Chapter 28

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Dream POV:

I was really nervous when I stood alone at the counter waiting for Laura. I hoped this was my sister and that my search was finally over. I bit my lip as I saw two people heading over to the counter, one of which was George.

"H-Hi Laura." I said, my voice shaking slightly from the nerves. I had never been this nervous before. Laura came over to me with a confused look and tilted her head slightly.

"Hello, were you looking for me?" She asked. I shrugged and nodded.

"I-I hope so..." I sighed deeply. Laura still had a confused frown as her eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly. "I've been looking for my sister for 15 years... and I really hope my search is over."

"Wait..." Laura said with wide eyes. She looked down and took a deep breath. "C-Clay?" She asked looking back up. Her face was filled with shock and surprise, and I think my face wasn't any different.

"Y-Yes, it's m-me. L-Laura?" I said in almost a whisper. Both our eyes got teary as she ran around the counter towards me. I immediately pulled her into a hug as we both had tears rolling down our faces.

"Clay? It's really you?" She asked pulling away just slightly and looking at me, taking in my expression as I looked at her features. Her green eyes staring into mine. I nodded with a smile.

"It's me Laura, I finally found you..." I said. I chuckled through tears at the situation. My sister lived in the same city as me but I hadn't found her until today.

"How are you? How are mom and dad? Oh my god! L-Let's go over there and talk, we're in the middle of this place." Laura said. I nodded and led her over to a table. I was practically shaking.

"Okay, now tell me. Where even were you all these years? I've searched for you pretty much everywhere!" I said. Laura looked down and sighed softly.

"After that day at the beach, the last day I saw you, I woke up on the shore of an island. It had a mansion on it but no one was around. I roamed around the island for two days without any food or anything. Then on the third day, I saw a few people coming to the island in a boat." She said. I listened to her, interested to know what had happened.

"They spotted me and asked me where I lived. Then they took me with them for the days they stayed in the mansion and even took me home with them saying they'll help me search for my parents. If it weren't for them, I would've died from starvation."

"When we got to their house though, they never let me have any kind of contact with anyone. They raised me inside the house. They homeschooled me and I wasn't allowed a phone until I was in college. When I was in college and an adult, I moved out."

"The first thing I did after moving out was go to our old house. There were some new people there, and I'm pretty bad at talking to people so I returned hopeless. I had lost all hope at finding you guys, thinking you moved somewhere else and moved on with life."

"I'm not allowed to have social media. I'm not allowed to tell this story to any friends I make. They control pretty much everything I do. They call themselves my parents and are convinced that I've forgotten about you guys." Laura said.

"Who are these people?" I asked.

"They're a married couple with no kids. They adopted me as their kid. I have to call them mom and dad." She told me. I nodded in understanding.

"So... uh, what happens if you disobey them or something?" I asked.

"I... don't wanna talk about it. Anyways, how are you guys at home?" She asked.

"Uh- you can barely call it home anymore... mom isn't with us anymore and dad... he's changed, a lot." I said. Laura frowned.

"Wh-What do you mean mom isn't with us anymore?" She asked, panicked.

"She had cancer..." I muttered while looking down. Laura immediately burst into tears and I had to pull her into a hug and rub her back to calm her down. "It's been four years Laura."

"I didn't even get to see her... All this time, I hoped to see her just once and now that I could have, she isn't here..." She muttered.

"It's okay, Laura. I miss her everyday." I whispered, about to break down into tears as well, but I had to stay strong for Laura. She sniffled and composed herself.

"What about dad?" She asked slowly.

"He doesn't care about us anymore. He thinks you're... dead. His business changed him from our caring dad to an emotionless piece of shit." I said, slightly angry that I had to talk about my dad. But I don't blame Laura, she didn't knew.

"He even has a daughter with another woman. Our half sister, Cathy." I added a little later. "This all happened when mom was still here. That man has no shame. I don't want to call him my father."

"And what about you? How are you?" She asked.

"I'm fine, I guess. I'm definitely happy now that I've met you, but life has been rough. If it wasn't for my best buddy over there, I don't know if I would've made it till here." I said, pointing to Sapnap. Laura frowned and hugged me.

"Everything will be alright Clay. I'll be with you through everything now. I got you, lil bro." Laura said, lifting the mood and removing some thickness from the air. I chuckled slightly and hugged her back.

After talking to each other about life for another hour, we exchanged phone numbers and bid our farewells. I promised Laura that I'd bring her back to our house someday. I then drove off with Nick and George.

"Dude, that was so emotional. I almost cried and George definitely shed some tears." Nick said. Me and George both chuckled.

"Of course it was emotional. I met after 15 freaking years!" I said with a little laugh. "I'm so glad to have finally found her."

"I'm happy for you." George said from beside me. He had an adorable smile on his face.

"I'm happy if you're happy!" Nick said from the backseat. I chuckled and drove towards Nick's house.
1093 words.

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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