Chapter 17

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Sapnap POV:

After Dream left me alone with Alex, he stood up from in front of me and sat next to me. I tried to look normal but my red eyes probably gave it away. He gave me a small smile and cupped my cheek. I froze.

"What's wrong?" He asked softly. I shook my head and looked down.

"I-It's nothing, I'm fine." I muttered. Alex put his hands on my shoulders and made me look up.

"C'mon, you can tell me man. I'll always be here for you, you know?" He said. I nodded.

"It's really nothing. Uh- are you and Karl... a thing, by the way?" I asked him. He looked over at Karl and nodded. "Congrats. You guys look cute together." I said with a fake smile as tears started filling my eyes but I kept blinking them away.

Quackity cupped both my cheeks. "I know you like me, Nick. And I like you too..." He said. I looked at him in shock while a blush painted my face in pink and red.

"...Why are you telling me this after you and Karl got together...?" I asked as I stood up. He stood up as well and looked over at Karl again and beckoned him over.

"I wanted to ask you something... We, both me and Karl, want you to be our boyfriend. So, will you be our boyfriend Sap?" Alex asked softly. I looked at him with confusion and shrugged.

"I don't know... I mean, I like you a lot, but I've not known Karl for as long. I'm sure he's amazing but it would be better if I got to know him..." I said. Alex nodded in understanding and Karl came over to us and stood by him.

"Hey uh- Nick... I'll be straightforward with you. I like you, and Alex too. Will you give me a chance? Will you be our boyfriend?" Karl asked me.

I thought about it for a moment. I loved Quackity and I had a chance to be with him. Karl is quite cute too. Not to mention I had started developing a crush on Karl before Quackity but decided to try and get Quackity. This is literally perfect.

"I'd love to be you guys' boyfriend." I whispered with a slow nod. Karl cupped my face with an excited smile and Quackity kissed my cheek. I was about to cry again, but this time because of how happy I was.

Quackity put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. "So much for a tough guy, you have a marshmallow for your heart." He said. I chuckled and hugged him. Karl joined our group hug too.

"Can I... kiss you?" Quackity asked slowly and cautiously. I nodded and let him kiss me. Our lips moved in sync for a while before he pulled away and panted ever so slightly. Karl was looking at us kissing each other.

"C'mere Karl." I said and pressed my lips onto his. He was surprised but kissed me back. We both pulled back a few seconds later and smiled at each other. "This is the best day ever! I thought I was gonna have a bad day."

"Why'd you think you'll have a bad day? Did you not study for your test?" Karl asked. I shook my head and looked at Quackity.

"I... saw you guys kissing earlier... and I was heartbroken. I thought I'd never have another chance with you." I said, mainly to Quackity. He kissed my cheek and held my hand.

"Well, we're boyfriends now! Uh- let's go study or I'll fail my exam!" Quackity said. We all giggled and grabbed our own books. Quackity focused on his Law textbook, I skimmed through my Business book and Karl was reading Economics.

The library door opened and Dream stepped inside. He looked at me and I smiled and beckoned him over. He gave me a confused glance before walking over to us.

Dream POV:

I was standing out here for atleast 30 minutes. Some girl was trying to flirt with me and was not at all respecting my personal space. Move bitch! I'm gay as hell. I wanted to shout, but I don't think I'm ready to come out to anyone yet, besides Sap of course.

"I'm not interested in you Brittany so please leave me alone." I said as I turned away from her and made my way to the library doors. I had to check up on Sap and see if things were okay, and also get rid of this bitch.

"It's Bethany!" She said. I ignored her and went into the library. I saw Nick sitting with Alex and Karl, reading something. He looked up at me and invited me closer. I went over with a confused face.

"Everything alright?" I asked as I approached Nick. He nodded and looked over at the other two. They communicated without words and Nick nodded a minute later.

"We're dating!" He exclaimed. I looked at him with shock and surprise. He nodded and sat me down on a chair next to him, Alex being on his other side with Karl beside him.

"You and Alex?" I asked looking over at Alex and Karl. Sapnap shook his head and laughed lightly.

"We're all dating! I have two boyfriends!" He exclaimed again. I grinned and hugged him.

"Congrats dude! I'm so happy for you!" I almost yelled. I would've yelled way louder if it wasn't a library. Nick giggled and hugged back. Then he told me what happened between them and how they were all boyfriends now. I listened to his happy rant.

Soon our classes started and I had a test in my first class. As expected I knew almost nothing. I wrote random things and handed in the test super early. The whole class looked at me as if I was a genius or something but I knew I just failed my test.

George was also in the room but he was focused on his test and didn't even look up. His concentrating face was really cute, with lips slightly parted and eyes never leaving the test paper.

Apparently there was also a presentation thing after the test so I had to stay in the room. I mean I'm not complaining, I get to watch George who's cute as ever. I sat back in my seat and looked at George, watching every little gesture and movement.

How he'd scrunch up his nose and shake his head ever so slightly when he'd make a mistake. How he played with his pen and moved it from side to side in a fast motion when he was in thoughts about the answer. How he'd glance up at the clock and pout when he saw the time.

He suddenly looked around and then looked over at me. I froze in place. I'd just been caught staring. I smiled awkwardly and he smiled back before turning back and standing up to go hand his test in.

He took his seat again and looked at me, or at my table. Then he raised his eyebrows at me and gave me a questioning look. He was asking me where my test was. I nodded my head towards the front of the room. He gave me a surprised and impressed look and I looked down with a smile, full on blushing from the small interaction.

When I looked up George was still looking at me. I smirked and he looked away with red tinted cheeks. Soon everyone was done with their tests and the professor was calling us one by one to show our programs.

I hadn't made one so when he called for me I stood up in my seat and looked down while rubbing the back of my neck. The professor sighed and called for another student. He knew how stubborn I was.

After a few people, it was finally George's turn. I put both my elbows on the table and put my chin on my palms as I watched him with interest. He showed his program and explained it then let the professor test it out.

The lecture was over and the professor said he'll give us our test scores tomorrow. The rest of the day went by slow until last lecture where George was sitting next to me. The time that was slow till now suddenly grew wings and flew away.

After that was over, I went back home and saw my dad walking out while I could hear Cathy upstairs, very obviously crying.
1431 words.

Oof long chapter. Next chapter will be interesting (I hope).

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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