Chapter 19

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Dream POV:

When I got home Cathy told me Jessica wanted to stay the night. I gave them sleepover permission and ordered some pizza for them. When the pizza arrived they both invited me to eat with them.

We sat and ate for a while. With all three of us, we could only finish one box of pizza. The second one had two slices left and the third one was untouched. Then I was shooed out of the room so the girls could sleep.

I sighed and went to my room. I went on my phone and decided to rename George's contact. I changed it to 'Georgie💙' and sent him a text. He was probably busy with studying but one 'Hii George! It's me, the idiot' won't disturb him right?

I then went to Sap's contact and texted him. He said he was celebrating with Karl and Quackity, which meant they were all probably out partying and drinking.

I sighed and closed my phone. Now bored and not knowing what to do, I put on my headphones to listen to some music. I opened Spotify and put a random playlist on shuffle.

A few songs later my phone pinged and I paused the music to look at who remembered my existence at this time. I went to my texts and I had a text from George.

Hi Dream! What r
u doing?

He had texted me.

nothing much, I'm
bored honestly lmao

I just got done with
studying so I don't
have anything to do

let's talk then ig, how
was your exam?

Good! I think I did
pretty well on that

great to hear that :D I
think I'm failing.

Did you not study? :(


Is it because you
were dropping me
to my place? :(

no George I never study

Then how do you
pass your classes?

last year I copied off
of another friend. Idk
if I'll even pass this
year. but idc lol

:( Dream you should
really study some
times. I don't want
you to fail

aww you care about
me? cute

I just don't want you
failing the year idiot

sure sure


Do you know, my mum
was asking about you
the other day

what did she ask?

Uh, nothing too special.
She said you are very
kind and spending time
with you feels good.

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