Chapter 11

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Dream POV:

I was texting Nick when Cathy opened the bathroom door and I helped her sit on the wheelchair. Nick had told me he'd be coming over today.

"Does your leg hurt from walking now?" I asked Cathy. She shrugged.

"I can't feel my leg, it's numb." She said. I nodded and then my phone pinged. It was Nick sending me some memes. I put it on silent and shoved it in my pocket.

"...Did they have my phone back at the hospital? Along with mom's belongings?" She asked.

"I didn't see any phones there. I did see a broken one but that wasn't in the condition to work anymore." I said.

"I need my phone to inform everyone..." She said. I nodded thinking of what to do.

"I'll buy one for you?" I said. It gave me deja vu from when I told George I'd be buying a phone for him. I'll be buying two phones today.

"That's too much to ask for." She said looking down. I was about to reply when I heard Nick's voice echoing from my room.

"I'll be right back." I said before heading to my room. Nick stood there looking around for me and seemed to jump as I appeared at the door.

"You scared me dude." He sighed. I chuckled and dragged him outside.

"I was with my sister, Cathy. She lost her mom yesterday and is injured so I have to take care of her." I said leading Nick to the guest bedroom.

"Since when do you have a sister? You know, apart from...?" He asked referring to Laura. I sighed.

"Long story. I'll explain everything later. For now you have to help me take care of her. I have no idea how to deal with 9 year olds." I said. Sapnap nodded and we walked into Cathy's room.

"Hiya Cathy! I'm your brother's best buddy, so I'm also your brother. I'm Nick." Sapnap said to Cathy and she smiled.

"Hi Nick. I'm glad to have you guys so that I'm not alone." She said.

"Do you wanna go outside?" I asked her. She nodded so me and Sapnap took her to the park in front of my house. There were a few people there and we walked in a quiet corner.

"Can I go over there? They are my friends!" Cathy said pointing over to two boys who looked the same age as her. I smiled and nodded. We took her towards the two boys.

"Hey Tommy! Hi Tubs!" She said. They both greeted her and seemed to stare at her cast.

"What happened Cathy?" The taller boy asked. Cathy frowned and looked up at me.

"She got into an accident." I said frowning. Both boys nodded with worried expression.

"Can I be alone with them for a little?" She asked me. I nodded and let go of her wheelchair.

"You can call for us if you need something. I'll be on that bench over there." I said and walked over to a bench with Sapnap.

"Okay, so what happened?" Sapnap asked. I sighed and explained him everything from going to the hospital for my monthly donation to bringing Cathy home to finding out what my dad did. I didn't tell him about George's mother though.

"He really messed up big." Sapnap said. I nodded.

"Yeah Sap. And the worst part is my mom knew he had another child." I said.

"Anyways, so does Cathy know she's your half sister?" Sapnap asked.

"No, I just told her I'm her brother now and she doesn't know we have the same father." I said.

"What will you do when she finds out?" He asked.

"I don't know Sap. She's young, she might not understand how big of a deal this is." I sighed. Sapnap put his arm on my shoulders.

"I hope everything will be fine, man.... Anyways, how's it going with your gogy wogy?" Sapnap asked with a hint of a smirk.

"My what?" I asked with confusion in my voice. Sapnap laughed.

"Your crush from that McDonald's!" He said. I felt my cheeks heating up and looked away.

"He's n-not my crush!" I said. Sapnap laughed even harder and I probably looked like a tomato.

"I can read you like a book, Dream. Now tell me, how's it going with him." Nick said.

"I took him to a restaurant that night." I said scratching the back of my neck.

"Ooh! Was it a date?" Sapnap asked excitedly. I chuckled and shook my head.

"No idiot! He's straight." I said.

"Did you ask him that?" He asked.

"...No? Wouldn't it be weird if I were to randomly ask him his sexuality?" I replied.

"Then how can you assume idiot." Sapnap said smacking me in the head. "Mine and Quackity's first conversation was literally who is more gay."

"What the hell?" I said while absolutely dying of laughter. Sapnap chuckled with me.

"Uh- excuse me!" One of the two boys, the shorter one, called for us. I stood up immediately and went over to them.

"What's up?" I asked. Then I saw Cathy who had tears streaming down her face. I hugged her and wiped her tears. "What happened?"

"She told us what happened to her yesterday then she started crying. We tried to calm her down." The short boy said.

"And failed. So we thought we should ask for your help." The taller boy finished. I frowned and nodded thinking of what to do.

"Hey Cathy, don't cry my strong little sister. Do you want me to distract you?" I asked. Cathy nodded and wiped the new tears that had fallen onto her cheeks. "Do you want to tell me about your friends?"

"This is T-Tommy and that's Toby but we call him Tubbo. We're friends since 4th grade." Cathy said.

"What grade are you guys in now?" I asked. Cathy had stopped crying and was now focused on what I was asking.

"7th grade." Cathy and Tommy said in unison. Toby seemed to be the less talkative one.

"Wait how old are you?" I asked genuinely wondering. I thought she was 9 but she's in 7th grade so I guess not.

"I'm 12." She said with a smile. I looked at her with surprised eyes.

"I genuinely thought you were like 8 or 9." I said. Cathy chuckled and Tommy and Toby laughed a little.

"Me and Tubbo are 12, Tommy is 11, because he's a child!" Cathy said taunting Tommy. He looked annoyed and Cathy laughed.

"I'm not a fucking child you dickhead!" Tommy yelled and Tubbo gasped from his side.

"Don't swear bossman! That's not nice!" Toby said. Tommy glared at him.

"Don't tell me what to do Tubbo! She's making fun of me!" Tommy said. Cathy giggled and shoved Tommy away from Tubbo.

"I'm just stating facts." Cathy said smugly. Tommy huffed and crossed his arms. I laughed and Nick chuckled as he came up behind me and put his arm around my shoulder.

"Shall we head home Cathy?" Nick asked. Cathy nodded with a smile and waved at her friends. I pushed her wheelchair back towards our house.
1195 words.

I'm so tempted to make Cathy gay...

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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