Chapter 29

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George POV:

Dream dropped Nick home and we both headed to the hospital. I had decided to stay a few more days before returning home. I'll be going to university and work but will return to the hospital every night.

"I can stay with you George. Cathy will be alright, she can invite her friends over if she needs and she can call me and I'll be there for her." Dream said, trying to convince me to let him stay.

"You don't have to Dream. Mum is out of danger and I'm staying there just in case of sudden needs. Why do you want to stay?" I replied, denying him again for probably the fifth time.

"...Because I wanna spend all my time with you." He muttered. I felt myself blush and looked away out the window, not replying to him anymore. He chuckled lowly and drove us towards the hospital.

As we reached the hospital and parked the car, Dream got a phone call. It was from Cathy. He excused himself and exited the car to talk to her. I exited the car as well and stood outside of the car waiting for him.

Dream returned after a couple minutes with a big smile on his face. He came to the car and locked it, then came over to me and held my hand leading me over to the hospital building. I looked at him confused and raised an eyebrow.

"What got you so happy suddenly?" I asked curiously.

"Cathy got together with the girl she likes, and the girl is sleeping over with her tonight, so she's happy and that means I'm happy too!" He said with a grin. I smiled too.

"That's great! Tell her I'm happy for her and congratulate her from my side." I said. Dream nodded and we went inside the hospital.

"Let's go see if Mrs Davidson needs something and then we can sleep. I'm pretty tired." Dream said with a yawn. I nodded and went to my mum. She was asleep and the doctor told me to not disturb her.

I returned back to Dream who was laying on the chair already. I sat down on the chair opposite to him and took in his beautiful appearance in his half asleep state, his eyes closed.

Suddenly he opened his eyes and looked right at me. I quickly looked away with a red blush. He laughed at my reaction. His laugh sounded more like a tea kettle wheeze, and it was contagious. I giggled with him.

I laid down on my seat and closed my eyes with a smile on my face. "Goodnight Dream." I mumbled. Dream hummed but was probably too tired to reply. He fell asleep immediately.

After I could hear soft snores from the opposite direction, I slowly opened my eyes. I could finally admire him peacefully now. He looked absolutely amazing in his sleep, his golden locks ruffled and his thin lips pressed together.

I sighed softly, taking one last glance at Dream and closing my eyes to finally get some sleep.

When I woke up the next morning, Dream wasn't there. I thought he was gone for a walk, or to get coffee or something. I looked through my messages hoping he had sent me something telling me where he was gone to.

Hey George! Good morning.
I had to go somewhere for
a bit. I'll be back really
soon. See you in a bit!

I saw his text as a wave of relief hit me. I got up to go get some coffee while I waited for Dream to return.

Dream POV:

I had woken up pretty early this morning. I thought of things I could do before George wakes up. Then I got an amazing idea. I quickly got up and went outside to my car. I decided to send a quick text to George so he wouldn't think I left him alone.

It was pretty chilly outside and I had to wrap my arms around myself to keep myself just a little bit warm. I turned on the heater as soon as I got into my car and started driving after I was at a better temperature.

I drove to my mom's grave. I wanted to give her a visit and tell her something important. I got out of my car and ran over to her grave. I sat next to the tombstone and put my hand on the grave.

"Hey mom, I hope you're resting well. It's been a few weeks since I last visited you. I also wanted to tell you about something... although you might already know, since you're always here with me." I whispered.

"Mom, I'm going to ask George out today. I have no idea if he likes me, or if he'll reject me. I'll keep the hopes up for now. I'll be back here, hopefully with George, to tell you how it went." I said. I suddenly felt a cold touch against my shoulder and looked up. There was nothing there. Probably just wind, or mom.

I got up from my mom's grave, going over to a nearby flower garden to pluck some pink flowers. I placed them on her grave and asked for her support. I stood there for another moment before I returned to my car, giving her grave a last glance before driving away.

I got back to the hospital and parked the car. The first thing I did was check my phone to see if George had seen my message. If he hadn't, I'd delete it.

I opened his contact and saw that he had read the message already, and also replied to it.

It's alright :] also good

I smiled and went inside to see George sitting down drinking some coffee. I sat down next to him, startling him a bit. He jumped but sighed in relief when he saw it was just me.

"Hey." He said with a smile, taking another sip of his coffee.

"Hi, get ready, I wanna take you on a walk." I said. George seemed both surprised and confused but nodded anyway.
1023 words.

Double upload :]

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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