Chapter 27

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George POV:

My mum was shifted to a private room later that morning. Dream had stayed the whole day with me to help with things. We both never left the hospital so we missed university and I skipped work.

Me and Dream slept on the waiting chairs for the night and ate the hospital cafeteria food, which was pretty good for a hospital. Dr Minx and Nurse Puffy constantly informed us on my mum's health. She was getting better.

This continued for two days until today, a Saturday. I went home with Dream for the first time in half a week. We packed some necessary things like toothbrushes and towels and left again. Dream said my home was really pretty.

I had decided to go to work today and Dream would check up on his sister Cathy before dropping me at work. Cathy's doctor had called Dream telling him that they needed an X-ray of her leg and that she might not need a cast anymore.

We were currently heading to Dream's house. He called his sister to tell her to get ready. We'll be taking her to the doctors, bringing her back, then going back to my mum, and lastly going to McDonald's together.

Soon we were at Dream's house. He asked me to sit in the car as he ran inside, returning with Cathy in his arms. She sat in the backseat and greeted me, I greeted her back with a smile.

Dream started driving us to the hospital. Once we got there, we went to Dr Blade, who was treating Cathy. He took an X-ray and said her bone has pretty much healed and that she doesn't need a cast now.

"I'll prescribe some ointments and medications if she feels pain in her leg. Make sure you tie a crepe band around her wound to ease the pain. Cathy, make sure to drink milk. Your body needs calcium." Dr Blade said in a monotone voice.

"Milk is bad though." Cathy muttered under her breath with a scrunched up face. I suppressed a chuckle. Dr Blade seemed to hear too.

"Cathy do I need to take my injection out?" Dr Blade said searching around his things for a while before he pulled out a syringe. Cathy shook her head heavily.

"No-no-no I'm sorry Techno, I'll drink milk." She said defensively. Dr Blade laughed and put the syringe down. He ruffled Cathy's hair and sent me and Dream out the room to take off her cast. He did some tests and tied a crepe band on her leg. We were allowed back inside the room

"You might have trouble walking at first. Try walking around and tell me if it hurts." Dr Blade said. Cathy took hold of Dream's hand and tried walking. She was biting her lip the whole time but was doing pretty good.

After a while, we got out of the hospital. Cathy was told to not walk much as it may cause pain and swelling in her wound. We were now heading back to Dream's house, Cathy in the front seat and me in the back.

After dropping Cathy off, we headed back to Silver Lake Hospital. We were staying with my mum until I had work. I told my mum some college and work stories to entertain her before I had to leave.

Me and Dream pulled out of the hospital parking lot. We were going to Nick's house first because Dream had invited him for a little evening treat. He wanted to congratulate him for his relationship.

As we got to Nick's house, we saw him in front of the house with a frown. He quickly got in the car and sighed. Me and Dream exchanged confused glances.

"What's wrong Sap?" Dream asked. Nick looked up at both of us with a small smile that looked pretty fake to me and shook his head.

"You know how it is. I'm tired of it." Nick said. I didn't understand a single thing but Dream nodded in understanding. It must be something Nick doesn't want me to know, and that's fine with me. We don't know each other that well.

"Just know I'm always here for you, yeah?" Dream said. Nick nodded and looked at me with a small smile, a real one. I smiled back.

"In case you were wondering, it's my parents. They're fucking assholes dude. They threatened to kick me out just cause I like boys? What the fuck?" Nick rolled his eyes in anger. I frowned slightly and nodded.

"I've heard parents being like that so much. I just don't get it, they raise you with care and all but they start acting like shit once you're out to them. That's not fair, is it?" I said with slight anger in my tone at how some people could be.

"I know right? My dad is the same. Atleast my mom was understanding." Dream said. Wait, he was... not straight? I mean I hope he is but... wait what? I was so confused, but didn't have the courage to ask him anything.

I did decide to say something though...

"Yeah, my mum is understanding too. I luckily didn't have to deal with homophobic parents. I'm sure my dad was supportive too." I said. I looked at Dream who looked just as confused as I was a few seconds ago.

"...Wait a second, you're LGBT too?" Dream asked me slowly. I nodded with an amused smile. "Am I allowed to know what label? It's totally fine if you don't want to share." I chuckled.

"I'm pretty sure I'm bisexual. I literally figured this out like 5 days ago." I said.

"Ayeeee we're bi buddies now! I'm bi too!" Nick said excitedly. I giggled at his excitement and then looked over at Dream who had a happy smile on his face. I smiled back at him.

"Welp, I'm the odd one out I guess. I'm gay." Dream said with a slight chuckle. I nodded with the same smile. Well, atleast now I know I might have a chance with him, he likes guys.

"That's cool!" I said. They both chuckled and Dream started driving towards the McDonald's. Soon we got there and I immediately went to change to my uniform while they ordered something and sat down.

I took my place on the cash counter. Their order was out in a bit and I called out the order number. Dream got up to take the food and asked me to call Laura if she wasn't busy. He looked pretty nervous.

I went into the kitchen looking for Laura. Once I saw her near the fries section talking to another colleague, I quickly approached her.

"Uh- hey Laura, there's someone outside that wants to see you." I told her. She nodded and headed outside, I followed. Dream stood on the other side of the counter biting his lip with nervousness.

"H-Hi Laura." He said as he saw Laura and me coming over to the counter.
1175 words.

What if it's not the Laura Dream is looking for? I'd die from embarrassment right then and there. I'd still die if it's the real one tho-

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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