Chapter 14

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TW: Mentions Homophobia.

George POV:

"It's yours." Dream said. I looked at him with my eyebrows furrowed. I was very confused.

"It's not, I have my- wait... OH MY GOD DREAM!" I exclaimed after my sleepy brain processed what was going on. Dream had bought a phone for me. And not just any phone, an iPhone!

Dream chuckled at my reaction and I looked at him with wide eyes full of wonder. I lowered my gaze and looked at the box in my hands that had the phone.

"I can't take this Dream." I stated with a small frown. He looked confused. "It's too expensive, I can't..."

"It's a gift." He said simply. I looked at him and he smiled. I smiled back and hugged him. It wasn't the best hug because we had a centre console between us. He hugged me back and I felt something fluttery in my stomach. Butterflies.

The only time I've felt butterflies in the past was when I was with Tasha, my now ex-girlfriend. I broke up with her some days after my dad's accident. The butterflies I felt were because I liked her. But I didn't like Dream, atleast not as something more than a friend. Then why was I feeling this way...?

I shrugged the feeling off and broke the hug. I looked back down at the phone and my eyes got watery. Dream placed a large, warm hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, don't cry. Why are you crying?" He asked softly, wiping my tears with his thumb. My face felt hot all of a sudden. I blamed it on the crying.

"These are tears of happiness." I said, my voice cracking in the middle. Dream smiled and I returned the gesture with a small smile.

"Thank you so much Dream, but you didn't have to do all thi-" I started but Dream stopped me by placing his finger on my lips.

"Shut up. I did have to buy you a phone. I told you the other day I'd buy it for you. I wish I didn't have taken this long to buy it." He said. I just stared into his eyes as he removed his finger.

"All I can do is thank you a million times." I said after a moment.

"I don't want your thank you's. All I want is for you to be happy." Dream said with a smile. I thanked him again before exiting his car and heading to my apartment.

I turned the lights on and immediately went over to the window to see him standing outside his car waving up at me. I waved back and he got into his car and left. I sighed as I closed the cracked glass of the window.

I thought about studying but my brain was too tired for that. I washed my face and sat on my bed staring at the 'iPhone 13 Pro Max'. I decided to open it and get my contacts saved on it.

After 15 minutes of saving important phone numbers I sighed and fell back onto my bed. I was too sleepy to do this tonight. I put the phone by my pillow and closed my eyes.

The first face that appeared in my brain after closing my eyes was Dream's and I opened my eyes again, thinking about why I felt butterflies around him earlier today. Do I like him? But I'm not gay...

I shrugged everything off and decided I'll deal with it tomorrow and fell asleep instantly.

The next morning I woke up at 7. I decided to go visit my mum and got ready quickly. I felt refreshed today after a good sleep.

Time Skip a few hours later (George is at work now)

"Have a great day sir!" I said as I gave a man some change back. It was a Sunday but there weren't many customers here.

"Hey George, you can sit inside now. It's Brooke's turn to receive orders." Darryl told me. I nodded and followed him to the kitchen where I sat down and he started doing some work.

Darryl is the first person I got to know here. I know most of his life and he knows mine. He was kicked out of his house and that's why he works here. He shares a house with a roommate and they split the rent. He's a pretty nice person in general.

"Uhm- Darryl?" I said to get his attention. He looked over and muttered a 'yes?' and I continued. "Random question, what does love feel like? Have you ever been in love?"

My mind had been wandering around Dream since morning. I needed some answers. I had no idea what I was feeling anymore. Was this a crush? Was I gay? Is this normal?

"Yes, I've been in love. Love is a beautiful feeling. It's when you care for someone and they care for you. Sometimes at the start you have no idea what you're feeling anymore. They're the only one on your mind. You want to share every moment possible with them." Darryl said while smiling. "Why'd you ask? Does George have a crush~?"

"I don't know Darryl." I sighed. "I can't figure anything out, it's weird."

"You know my roommate? That's my boyfriend, Zak. My parents... you know, when they figured out I was dating him... They're pretty homophobic." Darryl told me. I frowned and nodded slowly.

"Parents should be supportive of their children. They birthed and raised you with care but they kick you out as soon as they know you like boys?" I said. Darryl nodded and sighed.

"The world isn't a nice place George... Anyways, who's this person that you like?" Darryl asked.

"I'm still trying to figure out if I like them or not. I mean, I can't be gay right? I've had a girlfriend in the past. But I felt butterflies for them and I blush pretty easily around them." I said. Darryl nodded and put a supporting hand on my shoulder.

"It's not necessary you're gay if you like the same gender. You can be bisexual and like two genders, or more. Or you can like every gender but have a preference for a specific gender. Zak is omnisexual. He likes all genders but has a preference for boys." Darryl explained. I nodded, suddenly interested in sexualities and wanting to figure myself out.

"Darryl, am I bi?" I asked.

"If you feel comfortable with the label, then you can be bi. You can be whatever you want and whatever you're comfortable with. There are so many sexualities you can explore. I just knew I was gay so it wasn't difficult for me." Darryl said. He hadn't told me about his sexuality before but I knew now.

"I'll look through them on Google tonight. I'll tell you what I feel comfortable with." I said with a smile. Darryl smiled back.

"Remember, figuring out your sexual orientation is a long process. Zak had to experiment with different labels for two years before he came out as omnisexual. Take your time with it and come out when you feel comfortable enough to." Darryl said. I nodded.

"Thanks Darryl." I said and let him do his work. Now I knew what I was doing the first thing after I get home.
1217 words.

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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