Chapter 2

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Dream POV:

After I got my food I couldn't help but stare at George. How did I never notice someone so cute in my own university? Sapnap might've seen me staring as he asked me something.

"Found the one?" He asked me. I looked over at him to see him shoving his face with fries.

"Do you not recognize him? That's George from Uni! I didn't know he worked here." I said. Sapnap seemed confused.

"George? I don't know him. Is he in your classes?" He asked. I nodded. "How did you recognize him? You never pay attention to anyone."

"Well he recognized me. I didn't know who he was either but now that I thought about it I've definitely seen him around." I said.

"Why does he work here? Does he have family issues too?" Sapnap asked curiously.

"How would I know idiot. He isn't gonna tell me. He probably thinks I'm gonna broadcast whatever he tells me." I replied.

"I guess you're right, wait where's George?" Sapnap suddenly asked.

"What do you mea- Oh." I looked back at the counter and saw a different employee in George's place. "Maybe he went inside the kitchen or something."

"Sure. Here, have some fries." Sapnap offered but I declined.

"You can have them. Actually, have my burger too. I'm not hungry today." I told him.

"You good?" He asked.

"Yeah, just don't wanna go home yet. I'll probably not go home at all tonight." I said. I was really planning on it too. I thought about staying at a hotel or something. I didn't wanna see my dad's face because that just makes me want to punch him.

"I have to leave soon. Take care of yourself. If you need anything just give me a call." Sapnap said. I nodded. He ate his and my burgers and left after talking for a while.

I sighed. Now I have nothing to do again, Great. I got up and looked at my phone for the time. Holy shit it's 8 pm already? How long have we been here? I sighed again and went to the bathroom.

As I enter I could hear really quiet sobs coming from one of the stalls. Without a thought I said something I might regret later.

"George? Are you okay?" I said as I knocked on the stall door. Now don't ask me why I said it. It just felt right.

The door opened and to my surprise, George stepped out. His eyes were red as if he had been just crying which justified the sobs. His expression however could easily prove everything wrong. He was smiling as if he wasn't just sobbing in there.

"Hey Dream. Yeah I'm okay. I'll go back to work now." George said and tried to shuffle past me. I grabbed his wrist softly and turned him around to face me again.

"You don't have to lie to me George. I know we haven't like- ever talked before, but you can trust me." I told him placing my hands on his shoulder.

"Uhm- I said I'm okay." He muttered.

George POV:

I really don't wanna tell this guy about my mother. I'm fine with bottling it up rather than letting the whole university know about her.

"You're clearly not okay. You can't tell me you haven't been crying after you come out of the stall with red, puffy eyes. C'mon, tell me. Is it something at work that's bothering you? Something at home maybe?" Dream asked. Is this guy actually not gonna leave me alone? I might cry so I'd rather not talk about anything. Plus, I can't trust him.

"I'm perfectly fine Dream. And I'd rather not talk about it." I said. Dream looked disappointed but nodded. I moved my hand to remove his from my shoulder. As I held his hand to pull them away he seemed to stare at my wrists.

"Have you eaten today George?" He asked. Oh god why does he care so much? I can't tell him I haven't had anything since yesterday.

"Yeah." Is all I could say.

"And how do I believe you?" He asked again. Ugh! He's being irritating now. And my body hates me too! As if on cue my stomach starts grumbling.

"Fine... I haven't." I said. I didn't want to but if it would make him go away, I can tell him the truth once.

"Well you need to come with me then." He said. I shook my head.

"I'm not coming with you Dream. I have to go home and study." I said.

"Ugh. Come on now, stop being a nerd for once. Plus I'll drop you home later so you'll still have time to study." He offered.

"You don't understand Dream! I don't have a choice. I need to think about my future unlike you. I would be totally screwed if my grades went low. I have to take care of my mum and myse- shit." Shit, shit, shit, did I just tell him about my mother? Ugh! I'm such an idiot. Now he's gonna bother me even more.

"I knew something was wrong George." He said softly. "Its okay, I won't judge you or tease you for anything you're facing." Why was he being so... sweet?

"...Thank you. And I would like to drop this topic now." I said. He nodded and hugged me. He just suddenly hugged me. The hug wasn't unwelcomed though, it was much needed. It felt warm, like the hugs my parents used to give me. That made my eyes fill with tears. Dream just held me for a long time letting me cry.

When I pulled away from the hug and wiped my eyes, I smiled at Dream. Dream smiled back and guided me outside the bathroom.

"Oh hey George. I was wondering where you were gone. I was worried. Is everything okay?" My co-worker Darryl asked me.

"Yeah Darryl I'm fine. My shift is over so I think I'll be heading home." I said. Darryl nodded. He went towards the back of the restaurant and I followed him. I changed into my normal clothes and grabbed my stuff to exit this place.

As I went out the doors I saw Dream standing there, still waiting. I already told him I'm not going with him. Why is he still here?

"Let's go." He said as he saw me.

"I'm not going with you, I already said that." I replied.

"Don't worry, believe me on this one. I'll drop you home later too." He said, trying to convince me. I decided on just doing what he says now because there's no way he's leaving me alone.

I sit on the passenger seat of his car and he sits on the driver seat, starting the car and reversing out of the parking.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"That's a surprise." He replied.

Well, lets hope he doesn't murder me...
1156 words.

Half of this chapter got deleted somehow so I had to rewrite it and I forgot my original words so the last part isn't as good.

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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