Chapter 13

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Dream POV:

After putting Cathy to sleep that evening I went with Sapnap to the Apple store. I had to buy two phones, one for Cathy and one for George. I hoped George forgot I ever said I'd buy him a phone because I want to surprise him.

Sapnap led me over to the iPhone section where all the newest iPhones were. A gold phone caught my attention. It was the iPhone 13 Pro Max, the one I got a couple weeks ago but mine was silver.

I looked through the iPhone 13 Pro Max and decided to get a Gold one and a Sierra Blue one. I also got a few accessories and checked out, paying a little below 3.5k

"Dude Cathy would be so happy. It's literally every kid's wish to get the latest iPhone." Sapnap said. I chuckled and nodded. We went out to my car. I sat on the drivers seat and Nick sat shotgun.

"Wanna go to the McDonald's real quick?" I asked. Sapnap laughed.

"Does Dream wanna go see his crush?~" He replied. I blushed and looked outside the window as I cleared my throat.

"Nope, just hungry." I said. Sapnap laughed even harder and I chuckled awkwardly with him. I started the car and we headed to the McDonald's George worked at.

We repeated what we did the other day. Sapnap went to get a table and order our food while I parked the car. When I entered the restaurant I saw George who looked zoned out. I greeted him with a smile and a small wave. He snapped back and shook his head lightly before smiling and waving back.

"He looks tired." Sapnap said nodding towards George when I went over to sit with him. I sighed and put my chin on the palm of my hand.

"He was zoned out when I entered. He probably didn't get enough sleep. Did I mess his sleep schedule up?" I asked.

"I don't think so. You can cheer him up though! The iPhone!" Sapnap said.

"Wait how did you know I bought the other one for him?" I asked. I never told Sapnap I was buying a phone for George. Sapnap giggled.

"I told you earlier I can read you like a book. Cathy doesn't need two phones, so it's obvious the other one is for George." Sapnap said.

"Is it really that obvious?" I whisper-asked with a fake pout. Sapnap nodded while grinning.

"Order number #116! Please collect your order." George said from the counter. I looked at Sapnap wordlessly asking him if that was our order and he nodded. I stood up and went over to the counter.

"I'll take it, thank you." I said with a smile as I took the food.

"Enjoy your meal!" George said. I nodded, trying not to grin and look weird, and returned to my seat. Nick pounced on his food as if he hadn't eaten in days. He immediately started eating in big bites but I took my time to finish my burger.

"Dude I'm so full I'm not touching food for another week." Nick said as he finished his food and sat back.

"You'll literally drag me to some restaurant tomorrow. I can bet on it." I said chuckling. Nick smiled and stole some of my fries.

"Hey! That's mine! And you were just complaining about how full you are." I said annoyed as I moved my food closer.

"You don't mind, do you?" He said smugly. I shrugged and continued eating. He stole a couple fries from me time to time but I was already quite full so I let him.

"Let's leave now. Cathy is basically home alone, my father doesn't care." I said. Nick nodded and stood up. I quickly paid for it and George handed me the change.

"Keep it... Also, when is your shift ending today?" I asked him. He looked at me confused.

"I'm not going to another restaurant with you." He said. I shook my head.

"I won't mess your schedule again, but maybe I can drop you home?" I asked. He thought for a while.

"Will you actually drop me home or will you trick me?" He asked.

"Why would I trick you? I told you, you can trust me." I said with a smile. George returned the smile and nodded.

"Fine, I'll see you at 9 then." He said with a tired smile. I nodded and left the McDonald's behind Nick. His shift ends at 9 and it's just 7:30 right now. I have enough time to drop Sapnap home and check on Cathy before returning.

I unlocked the car and we sat down for a bit before I started driving to Nick's house. He didn't have the best parents. They weren't around much and never really cared about him. That's why he preferred hanging out with me instead of getting bored from being lonely at home.

I dropped him home and he was probably going to go to some high school/college party. He is an absolute party animal. He says he likes party because Quackity does too. I don't blame him, people really cross every line when they're in love. Now look at me! I bought a phone for the one I like... or love, I can't decide.

When I went home and to Cathy's room she was still asleep. I figured she might be tired so I didn't disturb her and headed back to my car to go drop George home. I just want to spend every moment possible with him. Oh god, what has happened to me?

When I got there it was 10 minutes to 9 and I just waited by my car for him to notice me. He exited the building with another guy, the same one from that other day. They talked for a bit and then waved each other goodbye. George headed towards me and the guy went over to his car.

"Hey!" I said. George waved with a smile and sat down shotgun, resting his head on the window. "Tired?"

"Yeah, haha. Didn't get much sleep yesterday." George mumbled. I nodded and let him buckle up before starting the car and pulling out of the parking lot. I asked George to put in his address in the GPS. He did that and I started following the address.

I glanced to my side to see George was sound asleep, resting his head against the window. I smiled and slowed the car down as to not accidentally wake the brunette up on a speed bump. He must be really tired after work.

I drove to his home and stopped in front of a small and pretty worn down apartment building. I wish I knew his floor and flat number because now I had to wake him up from his sleep.

"Wake up George. We're here." I said softly as I gently shook him awake. He hummed and tried to turn but opened his eyes with a confused look.

"Did I fall asleep?" He asked in a raspy voice. I nodded with a small smile. "I'm sorry..." He looked down, embarrassed.

"Don't apologize idiot, I understand." I said as I turned the car off. George stretched in his seat and unfastened his seatbelt. He opened the door yawning and rubbed his eyes.

"I have to study..." George muttered.

"Go home and get some sleep. You can study tomorrow if you have to. Give yourself a break." I said. George frowned but nodded and began exiting the car. Then I remembered I had to give him the phone.

"Wait, George, actually-" I said as I reached for the bag in the backseat. I took out the first box I could reach, which was the Sierra Blue, and moved it in front of him. "Here."

"...What do you want me to do?" He asked confused. I chuckled and handed him the phone.

"It's yours."
1325 words.

Sorry for not uploading yesterday guys. I had something to do outside and I didn't have any phone on me. But here's me making up for it with two chapters. Hope you enjoy!

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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