for someone. And he doesn't even like me. I don't think I'll be able to recover." He whispered. I hugged him close to me.

"You'll be fine Sap, just give it time. You'll find someone even better! You're a great person. I'm sure you'll find someone real fast!" I said trying to boost his mood. He sighed and glanced down the whole time.

"I think I will go study now... I have a test in a few hours." Sapnap said as he got up and headed inside.

"I think I have a test too. I literally haven't prepared anything. Then again, I never study. Uh, I can just sit with you if you want?" I offered. Sapnap nodded with a small smile.

We both went inside the university library. There were all kinds of books there and a small area where there were 4 long tables with chairs all around them. There were also private reading rooms that you needed to issue. They had a computer and a printer.

Nick got some business related book and sat down on the corner chair of one of the tables. I sat beside him and let him study. I scrolled through my phone in the meantime.

Suddenly there was a noise and I turned to look behind me. I saw Alex and another guy, Karl stepping out of one of the private reading rooms. Sapnap was looking too and he had a small, barely noticeable frown on his lips.

Alex noticed Sap's presence and slowly waved at him with a small smile. Karl looked towards him too and smiled. Sapnap waved and smiled back before quickly glancing down at him book.

I could tell he was about to cry so I moved my chair closer to him and put my hand on his shoulder. He sobbed quietly and tears started streaming down his face. I wiped them but they just got replaced by new ones.

A moment later I heard the chair in front of me shift. I looked up and saw Alex sitting down on it. I smiled at him and he glanced at Sap. I shook him slightly and he looked up, quickly wiping his tears and putting on a smile.

"I'll leave you guys alone for a bit. Call me if you need me." I said as I stood up and left. Karl was standing by the door and I offered him a smile too before heading out.
1047 words.

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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