Chapter 21

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George POV:

A while after I had entered the McDonalds and changed to my uniform, Darryl came in. He quickly changed into his uniform too and came over to me when he saw I wasn't busy.

"Hey Darryl! Good evening!" I said. He greeted me back and sat down next to me. "Did you get my text earlier? I texted you saying someone would drop me here so you didn't have to worry."

"Yeah I got your text. I was about to head towards your university but then I received your text. Do you have someone else who's picking you and dropping you now?" He asked curiously. I nodded.

"Yeah, it's the guy I told you about. The professor asked me to tutor him and I think he felt bad because he knows I'm always busy so he offered to drop me here. He's really kind." I said.

"It's the guy you like?" He asked. I nodded.

"We call him Dream. Also, I think you aren't picking me up anymore, or dropping me. That idiot likes to do it as a hobby now." I said as I giggled quietly.

"He definitely likes you back." Darryl said.

"What? How do you know?" I asked, confused.

"I just know, and I can bet on it. He likes you." Darryl said. I shrugged with a smile.

"He doesn't, and I don't want to get my hopes up. It's alright." I said. Then we got a customer and Darryl went back into the kitchen. "Hello sir, welcome to McDonald's. What would you like today?"

After my shift was over I changed into my normal clothes and left. I looked around to see if Dream was already here or not. I could see his car but he wasn't anywhere to be seen.

Suddenly I felt a pair of hands covering my eyes. I gasped and tried to take them off. Am I getting kidnapped? The person removed their hands from my eyes and I turned towards them as I backed away.

It was Dream...

"What the hell idiot! You scared me! Oh my gosh." I yelled at him.

"I didn't know you'd get scared like that. I thought it'd be funny." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well don't do that again. I thought I was getting kidnapped! Let's just go." I said. We made our ways over to Dream's car and drove towards his house. After driving for a few minutes, we stopped in front of a huge multi-story building.

"Woah! Is this your house?" I asked curiously as my eyes examined his big house.

"Yep. Let's go inside." He said with a small smile, taking hold of my cold hand in his warm one and leading me inside.

The house was even more beautiful from the inside. There were tons of paintings and decoration that made it look grand. Dream led me to the stairs and we went upstairs.

The hallways were huge too with a lot of rooms on one side and a railing on the other to look down at the living room. Dream tugged me into a room I assumed to be his.

His room was so royal compared to mine. He had a desk with two comfy looking chairs, a bookshelf, a double bed, a fluffy rug, some potted plants, another desk in a corner that had a flash computer, some posters and a shelf full of collectibles.

"C'mon, let's sit here. Do you want to eat something first?" He asked me as he sat on one of the two chairs. I shook my head with a smile. "Then we can start right away."

I started explaining some concepts to Dream and he seemed to understand them fairly quickly. He was really good at learning. I wondered why he never studied.

After one and a half hours of studying we were already done with the chapters related to our test on Monday. He could solve the test easily now. We decided it was enough for one day and Dream took me outside to drop me home.

"Are you sure you don't wanna stop somewhere and eat? Have you eaten today?" He asked me again as I got into his car. I shook my head again. I didn't want to go to another high class restaurant.

Then I got an idea...

"Actually, let's eat something. But I decide the restaurant." I said. Dream hummed and asked me to put the address in the GPS. I put in the address of Karl's restaurant. Dream drove us to the restaurant and I got out.

"This restaurant?" He asked. I nodded.

"The food is delicious!" I exclaimed.

"But I don't think many people eat here." He said. I shrugged and went inside. Dream followed me.

"It's a good restaurant is all I know." I said as I was greeted my the same lady, Karl's mother. We both gave her our orders and she asked us to sit and wait. A few minutes later Karl came over to us with our food.

"Hey! You're back! Thanks for coming back. Oh, Dream! You're here too! Thank you!" Karl said as energetically as ever.

"Hey Karl! Good to see you man. So you work here?" Dream asked.

"Wait you guys know each other?" I asked. Karl giggled and Dream gave a chuckle.

"Yeah! His best friend is my boyfriend!" Karl replied. I smiled and nodded understandingly. "And yeah, I work here. It's my family restaurant!"

"Cool!" Dream said. Karl excused himself and we started eating. Dream hummed with surprise and satisfaction as he took his first bite.

"It's actually so good!" He said with wide eyes that said the food was delicious.

"I told you!" I said as I took another bite. "The restaurant looks a bit small and there aren't as many people here but it has a homely feeling to it, and the food is good."

"You're right." Dream said as he quickly ate his food and asked Karl's mum to parcel some for him. I finished my meal too and we left after Dream paid even though Karl told him not to.

"I'm sure Cathy will like the food too. I'll bring her here once she's alright and her leg is healed." Dream said as he put the packed food on the back seat and started the car. He then dropped me home.

I exited his car and ran to my apartment. I quickly unlocked my door and turned on the light. I ran up to the window and waved at Dream who waved back and drove away.
1098 words.

Double upload :D enjoy!

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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