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Jisoo was seating at her bed when she recieved a text message from her girlfriend.


Jisoo,are you
available tonight?

Yeah I have nothing to

Mom wants to have
you for dinner.If that's

Of course.Give me the address
and I'll be there for dinner.

Oh really?Thanks!
Sorry for bothering

That's nothing,anything
for you.

Really won't stop,
aren't you?


Jisoo had a smile as she stood up,choosing clothes to wear.It took her hours but ended up choosing a navy blue polo and black pants paired with white rubber shoes.

"I won't look stupid,right?Oh c'mon why are you even nervous?"Jisoo asked herself as she looked at the mirror.She took a shower before getting on the clothes and spraying a perfume on herself,then grabbing her motor key,ready to leave.She walked downstairs and it happened that her parents were at the living room,so they saw her.

"Looks pretty trimmed where are we going,huh?"Mr.Kim asked.

"Just..just out,dad."

"And where's out,Kim Jisoo?"Mrs.Kim asked.

"Uhh..dinner with my girlfriend's parents?"She confessed,since there's no point on lying.

"Really?You have a girlfriend?"Her father said in an inspecting tone.

"Are you mad?Sorry,I don't like boys."Jisoo confirmed.Mr.Kim laughed.

"I'm not homophobic,your twin's gay so I pretty understand that."

"Invite your girlfriend to come over sometime!As soon as possible so we could meet her!"Mrs.Kim said.Jisoo smiled.

"Will do,mom.Gotta go now see you!"

"Good luck!"Jisoo left,and Sooya saw the whole situation since she was about to go downstairs too and going to Tzuyu to have a date.She bitterly smiled.

"They didn't treat me that good."She said as she left the mansion,but her parents didn't even bother to ask on where shes going.


Jisoo reached the place Mina gave her,and actually the place is so big.It looks more like a village than just a mansion.Probably bigger than the mansion she was staying in.Jisoo reached the gate and there's a pretty tight security.


"Kim Jisoo,sir."She answered.The man scanned the picture in his hand.

"Come in."There's another motorcycle leading her inside,there's another gate that had opened and they went inside,Mina was waiting for Jisoo.

"Good choice, noona.She looks cool."Sunghoon said.

"Of course."Jisoo got off her motorcycle,giving the key to the guard then she walked to Mina.She kissed her cheek.

"Hi Minari."

"Hey noona!I'm Sunghoon.Mina noona's brother."Sunghoon said.Jisoo smiled.


"Let's go in,mommy's waiting."They all walked inside,Sunghoon and Jisoo was talking and they found something similar to each other.Gaming.

"I bought the latest play station.I'll show it to you later,noona."

"Of course I wanna see that."

"Seems you like her more than me."Mina told Sunghoon.

"I do."Sunghoon replied.

"Aish you brat."They came at the kitchen,lots of food prepared.

"Oh Jisoo hi!Nice to see you again."Mrs.Myoui greeted Jisoo.Jisoo bowed.

"Hi,Mrs.Myoui.Nice to see you again too."

"Don't call me that.Just call me mom.Thats more comfortable."Jisoo smiled.

"Okay,mom."They all sat at the table,as they started eating and talking.

"So you were Sooya's twin?"Mrs.Myoui said.Jisoo nodded.

"Yep.Its a long story but yeah."

"Woah that's amazing.You can be on TV for that."Sunghoon said.Mina rolled her eyes.

"Oh c'mon Sunghoon."

"Why?I'm serious though."

"Aish."Mrs.Myoui,Sunghoon and Jisoo got along well,the dinner was finished and Mina accompanied Jisoo outside.

"You really got along well with my family."Mina said.

"Yeah.Thats great.I actually put a coin in my shoe to avoid nervousness."Jisoo said.Mina chuckled.

"You're such a dork."Jisoo's motorcycle came,the guard gave her the key.Jisoo kissed Mina's lips.

"See you at school and by the way,mom and dad wants to meet you.Pretty sure they'll be surprised."

"For sure.We'll see to that."

"Okay good bye and good night.See you."Jisoo said before leaving her.

HEARTS IN TROUBLE(TWICE X JISOO)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now