Chapter 18

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Dream POV:

I went back home and saw my dad walking out while I could hear Cathy upstairs, very obviously crying. I ignored my dad and ran upstairs.

Cathy's door was open and she was crying loudly on her bed. I made my way over to her side and hugged her. She flinched but saw it was me and hugged me back tightly.

"What's wrong? Did someone hurt you?" I asked, referring to my dad. Cathy nodded.

"W-We have th-the same d-dad..." She muttered. So that bastard told her? I sighed and nodded slightly.

"Yeah... you're actually my half sister. I didn't know this when I first met you, but I realized it when I saw that picture at your old place." I whispered.

"He said he h-hated me and that I-I was just a mistake." Cathy said while sobbing.

"Hey, Cathy, he's just a stupid excuse of a father. He's never been the fatherly figure I needed growing up. It was like I never even had a father. Do you think you should listen to a person like him?" I asked her. She shook her head and sobbed loudly.

"He's still our dad though..." She said. I shook my head. I don't even consider him as my father. I absolutely hate him.

"He's not my father. I don't even want to look at that man." I mumbled angrily. Cathy looked up at me with fear and my expression softened as I wiped her tears away.

"He told me that I should've... died, with my mom..." Cathy said. I frowned at her hurt expression.

"I told you not to listen to anything he says. He doesn't actually give a shit about anything. All he ever does is make offices after offices. He never cares about his family." I said.

"He was rude to me. I'm trying my best to not let it affect me, but honestly? It hurts Dream. Maybe I should've-" Cathy said but I stopped her by putting my finger up to her lips and shaking my head.

"Don't say it. I'm here for you and I love you. You matter Cathy. You have to make your mom proud, don't you?" I said. Cathy smiled weakly and nodded before tears ran down her cheeks again.

"I miss her so much..." She whispered.

"I understand Cathy, I know what you're going through. I'm here with you, through thick and thin. I had no one but I'm not gonna let you be alone." I said. Cathy gave a small nod and let go of me. She took a deep breath.

"Jessica might be here soon. I'm gonna get ready..." She said. I nodded and stood up to exit her room, closing the door behind her so that she could change.

I really wanted to see George. Nick was in a relationship now and I'm going to be the third wheel real soon... I decided I'll go to McDonald's after Jessica arrives and I can leave Cathy with her.

"Dream~!" Cathy called for me. I opened her door and peeked inside. She was on the edge of her bed trying to pick up a sock that had fallen onto the floor. I chuckled and picked it up for her. She said thanks and shooed me away again.

Half an hour later, Jessica messaged her that she was at the park. I took her to the park and met Jessica. She was really sweet. I think she'd be good for my sister.

After spending some time with the girls, I told Cathy that I'd be back in a while and told her to enjoy spending time with her 'friend'. She rolled her eyes while smiling with a blush on her face.

I drove to George's McDonald's. It was almost time for his shift to be over. I waited a little more and there he was, walking with that one boy. I waved my hands for him to notice me and when he did he smiled and ran over to me.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" He asked me with a smile.

"I was bored so I thought I'd drop you home again. It's like a hobby to me." I said. He chuckled.

"What? Dropping me home?" He asked. I nodded and started the car after he sat down and buckled up. He leaned against the window and pulled out his phone. "This phone is actually really good, thanks Dream."

"I have the same one, just a different colour. It's pretty useless for me though, it doesn't have your number." I said. George blushed and looked away, hiding his face in his palms.

"You're such an idiot." He mumbled. I chuckled and passed him my phone.

"Can I?" I asked. He nodded and took my phone, putting his number in and saving the contact before handing me the phone back.

'Stupid Nerd :)' It said. I chuckled and looked over at George.

"More like 'Adorable Genius'?" I asked him. He scoffed with a smile and shook his head. "Anyways, what's your favourite color?"

"Um, blue? Why?" He asked back. I shrugged.

"Just curious." I replied.

"What's your favourite color?" He asked me.

"Green. The same color as my eyes." I replied simply. He frowned and stared into my eyes. My face flushed and I kept my eyes on the road, refusing to meet his addicting eyes.

"I can't see that color very well, I'm colorblind..." He muttered with a frown a minute later.

"Ah that's fine! I'm sorry I didn't know." I said with a soft smile. His frown turned into a barely noticeable smile too.

"I never told you idiot, how would you have known?" He said. I chuckled and he giggled with me.

A few moments of comfortable silence later, we got to George's apartment. He got out of my car and muttered a small 'thanks' before heading into the building. I hopped out as well and leaned on my car for a while.

Soon a certain apartment lit up and a certain brunette appeared on the window. I smiled and waved at him. He waved back and I got back into my car and drove off.
1032 words.

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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