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Jisoo fell off,then Mr.Kim came.

"Where's Jisoo?"

"She fell off,dad."

"What?!"They were evacuated in a safer place,Mr.Kim called someone to search for Jisoo.Mina,she doesn't know it yet.They went off the yacht and settled at a safe place first.

"Sooya where's Jisoo?"Mina asked Sooya.

"She..she fell off,Mina.Because of the big wave she fell off and I didn't got to help her..."Sooya said.

"What?!Why didn't you tell us earlier?!We could have saved her!"Mina shouted.

"Mina, we're on it.We're calling someone to go search for her."Mrs.Kim said,trying to calm Mina down.

"They can't start the search yet,the weather's not good but once it's good they'll immediately start the search."Mr.Kim said.He walked to Sooya."You.You should have helped her!"He shouted.

"I'm sorry,dad."Sooya only spoke.

"Uncle, don't blame her.Its not her fault that the weather was bad."Tzuyu said,holding Sooya's hand.

"Let's go out."Sooya said and Tzuyu nodded as they both left the room.Mr.Kim sat at the couch.

"This is my fault.We lost her.Again because of me."Mr.Kim said.He was blaming himself for failing to save Jisoo and only Sooya before when they both got kidnapped.Maybe that's why he've been angry to Sooya.

"It's not your fault,okay? It will never be."Mrs.Kim said as she patted Mr.Kim's back.Mina sat at the couch too.

Where are you,Jisoo?


It's been hours since Jisoo went missing.Until Mr.Kim recieved a call.

"Hello?"He immediately answered it.

"Hi sir do you perhaps know Kim Jisoo?"

"Yes yes.I'm her father.Why?"

"Oh I'm a fisherman and we found this girl,sowe have helped her.We saw your calling card in her wallet,good thing its laminated so it isnt wet."

"Really?Where is my daughter how is she?"

"She's still unconscious but dont worry,we brought her on a hospital.We'll send you the address."

"Yes please thank you!"He turned the call off,then he faced all of them."She's found!"

"Really?Then let's go there!"Mrs.Kim said.

"Yeah let's go."They all went at the yacht,good thing the weather's fine already.

"Uncle,how's Jisoo?"Mina asked.

"The man said he's still unconscious."Mina just nodded, definitely praying for Jisoo to be fine.In no time they came at the place,and to their luck it's just near the resort of the Kims so they got a car to hop in quick.They transferred their things at the car,then Mr.Kim drove them to the hospital.They were finally there,they rushed inside."Miss can you tell us where Kim Jisoo is?"

"ICU 3,sir."

"Thank you."They rushed at the room and there they saw Jisoo, unconscious with oxygen in her mouth.Tears fell from Mina's eyes,Jisoo looks so vulnerable in her state.The doctor was there,as well as the man who helped Jisoo.Mrs.Kim,Tzuyu and Sooya talked to the man while Mr.Kim and Mina was left to talk to the doctor.

"We successfully drained the unnecessary water in her body,as of now shes stable,yet we still dont know when will she wake up."The doctor stated.Mr.Kim sighed,Mina cried.Mr.Kim hugged her.

"She'll be fine,Mina.She'll be."


It's been almost a week,yet Jisoo was still unconscious.Her body was being supported by a machine,she was in stable condition.Yesterday everyone decided to go home and rest,while Sooya came up early to watch Jisoo.She looked at Jisoo's state.

"I'm sorry,Jisoo.I have to do it.I'm tired of being invisible in our parents' eyes.Why don't you just be gone?"Sooya's eyes landed at the socket,connected to the machine that helps Jisoo breath.She had an idea.She walked there,threatening to unplug the machine when..

"Planning to kill me,huh?"She heard a voice and when she looked,it's Jisoo sitting at the side bed.

HEARTS IN TROUBLE(TWICE X JISOO)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now