Chapter 12

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George POV:

Yesterday (technically today) I studied till sunrise because we have a test on Monday so now I'm sleep deprived. You'd think it's a Saturday so I'll be fine. Well that's where you're wrong.

I spend more time with my mum on Saturdays and then I have to work for 3 extra hours. I don't think I'll be able to survive the day and might pass out during work. My boss isn't the best person so that doesn't help either.

Currently I'm getting ready to go see my mum. I prepared a fruit salad for her because she often complains about the hospital food being tasteless.

As I was on my way to the hospital a guy came running towards me and bumped into me. I fell backwards and the fruit salad I had prepared fell out of the container and scattered on the sidewalk.

"O-oh my god I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you." The guy said reaching forward to grab my hand and pull me to my feet. I stood up and stared at the fruits that were once in my hands.

"It's okay, I should've been paying more attention." I said. The guy frowned and picked the container up for me.

"No, it's totally my fault. I spoiled your food. Please come with me sir, I have a small family restaurant 5 minutes from here. You can get something to eat and the bill will be on the house." He said.

"It's alright, you don't have to do that. I'm fine!" I said. The guy shook his head.

"I'll feel bad for the rest of the day sir. Please let me help you. I promise I won't take much of your time." He insisted. I felt bad because it felt like I was using this guy but I nodded anyway.

"Thank you! Right this way!" He said. He had this energetic aura surrounding him and I felt so much less sleepy.

"What's your name, by the way?" I asked breaking the silence we were walking in.

"I'm Karl Jacobs! What about you?" He replied.

"I'm George Davidson." I said with a smile.

"Wait George? As in the Computer Science student of University of Florida?" He asked. I looked at him in surprise and just nodded.

"You know who I am?" I asked. He giggled and nodded.

"Yes! I've heard you're the top of your class! All my ner-... studious friends talk about you and how they want to be like you in studies." Karl said.

"Heh yeah, I just enjoy studying is all." I said while scratching the back on my neck.

"And we're here! This is our little restaurant that my family runs." Karl said as we stopped in front of a small building.

"It looks amazing! Has a homely feel to it." I said. Karl grabbed me by the hand and led me inside.

"Mom! Dad! We have a customer!" Karl yelled. The restaurant was empty, not a single customer anywhere. I guessed it wasn't popular and that's why no one was here.

"Welcome sir! Please have a seat." A woman, I assumed to be Karl's mother, came running out of the back of the restaurant. She handed me a menu after I sat down. "What would you like today?"

"I'll just have some... fries. And can I get a fruit salad packed?" I asked. The woman nodded and went back to the kitchen.

"So George, where were you heading to on a Saturday, if you don't mind me asking?" Karl asked as he sat opposite me.

"Uh-" I muttered thinking of whether to trust Karl or make up an excuse. "Just going to work."

"You work too? How do you even manage studies and work? Like dude since we started this restaurant my grades really went- whoop~" Karl said and giggled after. I laughed with him. This guy can really light up the whole room.

"Yeah money has been a bit tight so I got a job at a McDonald's, nothing too crazy. I'm a cashier there." I said. Karl nodded. Soon his mother came back with a plate of fries and a box of fruit salad.

"I'll let you eat now. I'll be inside, just call for me after you're done." Karl said and stood up.

"No, no. You can stay here. It's weird to eat alone you know? Please, sit and eat with me." I offered with a smile. Karl returned the smile and sat down again. I moved the plate so it was in the middle rather than in front of me.

Karl and I both took a fry and ate it. My eyes widened with joy at how good they were.

"Mmm! These are amazing! They're so much better than McDonald's fries. They literally make stale fries and I forgot what fresh fries tasted like." I said. Karl giggled again.

"You're right though. Their fries look and taste like they were made a day ago." Karl said. I nodded heavily.

"I know right?" I said. We both laughed a bit and I quickly finished the fries along with Karl. I took out my wallet but Karl stopped me.

"I told you it's on the house. You don't have to pay." He said. I shook my head.

"I'll feel bad if I don't pay you. At least let me pay half of it." I insisted. Karl sighed and nodded. I handed him ten dollars with a smile.

"Thank you George. Have a nice day!" Karl said as I began to walk outside. We both waved each other goodbye and I left to go meet my mum.

Karl seems like a great person to be friends with. He's kind, energetic, charming, and probably trustable. He's someone I would love to hang out with if I weren't so busy all the time. He's the first person I've felt this about, friendship.

Then my mind wandered off to Dream. He is popular, attractive, rich, cu- wait no! What am I thinking? Anyways, he's the exact opposite of me and yet he wanted to hang out with me, a lone nerd. Is he okay in the head?

I snapped out of my thoughts as I reached the hospital gates. I put on a smile and went inside to meet mum.
1045 words.

Current vibe: I sprained my ankle and it hurts (my dad is also hurt because of a road accident.) and I have physical school starting in a few days.
Life is going great.

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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