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Tzuyu's POV

"I don't even know what's the sense of going back in Korea."Nayeon said as she rolled her eyes.

"Girl,we need to go back there because we'll soon be helping our parents in their companies."Jeongyeon said.

"But I don't get it though.Its just a year before we can graduate on LA but they forced us to come back."Sana said.

"Yeah.I don't get that too."Momo said.

"Maybe they just want to see us.I don't know."Mina said and just shrugged.

"Maybe they got so done after what happened to us when we met you know.Five letters name."Dahyun said.Yeah,that girl.She almost ruined our friendship.Glad we restored our relationship and that girl left and never came back.

"Yeah.Probably that's the reason."Chaeyoung said.

"But it's like three months ago."Jihyo said.

"Before vacation so probably theyre scared that we'll meet her again in the next school year."I said.

"Have a point there."Dahyun agreed.As for myself,I don't want that to happen again.And from all of us,I was the one she damaged the most.


Tonight we had a party on Uncle Yoo's hotel,as a welcoming party for the nine of us.Its been three years when me and the girls decided to fly to Los Angeles and be independent.We studied there for three years.

"Girls by next week you'll go to class,it's a private class and only the nine of you will be classmates.We thought that it'll be the best that you'll all stick together."Auntie Myoui said.

"Yey!I'd love to be with the girls!"Nayeon said,hugging me and Momo who was beside her.

"You all better be good.This is the last stage and you'll all soon be entering the business world."My dad said.

"Of course!"Jeongyeon said proudly.

"And your professor will be around you ages,just a little older from all of you.So you can be comfortable to her."Auntie Im said.

"Is she pretty?"Sana asked.Aish.Her gay ass is raging again.

"I don't know.You'll just see once you meet her."Auntie Im answered.We just nodded.Hope this school year will give us good luck.Last school years was so awful.


Jisoo's POV

I got ready as today is my first day for the school year.The principal talked to me,and he told me that I'll be teaching nine girls.I actually just graduated a year ago,but as they have said that I'm smart,they got me working for the university.Thats actually a good news for me,since I need to keep up for my father's medication.He had a stroke last year,so I've been working while studying at the same time before,gladly I'm a scholar.Anyways after getting ready,I went to my father's room to give him a goodbye kiss.

"See you later,appa."I said.I looked at his therapist,the one I hired."Take good care of my father,Ms.Hong."She smiled.

"Count on me,Jisoo."I smiled and nodded,getting my bag and walking out of the house.I went to the bus stop,waiting for a ride.Soon the bus came,so I ride,to head on the school.The bus stopped after few minutes,I went off then went to the school.

"Good morning,Miss Kim!"One of my past students greeted me.

"Hi!"I greeted back.I went at the faculty to sign in,then after I walked to the room where I was going to teach.I opened the door,as the nine girls got their eyes pinned on me.Theyre all talking before I came,and the quietness got me awkward.I walked to the table,putting my bag there."Good morning everyone,my name is Kim Jisoo and I'll be-ah!"I reacted when a bottle was thrown right in my head.I looked to who's that is,but before I could react again,they were already throwing things to me."Yah!"I shouted but they won't stop.

"How dare you show up again?!"

"You liar!"

"Too tough to come here!"

"Hey I don't know you all!"I shouted.

"Stop pretending,Sooya!"

"Who's Sooya-aww!"


I ended up sitting at the principal's office, successfully I have ran away from those brutal girls.I had my head bleeding,and bruises because of whatever they have thrown to me.I don't know them but they acted like they knew me.

"Miss Kim,I'm sorry about that.I think they have mistaken you with someone else."The principal apologized.

"I'm sorry sir but I don't think I can still work with those students.Theyre too brutal!I'm sorry for the word but that nine girls are brats!"I ranted.

"Please,Miss Kim.You're one of the best young teachers in this university but please do understand them."

"No I can't!I can't work with them!Never again!"I shouted.

"Please,Miss Kim.I'll raise your salary!"My ears perked up.



I sighed for the nth time since this morning,before I opened the door.Time to meet this brats.

HEARTS IN TROUBLE(TWICE X JISOO)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now