Chapter 3

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George POV:

I had been sitting in Dream's car for 10 minutes now. He was driving us somewhere. I assumed he was taking me to a restaurant. Honestly, he's an idiot. I literally worked at a restaurant but he decided to ignore that fact.

He kept sneaking glances at me too. Do I have something on my face? I pull out my phone and stared at the closed screen. I didn't have anything on my face... Why is he glancing at me then?

"That's your phone?" He asked me. I looked at him and nodded.

"Yeah?" I replied. He just looked at me for a while before turning away. Now he has a problem with my phone too? It's not like I can afford those expensive phones like him!

"How do you even store things on that?" He asked. Seriously?

"I'm doing just fine with it..." I said looking at my phone. Sure it was small compared to all the other phones out there now but it does the work for me. I mean all I need it for is calling, texting and studying. I don't use it often anyways.

"You should really get a better phone sometime." He muttered.

"I know. I'm happy with it till it's working for me. I'll think about buying something later." I said. The truth was I didn't have any money to buy a phone. All the money I earned went to my mum's hospital bills.

"I can buy one for you?" He said. It sounded more like a question though. I shook my head and stared out the window. I didn't want favours. I didn't need them.

"I understand your concern but really, I'm fine." I said. He shrugged and kept driving.

A couple more minutes passed by and the car stopped. I looked in front of me to see a big, luxurious and probably 5-star restaurant. It was huge. It was way bigger than any place I've ever eaten at. But then again, Dream is rich. This must be a daily thing for him.

"Woah... Its so big!" I exclaim.

"That's what she said." Dream said jokingly. I glared at him.

"Shut up. I can't eat here. Its way too expensive..." I said.

"The bill's on me." Dream said as he exited his car. I got out behind him. He handed the keys to the valet parking guy and led me inside.

"You should've atleast told me you were gonna take me to this expensive restaurant. I would've wore something better. Now I look weird and out of place." I muttered suddenly being self conscious about my clothes.

"You're fine. I'm literally wearing my everyday hoodie. It doesn't matter." He said. I sighed and just followed him to a table. I got handed a menu and I looked through for something I liked. Fuck, this place is way more expensive than I thought.

"Dream I don't think I should be here. Everything is like five times more expensive than normal." I whispered.

"As I said I'll be the one paying. Get whatever you like." Dream smiled. I read through the whole menu looking for the cheapest dish.

"You've ate here before right? How does this salad taste?" I asked pointing to the cheapest salad on the menu.

"Its alright. You can have it if you want, but I'd say don't look for the cheaper dishes maybe? Feel free to order whatever without worrying about the price. Just ignore the price column." He said. I nodded embarrassed and looked for something else.

"How about a steak?" I asked. The last time I had steak was on my birthday two years ago.

"Sure." Dream said. The service person soon came over to us.

"Hello gentlemen, what would you like?" He asked.

"I'll have some penne alfredo." Dream said. The guy noted it down and looked at me.

"I-I'll have steak." I said. He nodded and walked away, noting my order. We both just sat awkwardly until Dream decided to speak.

"George, you can talk to me if you need. I'll always be there if something is wrong. You might not trust me yet but I promise whatever you tell me will be safe with me. It's fine if you don't wanna talk right now. I won't force you." Dream told me.

I just nodded. What do I even say now? I don't want to tell him about my mother! Even though I almost did tell him what I was going through.

"Thanks Dream, but I don't think I can talk about anything yet." I said. He frowned but nodded. The waiter came over to us with our food.

"Here you go sir, steak with mashed potatoes and a side of salad. And here's Italian penne alfredo." The waiter said and placed our orders in front of us. Dream picked up a fork and started eating. I picked up a knife and a fork as well. I didn't start eating just yet because I was afraid I would make a fool of myself. I've never eaten at such a high class restaurant.

"You're not eating." Dream said pointing at my plate. I looked down in embarrassment and started eating in the most fancy way I could. Dream chuckled.

"You don't have to do all that! Just eat normally. No one cares how you eat here." Dream said. Now I was even more embarrassed. I started eating normally but slowly. Then I looked at the time. 9 P.m.?!? I was usually home by that time studying! I need to finish my food quickly.

I started eating faster and almost choked on the salad. Dream looked at me with concern. Why was he so concerned? I ignored him and continued eating. Dream finished his pasta before me. I tried eating as quick as I can and finished my steak. Dream got up and I followed him. He paid for our food and left.

"I have to drop you off at your place. Where do you live?" Dream asked me as we made our way to his car.

"Uh just drop me at the University. I can walk home." I said.

"It'll take you a while to walk there and you're already late. I can drop you home, it's not a problem." He says. Something in me tells me to let him take me home but my brain tells me to not trust him just yet. I don't want him seeing my small apartment and laughing at me.

"My home is pretty close to the University. The most you can do is drop me at the intersection." I said. He shrugged and nodded. We started driving and he dropped me at the intersection near the university. I thanked him and began walking home.

The truth was, my home was about a 30 minute walk from the university. Usually Darryl gave me a lift so I wouldn't have to walk but now I'd have to walk and I'll be even more late. Thanks Dream.
1167 words.

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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