Chapter 22

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TW: Funeral.
I don't have funerals in my parents religion so I have no idea about what I just wrote. I mostly googled the information. Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Dream POV:

When I got home later that night Cathy was sitting on her bed looking at her phone and whispering something as tears rolled down her cheeks. I sat down next to her and saw a picture of her mother.

"Hey Dream." She muttered and sniffled after. She wiped her tears and put her phone away. "Mrs Clinton called. She said she has organised everything and the funeral is tomorrow."

I hugged her close to me and she buried her head in my shoulder, crying quietly while I rubbed her back.

"We'll see her tomorrow. Be brave." I whispered. She nodded and broke the hug. She quickly wiped her tears and sat up properly. I stayed by her side.

"I need something to wear. I wanna look good for mom." Cathy muttered.

"I'll get you something from the stores earlier tomorrow. Calm down first, yeah? Anyway, have you had dinner yet?" I asked her and she nodded. "I brought you some food..."

"It's alright, I have a big tummy." She said. I chuckled and gave her the food.

"Don't overeat. It's night time and you won't be able to digest it." I warned her. She nodded with a smile and started eating. Her face lit up and she took another bite.

"It's so good!" She said. I giggled.

"I know right? George took me to this restaurant." I told her.

"He's got some good taste." Cathy said, taking another bite. She quickly finished her meal and burped, then looked away in embarrassment.

"You should go to sleep now. We have a busy day tomorrow. C'mon, lay down, I'll leave now." I said as I helped Cathy lay down and left with an empty meal box. I threw the box away and went to my room.

I sighed as I let myself fall on my bed. Tomorrow will be a long day...

The next morning, I woke up early and went to a clothing store to buy some clothes for Cathy and myself. I got a black dress for her and a black suit for myself. Then I went back home to see Cathy sitting up rubbing her eyes.

"Morning!" I greeted and she greeted back in a raspy voice. I placed her dress on a chair and helped her walk to the bathroom. I asked a maid to clean her room and make her bed for her.

We ate breakfast together in her room and then I left to get ready and let her get ready too. I quickly wore the white button up shirt with a black pant and black suit jacket. I also wore a black necktie.

I stood outside Cathy's room for a while before she asked me to come in. She was wearing her black dress and had her hair up in a ponytail.

"Let's go. We can go early and help with stuff." Cathy said. I carried her downstairs and had a worker take her wheelchair to the ground floor. We left to go to the funeral.

We drove for a while and then arrived at the destination of the funeral, or Cathy's old house. I took her inside where a lot of people stood paying respect to Cathy's mother who rested in her casket.

"Mom..." Cathy whispered as her eyes filled with tears. She blinked them away and put on a sad smile.

"Stay strong Cathy, you're really strong." I whispered. A lady came over to us and kneeled down next to Cathy engulfing her in a hug. Cathy let her tears fall as she cried softly while the lady sniffled a bit.

"C'mon Cats, your mother would want to see you." The lady said. I stepped away slightly and let her push the wheelchair over to the front. Cathy sat next to her mom for a while before Mrs Clinton caught everyone's attention as she began her speech.

"Alyssa, a good friend, a great person, and a loved member of the community. We will all miss her. She taught me many things. One of them was enjoying life. Life is short, no one knows what the future beholds..." Mrs Clinton started her eulogy.

We all stood in silence to let her speak. She tried her best not to get emotional but ended up shedding a few tears as she reached the end of her speech.

"...I hope she rests in peace up there." She finished and got off the podium as she made her way next to Cathy. With that, the casket was taken outside for burial.

I took Cathy outside to the place where the grave was dug. She was crying silently the whole time. I felt my eyes getting glossy as well.

The casket was placed into the trench. I took Cathy towards it and she placed a beautiful yellow rose over the casket. Then it was covered by soil.

"She's gone..." Cathy whispered. I kneeled next to her and held her hand as a few tears escaped my eyes as well.

"She's in a better place." I whispered back, my voice shaky from the lump in my throat caused due to emotions.

We decided to stay for another hour. We sat inside the house among some of Cathy's mom's friends in a gloomy atmosphere. Everyone being sad because of their loss.

After the funeral, we got home, still quite sad. I took Cathy to her room and she fell asleep instantly. She must be really tired after everything. I was pretty sleepy too.

Even though it was still evening, I laid in my bed hoping to get some sleep. I took a short nap but was woken up by my phone ringing next to me.

I opened my eyes to look at who was calling me. I was surprised to see it was George. I quickly sat up and answered the call.

"Hello?" I said. There was a lot of shuffling on the other side before I heard George.

"D-Dream-" George said with a shaky and panicked voice.
1000 words.

Sorry for late upload :(

I have my exams in a few days so I'll either finish this story before that or mess up my upload schedule.

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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