Chapter 23

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TWs: Hospital, Ambulance, Mentions diseases.

George POV:

It was a little past 9 p.m. when I finally got home. I had to study and plan what to teach Dream tomorrow. I'll be focusing on planning tomorrow's tutoring session for now.

I decided to set a specific time for the tutoring sessions. I picked the days when I don't have as much work or the days when we have less customers than others. There are way more people on weekends compared to weekdays.

After making the schedule, I got my books and decided to study just for a little bit. I suddenly got startled as my phone started ringing. I wasn't expecting anyone to call me at this hour.

I glanced at the screen and saw it was the hospital calling me. I felt worried suddenly and hesitantly picked up.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hello, am I speaking with Mr George Davidson?" My mother's doctor, Dr Soot said.

"Yes doctor, it's George." I said. I was getting worried as the time passed.

"George, you should come to the hospital. Your mother went into cardiac arrest. She's unconscious right now and we're trying our best." He said. My eyes widened with shock and my bottom lip quivered. I started breathing faster as my eyes got teary.

"George, calm down, she isn't in any danger at the moment but if she doesn't gain consciousness within an hour she might end up in a coma. Be quick, please, and don't panic." The doctor said.

"Y-Yes doctor, I-I'll be on m-my way." I said as I ended the call. Tears that were filling my eyes were now streaming down my face. I tried to think of what to do. I can't walk to the hospital, it's a long walk.

I decided on calling Dream... I didn't want to disturb him but I didn't have any other option at the moment. He picked up the call after a few rings.

"Hello?" He said is a raspy, sleepy voice. Shit, I think I woke him up. I didn't have time to think about that though.

"D-Dream-" I said shakily.

"George? Are you okay? What's wrong?" He asked quickly.

"Dream my mum-" I started but my sobs cut me off. "She had a heart attack..."

"W-What? Where are you right now George? Is she in any danger? I'll come over, just give me a second." Dream said hurriedly as I heard a lot of shuffling on the other end.

"I'm at my home. The doctor told me she was out of danger for an hour but if she doesn't wake up she could end up in a coma... C-Can you please pick me up?" I said as I stepped out of my apartment and locked the door.

"Of course, I'm on my way." Dream said. I hummed and ran down the stairs, almost tripping but balancing myself. Dream stayed on call with me for a few minutes telling me everything will be okay before I saw his car in the distance.

He pulled up next to me and I quickly got in and sat in the front seat. Dream held my hand with his free hand and held the steering wheel with the other. It made butterflies to wake up in my stomach but I didn't have time for this. I let the butterflies die down. I had to be with my mum.

I looked over at Dream. He looked panicked too with his eyebrows pinched together and a worried look on his face.

A couple minutes later, we were at the hospital. Dream parked the car and I ran out of it and towards the building. Dream quickly locked his car and followed me. We ran to my mum's room.

Dr Soot was standing outside the room next to another doctor and a couple of nurses. I ran to him to ask him how my mum was doing.

"She's fine for now. We're trying to get her to wake up but nothing is quite working. I'm sure she'll be fine and awake in a bit. Me and Nurse Niki will be right back." He said before going into her room, a nurse following him.

"George, she'll be fine, yeah? Calm down, come here." Dream said gently and hugged me. I hugged him back and let my head rest on his chest, listening to his quickened heart beat.

"I just want her to get well soon. She was doing so good on her health lately, she was a lot more positive too." I muttered quietly hoping Dream could hear me because I couldn't speak any louder.

Me and Dream sat on the waiting chairs by the side of the room. A few minutes passed by before Dr Soot stepped out of the room and stood in front of me. I stood up to talk to him.

"George, I'd suggest you take your mother to Silver Lake Medical Clinic. That's a better hospital for her right now. And please be quick." Dr Soot said.

"O-Okay doctor, can we get an ambulance for that?" Dream replied from beside me.

"Of course, just clear the due bills, yeah? It's important, I'm sorry." Dr Soot said and stepped back into the room. I looked down at the floor. How am I going to pay thousands of dollars?

"I'll go pay the bills real quick, you wait here with Mrs Davidson." Dream said as he started heading towards the reception. I felt really bad for letting him pay all those due bills that were over 3 thousand dollars.

"Dream wait! I don't want your help, it's fine. I can manage something..." I muttered while I fumbled with my pocket to get my phone out. Dream shook his head and took my phone from me.

"You might not want it, but you need it right now. We don't have much time George." Dream said as he ran to the reception. All I could do was feel bad but I knew I did need his help.

My mum's hospital bed was brought outside the room and she was led to the exit and onto an ambulance. I was allowed on the ambulance with her so I stepped in and sat down. I bit my lip as I waited for Dream as they wouldn't let my mum out before the dues were cleared.

Dream ran out a minute later with the cash receipt. He showed it to the ambulance driver and we finally left. Dream went over to his car and followed us.
1088 words.

Stating this again, I've never been to a hospital and most things I write about hospitals are Google based.

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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