Chapter 20

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George POV:

I woke up at 8 the next morning and went to see my mum. She was really positive about everything and it made me very happy. I hoped she would come home soon.

"Look mum, Dream got me this phone. It's really nice!" I told her as I showed her my new phone. She smiled.

"I already told you he's such a great person." She said. I nodded with a toothy smile.

"I want my first picture on this phone to be yours." I said. My mum slowly sat up and I helped her. Then I opened my camera and took a picture of both of us.

"You should leave now, you'll be late otherwise." My mum said.

"I'll be getting my test score back today. I'll tell you tomorrow what grade I got." I said as I picked up my bag and headed towards the door.

"I'm sure you'll get the best score Georgie." She said. I nodded and waved at her. She waved back and I left. Then I headed to the reception to pay some amount of money to lessen the bills.

I paid five hundred dollars but still had a few thousand due. I sighed and went outside to go to university. One day I'll get a good job and pay all the due bills.

After I got to the university and went to my class, I sat down in the middle seat of the second row. That was where I always sat. It's the perfect seat in the whole class.

I noticed Dream sitting on the last bench. He was looking at me and I smiled at him. He looked down with a blush and I blushed at the mere sight, turning around to face the front quickly.

The professor soon arrived and greeted the class. The first thing he did was call each student one-by-one and hand their test scores to them. I got called over and he handed me my score.

I had got an A+ on the test, A+ on the program, and an A on the presentation. My overall score being 94.3 out of a hundred. Pretty good!

After me and a few more students, Dream got called over. The professor looked really disappointed. He had told me yesterday he was going to fail. I think he failed...

The professor talked to him for a while before sending him back to his seat. He sighed and sat down. I looked at him and raised my eyebrows asking him about his score. He shook his head with a small frown.

After the lecture was over and everyone was hustling through the door, I packed my things and stood up waiting for the crowd of students to clear. I slowly made my way towards the door but before I could go out the professor stopped me.

"Hey George Davidson, wait up!" He called from behind me. I glanced at him and saw Dream standing next to him. I walked up to the pair of them.

"Yes sir? Can I help you?" I asked politely.

"George, you got the highest grade in the whole class, congratulations. Your fellow classmate, Clay, however has failed his exam. I don't think he could pass this year if this continues. Can you help him with his studies? Can you tutor him?" He asked me.

Now I was in trouble. I wanted to say yes but I had work and a very busy schedule. But if I said no, I won't be able to spend time with Dream and they both will think I'm not a good person.

"Y-Yes, but uh- I'm really busy most of the time..." I said hesitantly.

"George you don't have to. I know how busy you are." Dream said.

"It's fine, I can help you. I don't want you to fail." I said with a small, soft smile.

"Great! You guys can discuss the details later." The professor said, walking away. I quickly exited the class to go to my other lecture. Dream followed me.

"Do you wanna come to my place or can we study at your place?" He asked me as we walked through the hallway. I shrugged.

"Either is fine. You might have to pick me up from work though, both our houses are pretty far away from there." I said.

"Alright, we can decide later. What about the pay?" He asked.

"Pay? You're gonna pay me now?" I asked. Sure I was in need of money but I won't ask for money from Dream. He has already done so much for me.

"Uh- yes? Don't tutors get paid?" He said in a questioning tone. I shrugged and nodded.

"Okay, like 10 bucks an hour? Is that fine?" I said. He shook his head.

"Nope. Not worth your efforts. How about more? Like umm, 50 dollar an hour?" He asked. I looked at him with big eyes.

"50 dollars?! Have you gone insane? I won't even be able to teach you everyday!" I almost yelled But quieted myself down seeing I was in the middle of a hallway.

"It's fine George. Your efforts and time aren't worth just 10 dollars! I'd spend the money on something dumb anyway so why not on studies?" He said. I shrugged again and didn't reply after that because we got to our class.

The professor was already teaching but let us in when we told him the other professor had asked us to stay back.

And the university day was finally over. Now I was in Dream's car because he insisted to drop me at work. He said it'll save me a lot of time and honestly it is saving the time.

the blonde had told me we'd be studying at his house tonight. We had planned to study 3 days a week for two hours a day. I wanted to teach him everything at his own pace.

We finally arrived at my work. It took us a couple of minutes to reach with Dream's fast car.

"You can go inside, I'll be back at 8. I have to go home for a while. My sister is alone at home." He said hurriedly. I nodded and quickly got out of his car and he drove away.
1046 words.

My girlfriend just asked me if WAP actually meant Worship and Prayers and my immediately response was no-
Then I said it meant Waffles and Pancakes. Problem solved :)

(Just remembered she is going to see this so don't tell her what it means guys)

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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