Chapter 5

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TW: Hospitals, mentions of death.

George POV:

I woke up just on time in the morning and hurriedly got ready. I always visit my mum first thing in the morning.

I ran out of my apartment with my backpack on my shoulders and some yellow flowers for my mum. It was her favourite color. I had difficulty seeing yellow color but I'm sure it's a pretty color.

I entered the hospital and went straight to my mum's room. She was laid on her bed like always. She looked slightly paler than normal. I handed her the flowers and sat down.

"Hi mum! How are you doing today!" I said as happily as I could. I always greet my mum with excitement so she could forget about her disease for a while.

"Hey honey. I'm fine, just like yesterday. It's really boring to just lay on a hospital bed the whole time. Will I recover soon? I'm such a burden on you." Mum said. I held her hands and spoke.

"Mum you're not a burden. It's my responsibility to take good care of you, like a son should do. You'll recover very soon! Just think positive and you'll be out of this place in no time! Do you want me to take you outside? To the gardens?" I asked. My mum smiled. I helped her onto a wheelchair since she wasn't allowed to walk and took her outside.

"It feels good to be outside. I asked the nurse to take me here yesterday but she was busy at that time. She said she'll take me today." My mum said.

"You don't have to worry now. We'll walk in the garden every morning." I told her as we moved towards an area of the garden with various flowers.

"You have college George, you don't have to waste time with me. Then you work too. I'm sorry you have to work because of me." She said.

"Mum please don't say things like that. I'm managing everything well! And my day isn't complete if I don't visit you. Sure I have college and work but my top priority will always be you. And isn't work something all adults do? So how am I any different? There's nothing you should blame yourself for." I said with a smile.

"How can I not? If I wasn't in the hospital I'd be the one working and you'd just have to focus on your studies. I'm the reason you had to start working at such a young age." Mum said. She seemed really negative for the past couple days.

"Mum, if you weren't here and working outside, I'd still work to atleast help with the expenses. It's not difficult at all. I'm proud of myself. Aren't you? Your son is working at this age! Do you know how cool that makes me? The coolest son of the coolest Mum!" I said. Mum giggled lowly and smiled at me. She tugged me down and kissed my cheek.

"I'm very proud of you George. I can't help but wonder what the world would be like if everyone had kids like you. It'd be such a better place." She said happily. It was relieving to see her happy. We walked over to another part of the garden and I saw the one person I didn't want to see. Dream.

He was there with a younger girl who was on a wheelchair. She had a cast on her leg. She looked very sad but partially happy. Then I looked at Dream. He didn't look like his ignorant and careless self from college. He looked kinda like what he did yesterday night. He looked caring.

Before I could turn around and go back his eyes met mine. I gave him an awkward smile and he smiled back as he proceeded to head towards me. Great, now he knew about my mum. But he seemed okay with it. Not what I had expected. I expected him to make fun of me or something.

"Hey George!" He said. I awkwardly waved a hello and just stood there.

"Hi Dream. Oh, and this is my mum by the way..." I said. Why am I such an idiot? Now he definitely knows if he didn't earlier.

"It's nice to meet you ma'am. Hope you're doing fine." Dream said. My mum smiled at him.

"You can call me Mrs. Davidson, Dream. You know George? Are you guys from the same college? Or are you colleagues?" She asked looking at me.

"We study at the same college." I told her. She nodded.

"So are you guys friends?" She asked.

"Yeah!" Dream replied this time. I just nodded with a small smile.

"Oh, nice! Well how is he doing at college? I wanna know from you. I know he definitely hides something from me." My mum said jokingly. Dream laughed slightly before answering.

"He's really great at studies! He's the genius one in our class. And he manages his studies and work so well! Like I could never." Dream said with a small chuckle.

"I told you mum I can do it!" I said with a small pout.

"Oh I believe you sweety, I was just kidding." She said. Then the girl in the wheelchair called for Dream from where he had left her among some flowers.

"Hold on guys, I'll be right back." He said and ran off towards her. A few moments later he pushed the wheelchair towards us, now bringing the girl with him.

"This is Cathy, my sister." Dream said. I greeted Cathy and my mum did the same. She talked about how she'd gotten into an accident and lost her mother.

"I'm so sorry for your loss Cathy. And I hope you get well soon." I said as I kneeled beside the wheelchair and held her hand. Dream wiped her tears and sat on the other side. His eyes were glossy.

"I'm gonna take her back to her room. I have to go now. See you at uni George!" He said and left with Cathy.

"Let's go inside too George. I feel hungry." My mum said. I obliged and took her to her room.

"Do you want me to feed you breakfast?" I asked as I helped her lay in her bed.

"No, you must be late for your classes. I can eat it myself. You don't have to worry about me all the time. I'll be fine." She said with a smile. I nodded and left.

As I exited my mum's hospital room, I saw Dream right outside waiting for, I guessed, me. We made eye contact and he hugged me tightly. I was confused by the gesture but hugged back.

"Your mom will be well very soon George." He said and pulled away from the hug. Then he quickly turned away and paced towards the exit of the hospital. It looked like he was trying to hide his feelings, but he wasn't good at it.

As he had turned around, I could see tears starting to fall from his eyes.
1172 words.

Sorry for late upload guys! Something came up last minute

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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