Chapter 7

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TWs: Homophobia.

George POV:

I entered the university building and went up to my locker. I had a few minutes until I had class so I needed to hurry. I took my books out and closed my locker as I saw a shadow from behind me. Uh oh.

I slowly turned around while not looking up. I was staring at the floor and slowly looked up. It was some girl I hadn't seen before. She was slightly taller than me and she looked mad.

"Uh excuse me?" I muttered trying to shuffle past her. She grabbed my shoulder and pushed me against the locker. I winced and she glared at me.

"Don't you dare take Dream from me." She said, her voice was intimidating. I was confused by what she meant and furrowed my eyebrows trying to find some sense in her words.

"What do you even mean?" I asked. Her grip on my shoulders tightened and it started to hurt. Her eyes were burning holes into me.

"Don't act so innocent! I saw you in Dream's car! If you didn't know, he's MINE. So back away." She said. What did I even do? I tried to get her to loosen her grip as my shoulder felt like it'd fall off any moment now.

"I'm not trying to take Dream from you! I've literally known him for a single day! And he was the one who offered to drop me here, not me. Now leave me the hell alone." I said. I was going to be late to class if she didn't let me go now.

"Oh I'm sure he'd do something like that for a nerd like you. Just so you know, he isn't a f@g. Don't you dare be anywhere near him." She said. I flinched at those words. Even though I wasn't gay, that slur hurts.

"Look I'm not in the mood to argue. I have a class to be in. And I'm not gay either so I don't see why you're so afraid of me 'stealing' Dream from you. I don't like homophobes so please clear the way and stop being so insecure maybe?" I fought back. She groaned in annoyance and lifted her fist to punch me but I was faster and grabbed her hand before she could hurt me.

"How dare you touch me! You have no right to touch me. Stay away you fucking freak!" She yelled as she pulled her hand away. If people weren't watching us before, they definitely were now. I rolled my eyes and pushed her back. She removed her hand from my shoulder and I held it because it was aching badly.

"And do you think you have some right on me to try punching me? You were the one who approached me. And what I did was self defence and you can't complain about it." I said and walked away.

I started walking towards my class which I'm sure I was late to. I saw Dream in the crowd of people who were staring. He looked surprised and had his mouth slightly open. I ignored him and continued to the class. I didn't want to be any more late.

The teacher luckily let me in the class. She told the people who came after me, including Dream, to not be late again and continued her lecture.

After class I went to my locker again. Everyone in the hallway was staring at me. I hated this much attention. I didn't say anything and walked to my next class.

I heard footsteps behind me. Ah shit, here we go again. I turned around and it was Dream. He smiled at me and I smiled back. Then I remembered what that girl had told me and turned back around, walking away.

"Hey George! Wait up!" He said. I slowed down but didn't turn. He caught up to me and we walked together.

"Look Dream I don't wanna get into another argument with your girlfriend. I think we shouldn't walk together." I said. Dream stopped and started laughing. I looked over confused.

"Who told you she's my girlfriend!??" Dream said while absolutely dying of laughter. A chuckle went past my lips too but I was still confused.

"She... did...-" I mumbled. Dream's laughter turned into a wheeze. He sounded like he was deflating. Or maybe like a tea kettle.

"I don't even know that girl!" Dream finally said as he calmed down slightly. That made me burst out laughing too.

"Wait what?!" I exclaimed and went into a laughing fit as well. We both laughed and then I realised I would be late again so I started rushing to my class with a smile still resting on my face. Dream noticed and followed.

"It was good to see you laugh like that." He said as he caught up to me. I felt my face go red at his words. Was I embarrassed? No, right? Then why was I blushing...?

"Y-Yeah, I should laugh more but I don't find reasons to." I told him honestly. He frowned but smiled again a moment later.

"Glad to know I made you laugh." He said. I smiled and nodded with an obvious blush on my face. He didn't say anything about it and we continued with our days.

After all my classes ended, I ran to the intersection. Darryl always picked me up from there. It was good he was my friend or else my life would've been way more difficult.

Soon Darryl arrived and we went to work together. I changed into my work uniform and stood at the counter while Darryl went inside to the kitchen. I finished work some hours later and Darryl drove me home.

All this time I couldn't get Dream out of my mind. He would randomly pop up in my brain and I'd start smiling like an idiot. The way he was so nice and sweet to me, the way he treated others with respect, the way he smiled and laughed... The way he made me laugh...

What has happened to me?
1014 words.

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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