Chapter 26

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Dream POV:

"Its fine George, I think I should talk about things more. That's... my sister, Laura." I said quietly. George nodded with a small frown. He probably felt bad at how I reacted when Laura was mentioned.

"Is she... okay? I mean, you wouldn't seem so sad otherwise...?" George asked cautiously. I bit my lip and shook my head.

"I don't know George, I don't know how she is, or where she is... but all I can hope is for her to be safe wherever she is, if she's even here." I whispered the last part. George held my hand and gave it a little squeeze.

"What happened Dream? What do you mean?" George asked in a slow, hushed tone, looking between both my eyes with a worried expression. I sighed and told him Laura's story.

Flashback 15 years ago (still Dream POV):

"Hey Clay! Don't go too far into the water!" Mom yelled at me. We were at a beach for the weekend. Just a little family vacation. Me and my sister were swimming in the ocean on a floatie.

"Yeah mom! Laura is here with me, I'm fine!" I yelled back, my 4-year-old voice soft and gentle. My 6-year-old sister giggled and splashed water on me. I huffed and splashed her back.

"Clay! Stop! The water is getting in my mouth idiot!" Laura laughed as she tried to escape from me. I was splashing her as fast as I could while she crawled around in the giant floatie to get away.

"Kids! C'mere, I have ice cream! Who wants ice cream?" My dad yelled from the sandy shore. Both me and Laura looked up when he mentioned ice cream.

"Me!" We both yelled in unison as we paddled the floatie towards the beach. I jumped out of the floatie and onto the sand as I ran to get my ice cream. Laura laughed and ran behind me.

"I want the chocolate!" I said as I reached up to get the ice cream from my dad. He chuckled and handed me the chocolate ice cream. I happily licked it as Laura came over to stand behind me with her ice cream, which was also chocolate.

"Dad! You got her chocolate too! Not fair!" I said with a pout. My dad chuckled and picked me up.

"It's only fair sweetie." He said, kissing my forehead. He then put me down and I went to sit next to my mom on the blanket.

"Are you enjoying, Clay?" She asked me as she ran her fingers through my wet hair. I nodded heavily as I focused on my ice cream that was starting to melt under the sun. I quickly finished it, feeling rather cold afterwards.

My dad came over to sit next to my mom, giving her a quick kiss. I fake gagged at the sight and then burst out into giggles. My dad grabbed me and started tickling me. I was laughing uncontrollably and somehow managed to slip away from him.

Soon Laura had finished her ice cream too and said she'll be back after a quick swim. I pretty much ignored her because I wanted to make a sand castle with my dad now. She went into the ocean and me and dad started working on the sand castle.

My mom came over to look at our sand castle. We had made two towers and a moat to protect the castle from enemy attack. Then we started making the main castle parts.

Suddenly a huge wave hit the shore and washed away our efforts. I frowned while my dad tried cheering me up, saying I can build another, bigger sand castle.

"Wait, is Laura still in the ocean? The waves are getting dangerous." My mom said in a worried tone. I glanced around hoping to find Laura somewhere but she wasn't in sight. I became worried too.

"Laura! Where are you?! Come back!" I yelled, but didn't get a response. I looked around with worried eyes hoping she was in sight now. She wasn't anywhere...

"Laura! Honey can you hear me? Reply to me!" My dad yelled, looking around too. Once again, Laura wasn't there. "She went for a swim..."

My dad called the rescue department or lifeguards or something and started heading towards the ocean. I quickly followed him but my mom stopped me by holding me in her arms.

Soon a bunch of people came to the beach and dived into the water. I don't remember what happened after that but I do remember returning home in the car with both my parents crying their eyes out.

My dad told me I didn't have a sister anymore which made me sad. I went to my mom crying and asked her if dad was right. She told me to not lose hope and that we'll find Laura one day.

Present day (Dream POV):

"I never saw her after that day. I hope she's okay..." I said in a broken voice, tears falling down my cheeks. George was frowning the whole time as tears glossed his eyes as well.

"I'm really sorry for bringing it up, I had no idea." George said softly as he wiped my tears with his thumbs and hugged me. I hugged him back and let new tears replace the old ones.

"You don't have to apologise for anything. I should open up about her and be strong." I said. George shook his head as I felt my shirt getting wet. He was crying too.

"You're already strong Dream. You're really strong." George said. I pulled back from the hug and cupped both his cheeks. I gently wiped his tears with my thumbs. He put his hands over mine.

"I don't talk much about her. I've never told this to anyone. Only Nick knows." I whispered. "I decided to tell you because I- you're special to me."

"...I'll help you find her. I'm sure she's still here." George said. My lips tugged into a small smile as I nodded. "I know a Laura. She works with me part-time on weekends. I don't know if she's your sister, but you can talk to her, right?"
1035 words.

That got me emotional :')

Remember that you are valid and loved. Also remember to eat, sleep and stay hydrated. Have a great day/night.

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