Chapter 4

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TWs: Mentions of Death, mentions of hospitals.

George POV:

I got home at almost 10 p.m. and I was exhausted after the long walk. I still had to study and I had a project I needed to code. I take out my laptop from under my bed. It's not the best laptop, it's old and doesn't work well with heavy codes but it's precious to me. My dad bought it for me...

I don't take my laptop to Uni with me. I'm afraid it'll get lost or stolen. I doubt someone will steal such a crappy laptop but I still want to be safe. I use the University computers for my work. My professor is nice enough to understand.

I start thinking of a way to make this project. I have to code a website. It should be responsive and multi-page. I have a few ideas of what to do already so I start typing the lines of code on my laptop.

After I wrote about half the code my laptop suddenly flashed low battery and turned off. Well, there goes my progress. I groan and go check the charging cable. I had it connected so there was no way my laptop would die from low battery.

And then I see I hadn't even plugged it into the socket. How can I be so dumb? Very irresponsible of me. I plug it in properly and start the project again. It didn't take that long this time as I knew what I was doing.

When I was finally done with my project and had saved it in my pen drive, it was a couple minutes past 2 a.m. I was very sleepy after the long day and went to bed instantly. I had to get up at 8 tomorrow.

I fell asleep as soon as I hit the bed.

Dream POV:

I have no idea why George was acting so weird. I mean it's fair in a way, he doesn't know me well enough to discuss life problems with me, but he isn't very good at hiding them from me either.

He almost told me something related to his mother. I'm not going to push him to tell me. He can tell me when he's comfortable enough to trust me, and I'll do anything to gain his trust.

I felt bad for dragging him to the restaurant with me. Now he's late for whatever studies he has to do but I couldn't leave him all hungry like that, could I? God I think I like him. Or maybe I'm just a good person, who knows?

I definitely like him.

Now I'm at the hotel I'll be staying at for the night. I don't feel like sleeping even though it's pretty late. I'm probably going to have trouble waking up in the morning, if I even sleep.

Tomorrow is the day I go to the city hospital to donate some of my money to them. I always do such things every month or so. I donate to charities, hospitals, orphanages, old age homes, and sometimes LGBTQ+ charities. I have to be secretive about the last one as my dad is very homophobic. I'm glad he doesn't know I'm gay.

I look to my side for the time. It was 3 a.m. already. I decided to give up on sleeping entirely and sat up, coding some Minecraft plugins that were in the back of my head for a few days.

At about 5 a.m. I was done with the code. I had made a plugin which can let a player beat the whole game within the nether. I'll test it out with Sapnap someday.

I got up and took a quick shower. I was never a fan of hotel bathrooms. I got ready and checked out of the hotel. I had to drive to the hospital, I never trusted those drivers. Driving in the morning is usually refreshing but not when you're sleep deprived.

I got to the hospital pretty early. Not many people were outside, since it was just about 7:30 a.m. Normally there are some patients outside in the gardens with nurses for taking care of them.

I went inside and to the reception. The receptionist recognized me immediately and let me inside. I decided to donate a couple thousand dollars, nothing too much. After making the donations I always hung out with the patients. Some even felt better after talking since their family didn't visit them often.

There used to be an old woman in this hospital. She reminded me of my mom. She was always really nice to me. She had lost all hopes of surviving but she regained the will and went back home healthy.

The hospital staff liked my presence too since it helped them with the treatment of some patients, the ones that didn't have the spirit of survival anymore. They considered me a good "therapist" and good person in general.

As I exited the office room I saw a little girl in a wheelchair going towards the exit with a nurse. The girl had a cast on her foot and some bandages on her arms. I went towards her and kneeled down.

"Hi there!" I said cheerfully.

"Hey." She replied. She seemed sad, maybe disappointed even.

"How's it going? Something wrong?" I asked her. She nodded and frowned. She looked like she was on the verge of tears.

"I lost my Mom. And it's my fault..." She whispered. Then she broke down completely. I thought about what I should do and decided to hug her. She hugged back and cried loudly into my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry for your loss, little one. I'm here for you." I said trying to calm her down. The nurse left us alone with me in charge of the girl.

"It was my fault. I asked her to take me to the playground and we got into an accident on our way. A big truck hit our car. She couldn't... make... it..." She whispered, sobbing loudly and hugging me tightly. I rubbed her back.

"It wasn't your fault. You shouldn't think that. It was the truck driver's fault. He was the one who hit your car right? Then how can it be your fault?" I was trying to calm her down. She was crying really hard, tears streaming down her cheeks in thick strips.

"I-I was the o-one who asked her to take me there..." She whispered.

"When you guys left your home to go to the park, did you know something was about to happen? No right? Then how is it your fault? Think about it, it really isn't. You can't foresee the future." I said. She nodded and dug her head into my shoulder. I didn't mind getting my shirt wet with her tears, all I wanted was her to not feel so bad.

"I have no one now... my dad left us when I was little..." She said. I hugged her tighter. She looked like she was just 8 or 9 years old. Losing a loved one so early in your life can be really hard.

"I might be a stranger to you but just know I care. You do have someone, it's your brother. I'll take care of you. Get well soon." I said. She released from the hug and stared at me with teary eyes.

"I've always wanted a sibling..." She muttered. I gave her a small smile and took her wheelchair towards the garden.

"What's your name?" I asked her after we got to the garden.

"Cathy." She said.

"I'm Clay, you can call me Dream. That's what people call me." I said.

"Why do people call you Dream?" Cathy asked.

"I don't know either. They just started calling me that one day and it stuck." I told her. We stood in silence for a while.

"Are you my brother now? Like actually?" Cathy asked.

"If you want me to, then yes. I can't leave you alone can I?" I replied.

"Thank you Dream." Cathy smiled slightly.
1340 words.

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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