Chapter 8

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TW: Mentions death

Dream POV:

After finishing all my classes I headed back to the hospital. I had to take Cathy home with me because as much as I hated home Cathy needed a better place to rest and heal properly.

I went to her room and asked the nurse there if I could take Cathy home. She made me fill out a form that included my information and let Cathy outside to my car. I helped her sit on the passenger seat and fastened her seatbelt.

"We'll go home now okay? Then you can sleep. I can see you're tired." I said. Cathy nodded and rested her head on the window. I drove us towards my house. I came to a stop at a red light and Cathy looked up.

"Dream can we go to my home first? I need some things... please?" She asked. I smiled and nodded asking her for directions as the red light turned green. I followed the directions she gave me and pulled up in front of a small house in a quiet neighbourhood.

We went inside the house from the key they retrieved from Cathy's mother's belongings she had with her at the time of the accident. Cathy pushed her wheelchair inside the cold house and over to a picture that was on the wall. Tears started falling down her face.

"Hey, I understand. Don't cry okay? Your mom is watching you from heaven and she is sad because her daughter is crying. Do you want her to be sad? You're a really strong girl. Now stop crying Cathy, I'm here for you." I said as I hugged Cathy. She sniffled loudly and wiped her tears.

"Do you wanna meet my parents?" Cathy whispered. I nodded with a small smile and stood next to her. She pointed at the picture on the wall and I looked at it while rubbing her shoulders.

The picture had a woman and a man holding a toddler in their arms. The toddler was obviously Cathy. The woman had similar features to Cathy. She had brown hair, blue eyes, and a smile rested on her lips that had a deep red lipstick.

The man, Cathy's father, had dirty blonde hair, green eyes, and looked very similar to my dad. He looked happy though and looked like he actually cared about his family which doesn't justify the fact that he left his wife and kid.

"Your parents are beautiful. Can I know their names?" I asked. She nodded.

"My mom's name was Alyssa. My dad's name was Edward." She said. Now I was way more curious about his father. It can't be a coincidence that he looks like my dad and has the same name too.

"Those are great names." I said. She nodded again and took hold of my hand. "What happened Cathy?"

"I have to go upstairs to my bedroom but I can't..." Cathy said with a frown. I picked her up, being careful of her injuries, and took her upstairs. I sat her on her bed and told her to tell me what she needed and I'll get it for her.

She got a backpack and put some of her clothes in it. She asked me to get her books, toothbrush, a picture album and a plushie. I packed some more of her daily necessities and we exited the house, Cathy looking at it with tears in her eyes as I locked the door.

I helped her on the car again and we drove off to my home. I looked at the multi story house that I hated so much. Cathy seemed to do the same but her eyes were sparkling at the sight.

"Is this your house?" She asked with wondrous eyes. I chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah, c'mon in. I'll show you around the house and ask someone to prepare a room for you." I said. She smiled slightly and nodded. I pushed her wheelchair inside as she glanced around the house, trying to take in every detail.

I beckoned a worker over and asked him to clean one of the guest rooms for Cathy. He nodded and got to work. I showed Cathy around the ground floor of the house, then picked her up and showed her the rest of the floors.

Finally I took her to one of the guest bedrooms and let her rest. She had had an exhausting day. She fell asleep pretty quickly with me running my fingers through her hair. I smiled and got up, now carrying her bags into her room.

As I exited her room with a smile and closed the door, my dad walked up to me. My smile immediately dropped as I stared at him.

"What do you want?" I asked. He chuckled.

"My dear son Clay. You do know this is the Johnson's House and not some hotel right? Who is that girl then?" He asked me with a fake smile.

"My sister." I replied coldly.

"Clay sweetie, your sister is missing and has been presumed dead since you were 3. I don't know what random girl you brought here as your sister." He said. I clenched my fists to stop myself from punching him. I didn't like when people talked about Laura, that's why I never tell anyone about her.

"Her name is Cathy. She's my younger sister, maybe not by blood but by heart." I said. My dad laughed.

"Keep thinking that. Just know Laura isn't coming back. Don't keep some false hope inside yourself that she will return." He said with a mean smile.

"How are you so sure? Did you kill her too just like you killed mom? I'm sure she'll return." I raised my voice.

"She's been gone for more than 15 years Clay. All these years you and your mother hoped for her to return. Did she return? No, she didn't." He said. I had to suck back my tears to not appear weak.

"Leave it. I want you to explain something to me. I'll be back." I said as I stepped back into Cathy's room. I opened her bag to take out her picture album. I know it was wrong of me to just take her album but I needed answers.

I exited her room again with the album in my hands. I opened it on a picture that had Cathy with her parents and showed it to my dad.

"Explain this? And don't tell me this isn't you. I know you all too well." I said. My dad seemed shocked and took a step backwards. I looked at him with hatred in my eyes. He took a deep breath and spoke.

"Yeah. That's me."
1115 words.

Drama is about to happen~

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night. 

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