Chapter 30

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Third Person POV:

George quickly finished his coffee and got up to throw away the cup. Dream was waiting for George by the chairs. When he came back, Dream led him outside the hospital for a walk.

"Where even are we going Dream? It's so cold outside." George said wrapping his arms around himself. Dream noticed and tugged off his hoodie and offered it to George who hesitantly took it.

"Just going for a quick walk. Let's go towards that park." Dream said motioning towards a park outside the hospital. The park was full of soft grass and a couple benches.

They started walking towards the park, Dream getting more and more nervous as the time passed. He was determined to ask George out today but he had no idea of how to ask someone out.

"Hey George?" Dream said softly, looking at the ground. George looked up at him and hummed signalling Dream had his attention. Dream sighed before opening his mouth to speak again. "Have you ever... been in love?"

George took a moment to answer. "Yes actually, I've been in love. Why'd you ask?" George replied with a smile.

"Because I think I'm in love with someone... I've never been in a relationship before, and I don't know what I'm feeling." Dream muttered. George's smile faltered just for a second before he pulled on another smile. He thought Dream liked someone else and he was losing his hopes that he'd kept high.

"Love is beautiful. You feel weird and tingly around the person you love, you feel butterflies for them. They always get you flustered, and you always care for them. You become protective of them." George said. Dream listened intently.

Although Dream already knew that what he felt was love for the brunette, he was still unsure of a way to ask him out, and this was his indirect and subtle approach.

"I guess I'm in love." Dream mumbled, loud enough for George to hear. George's hopes of Dream liking him back were shattering slowly.

"Good for you. I hope the person likes you back and you live a great future with them." George said, his heart aching as he tried his best to keep a happy face. Dream had noticed how George was suddenly a little uneasy and hoped it was because he liked him back.

"What should I do George? Should I ask him out? Or should I wait?" Dream asked. George felt like he would cry, not knowing he was the person Dream was talking about. He shrugged and sighed.

"You should do what your heart tells you to do Dream. Listen to your heart." George said, his voice smaller and shaky. Dream took hold of George's hand and stopped walking, George coming to a stop as well when his hand got tugged.

"George." Dream whispered. George looked down and nodded, indicating he was hearing. "Do you wanna know who this person is that I like?"

George sighed, afraid to meet Dream's addicting green eyes as he continued to look at the floor. He gave a small, barely noticeable shrug. Dream put his hands on George's shoulders.

"Can you look at me?" Dream asked in a whisper. George blinked a few times to get rid of the wetness in his eyes and looked up with an obvious fake smile. "...It's You."

George's eyes widened slightly as the words left Dream's mouth. He let out a barely audible gasp and looked at Dream with surprise in his umber eyes that got glossed with tears quickly.

"I really like you George, and as I said before, I'm in love with you. I love you George. You have everything I had been looking for in someone, and you're the cutest person I've ever met." Dream said softly as his hands trailed up to cup George's cheeks.

"I-I-" George stuttered. Dream sighed softly, looking between both of George's eyes as he pulled him in for a hug. Tears slowly filled his eyes as well thinking George didn't feel the same way as he did, being oblivious of why the brunette was speechless.

"It's alright if you don't feel the same, I understand." Dream said in a shaky voice. George shook his head and pulled away slightly to look at Dream.

"Dream I-I l-like you t-too..." George whispered, his voice broken as he swallowed the lump in his throat. He quickly pulled Dream back in a hug as they both had tears in their eyes, this time from the happiness.

Dream slowly pulled back and cupped George's jaw, tilting his head up. He wiped a strained tear from his cheek and looked into his deep eyes. He noticed George's gaze trailing down to his lips as his hand moved to rest over Dream's.

Dream's eyes looked down at George's lips, not missing how he licked his delicate plumped lips. Dream did the same as his eyes travelled back up to meet George's.

"C-Can I-" Dream started but got cut off when George nodded slowly. Both of them knowing what was happening. They both slowly inched closer to each other until their faces were just centimetres apart.

Dream leaned down and connected their lips in a soft, sweet kiss. Fireworks exploded in both their stomachs as their lips moved in sync, both melting into each other's touch.

Dream's hands trailed lower to George's waist, holding him close. George wrapped his arms around Dream's neck as he smiled slightly through the kiss.

They both pulled away for just a second to regain their breaths before falling back into their previous rhythm, lips moving in sync again, fitting perfectly against each other like puzzle pieces.

George slowly pulled away from the kiss and got off his tippy toes. Both of them were panting softly due to lack of air during the kiss. Dream leaned down to press a soft kiss on George's forehead before resting his own forehead against his.

"George?" Dream whispered. George hummed and looked up at him with a soft smile. "...Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Yes Dream, of course!" George said excitedly, pecking Dream's lips. "Although I might not be able to spend time with you a lot, I'm really busy, as you know." George frowned.

"I understand it George. I won't bother you much. I just want... kisses and cuddles and hugs." Dream said with a happy smile.

"I love you Dream." George said, pulling Dream into another soft kiss.
1079 words.

This was so cute I might die from cuteness overload :')

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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