Chapter 15

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George POV:

After I got off work and Darryl dropped me at my college, I walked home thinking about how I was going to figure myself out. Most people figure themselves out in their teens but I never got the chance to.

I've heard people take quizzes about if they're gay or not but I don't think it's a good idea. As I was deep in thought I saw my apartment a little ways away. I quickly went to my flat and sighed.

"Okay, I just have to do a little research. I can study after it." I said to myself as I pulled out my phone. I hadn't taken it out of my pocket the whole day in case I somehow lost it.

I went to Google and searched 'am I bisexual?'. The results were the definition of bisexuality and how people found out they were bisexual. I clicked on one article and read the definitions.

"People who identify as bisexual need not have had equal sexual or romantic experience — or equal levels of attraction — with people across genders, nor any experience at all; attraction and self-identification determines orientation."

It said. I decided to search other sexualities too and read the definitions. None of them seemed to suit me, I think I am bi. I want to identify as bisexual but I felt scared. What if I was faking it? What if I don't actually like Dream?

I questioned myself. I did like Dream though, I felt butterflies around him and I blush around him. He's on my mind constantly. Oh my god, I liked him. I mean, it's not a bad thing, right?

But then again, I have no idea if Dream is even into guys, let alone guys like me. Even if he does like boys, and hopefully me, I don't think I'm ready to commit to someone. My life is a mess right now.

Well atleast now I know I'm bi. I should study now, I have a test tomorrow that I need to revise for.

I escaped my thoughts and focused all my attention on my textbook. I had a test and I had to submit the website program I made the other day. This test and program will pretty much determine my whole grade and if I'm gonna get a good job in the future.

I studied for two hours and went through my program once again to make sure it was perfect. I was ready for the test. I decided to study for another hour before going to sleep.

Dream POV:

I spent the whole Sunday with Cathy. We called everyone on Cathy's phone to tell them the bad news about her mother. Mrs Clinton, a good friend of Cathy's mom offered to organise the funeral.

After sharing the news with everyone that was close to her mom we tried to backup all the contents in her previous phone. We restored most pictures and Cathy asked if she could show me some pictures to which I nodded.

"Here's a picture of me and mom I took the other day." She said showing me a picture of the two of them laughing and holding flowers in a garden. I smiled at it and she showed me another picture.

This continued for a while and I'd ask her about the person in the picture if I didn't know them, because I didn't know most of them.

There was a picture of her with Tommy and Tubbo were they all stood against an iron man poster with their hand in front of them pretending to be iron man. Cathy was smiling the whole time as she replayed the memories.

The next picture was her and another girl. She had beautiful dark skin and black hair. She wore a yellow dress and a yellow flower crown whereas Cathy wore a mint green dress with a green flower crown.

"Who's this?" I asked with a smile looking over at Cathy. She was... blushing? She had a pink hue covering her cheeks.

"Just another friend. Her name is Jessica." Cathy said with a smile as she hid her flushed face with her arms.

"Are you sure she's just a friend?" I asked. Cathy turned her phone screen off and nodded. "Then why are you blushing?"

"I'm not blushing! It's just hot here." She said while fanning her hand in front of her face. I chuckled quietly.

"Mhm sure." I muttered. "I know love when I see it, Cathy. I'm not older than you for nothing." Cathy looked down and I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Fine, I like her..." Cathy mumbled quietly. She slowly looked up to see me smiling softly. "Are you mad at me?"

"No, why would I be?" I asked. She shrugged.

"Because I like a girl?" She said in a questioning tone. I shook my head.

"That isn't something I'd be mad at you for. You can like whoever you want!" I said enthusiastically. Cathy smiled.

"Really? Because my mom wanted me to like boys. She didn't really say much when I told her I liked girls but told me that my dad will hate me for it." Cathy said. She wasn't wrong, our dad is homophobic. I'll have to protect Cathy from him.

"I'll support you no matter what. Guess what? I like boys too!" I said. Cathy smiled and hugged me.

"You do?" She asked. I nodded with a smile. "Wait, so we're both gay?" She said while giggling. I nodded and laughed with her.

"Do you like someone too? A boy, I mean." Cathy asked me. I'm really about to discuss my crush with a 12 year old I guess...

"Yeah, I do. He goes to the same university as me. I don't think I have his picture though." I said. Cathy didn't say anything and a silence engulfed us which was soon broken.

"You can describe him, I'll try to imagine his face." Cathy suggested.

"He's a brunette, his dark brown hair falls over his forehead which makes him look beautiful. He has big, brown, doe-like eyes. His lips are pink and plump and they look super soft. He's really pale. He's shorter than me, about Nick's height though maybe an inch taller." I described George to Cathy.

"He sounds cool. What's his name?" Cathy asked with a smile. I smiled back.

1065 words.

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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