Epilogue Thing

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Third Person POV:

It had been six months since Dream and George started dating. Things were going really well between them. They were both sure they were made for each other.

Dream had bought a house large enough for him, his sisters, George, and Mrs Davidson. It was a three storey house with a big garden and a beautiful infinity pool.

Mrs Davidson and Laura lived on the bottom floor, Dream and George, and Cathy on the second, and the third floor was more of a storage floor and had a guest bedroom in case Sapnap or someone else was staying the night.

Dream had started a YouTube channel and made Minecraft videos with Sapnap and sometimes George. He was blowing up pretty quickly and people loved his content.

Sapnap had started his own tech company with the help of his boyfriends and Dream. It wasn't making much profit but Hey! Success takes time!

Karl and Quackity managed most of the work at Nick's tech company as they were the co-founders, and so was Dream. Quackity was still studying for his Master of Laws degree.

George had quit his job at McDonald's and applied for a position as a programmer at Sapnap's company even after Dream told him he didn't need to work. George insisted on working as he wanted to help with the expenses. He got accepted and got a well paying job.

Laura had moved in with them after getting into a fight with her "parents". She had changed all her contact information so that they won't be able to bother her anymore. She still worked at the McDonald's on weekends.

Cathy was living her dream life with her girlfriend, and her brother and his boyfriend. Dream treated her like royalty and bought whatever she asked for, also making sure he didn't spoil her too much. George took care of her as if she were his child and Jessica visited her almost everyday to keep her company and shower her with love.

Mrs Davidson had gotten a lot better with Dr Minx's treatment and was allowed to go back home. She was prescribed bed rest for the majority of her day but she could go outside to the garden for a 15-minute walk in the morning as the doctor said that she shouldn't fear exercising if she wanted to get better.

Today was a very special day for Dream. It was his mom's birthday, and Dream had decided to visit her grave with George and Laura. They bought a big bouquet of different types of pink flowers like roses, peonies and tulips.

Dream was driving to the site with George in the passengers seat holding the bouquet and Laura in the back. Once they got there, Dream opened the door for George and the three headed over to the grave.

"Hi mom, I'm back, and George is back too. Laura is also here to visit you. Happy birthday mom." Dream whispered, kneeling down next to the grave, George doing the same next to him followed by Laura.

"Hello Mrs Johnson, happy birthday to you." George said, placing the bouquet on her grave. "I hope you're resting well and in peace."

"Happy birthday mom. It's been sixteen years since I last wished you happy birthday, but I'm back. I really hoped I could wish you physically but obviously that isn't possible now. I love you mom, happy birthday again." Laura said.

"Mom, I know you're watching us from up there but I wanted to tell you how everything is going. I think I'm going on the right path in life, with George always by my side." Dream said, wrapping his arm around George's waist.

"I got my dream job, Mrs Johnson. I'm finally what I wanted to be since the start. Life looks pretty good now. And your son takes really good care of me. I really love him so much." George said.

They all continued to have a one sided conversation with Dream's mother for another hour, just talking about life and stuff. Soon, the three got up and made their way to the car, heading back home.

Upon reaching home, Laura went upstairs to Cathy's room. The two had bonded well in the past six months. They'd share all the secrets and Dream was not allowed permission to enter the room when Cathy was with Laura. We can see who the favourite sibling is.

Dream and George headed to their room and Dream jumped on the bed with a sigh. George chuckled and sat next to him, running his fingers through his boyfriend's golden hair. Dream smiled and pulled George down next to him.

"I want cuddles Gogy..." Dream said with a fake pout. George smiled and placed a gentle kiss on Dream's lips before adjusting himself and curling up, placing one of his arms on Dream's chest while the other wrapped around his waist.

Dream wrapped an arm around George's waist as well and rested George's head on his other arm. The two snuggled close to each other and slowly fell asleep.
848 words.

Just a cute last chapter :)


That will be the end of the book, lovely people. I want to thank everyone for reading, voting, and leaving wholesome and funny comments on my story. I really appreciate you all and appreciate your support. Much love to everyone who reads this. You're amazing <3 thank you again!

I'll be back with another book really soon (Note: the next book I'm writing is pretty depressing so that's out there.) I hope I see everyone who read this book again then.

Follow my socials! (I post art on my Instagram so do follow me there for a hint of my next book!) :
Instagram: @/cyanlovesall
Discord: Cyan2004#6494

And as always, remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night <3

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