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As usual,it's a normal day at school.Jisoo teaching and finally,break time.

"Okay everyone,break time."Jisoo announced.Everyone stood up,Sooya walked to Tzuyu.

"Come let's have lunch together."Sooya said,offering her hand.Tzuyu smiled.

"Let's go."They held hand,walking away.Mina went to Jisoo.

"Let's go have lunch!"

"What if someone sees us?"Jisoo asked anxiously.

"Ignore them,nothing will happen.Mom got it fixed."Jisoo smiled,standing up from her seat and taking Mina's hand.

"Okay,let's go Minguin."

"Okay!"They walked outside.

"Damn they're an eye sore."Sana said.

"You're just jealous."Nayeon said,laughing.Then she went to Jeongyeon and ride her back.

"Aww Nayeon!"Jeongyeon whined.

"We're going now annyeong!"

"Yah Im Nayeon get off!"

"Shut up just go!"

"Fine!"They left the room.

"We're going too."Dahyun said as she wrapped her arms around Chaeyoung's shoulder."Bye bye!"They left together.Jihyo held Momo's hand.

"Want to have a lunch with us?"Jihyo asked.

"I don't have any choice."

"Let's go!"They left too.Mina and Jisoo was eating,when Jisoo remembered her parents asking to bring her girlfriend.

"Oh Minari I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Mom and dad is inviting you for dinner.They wanna meet my girlfriend."

"Oh yeah I remember you told me that.Do they know it's me?"

"No,let it be a surprise.So,coming over?"

"Sure."Jisoo smiled.



Class was over,so Jisoo dismissed them.After that she walked towards Mina.

"Let's go now.I texted mom that we're coming."Jisoo said.

"Oh yeah? Can I at least change my clothes?"Mina said.

"Nah,you're perfect.So let's go?"Mina blushed,shyly taking Jisoo's hand.

"Let's go."

"Hey Sooya,see you at home.Close the door!"Jisoo told her twin,who seems to be busy on flirting.They left the room and went at the parking lot,Jisoo handed the helmet to Mina.They drove to Jisoo's home,and they came there."We're here."They got off the motorcycle,Jisoo took Mina's hand and they both went inside the mansion."Mrs.Hwang where's mom and dad?"Jisoo asked.

"They're at the dinning."

"Thank you."They walked there,to see her parents preparing."Mom,dad we're here."Jisoo greeted her parents,who looked at them.

"Wait.Mina is that you?The Myoui's daughter?"Mrs.Kim asked.

"Yes,Auntie.Nice to see you again."

"Oh nice to see you again too!"They greeted each other.

"Hey dinner's ready,let's go eat and talk."Mr.Kim said.So they all settled,then started eating.Soon Sooya came,walking to the table.Usually her mom would call her or greet her,but not now,she seems too busy.They seems not to notice her exsistance and enjoying the talk.Sooya wants to join but she seems to be in another atmosphere.So she just walked,and went to her room without anyone noticing.She slammed herself at the bed.

"Hate this life."Just few minutes,she heard a knock on the door.She smiled,expecting it to be her mom but it was Mrs.Hwang."Oh..hi ahjumma."

"I brought you dinner.Here eat."

"Thanks."She took the tray,putting it at the nightstand.

"You know they just missed a lot on your twin that's why they were accidentally ignoring you.Okay?"

"Yeah.Theyve been finding her to the point that they forgot my existence."She spoke.Mrs.Hwang just hugged her.

"I'm sorry for you,my poor girl."


Months later..

Everyone is excited,it's their graduation day!Jisoo came there with Sooya,their parents wasn't able to come due to business.

"I'm just going to Mina.You okay alone?"Sooya smiled and nodded.

"Yeah sure.I'm going to Tzuyu too."Jisoo walked to Mina,greeting her with a kiss.She also greeted Sunghoon and Mrs.Myoui.

"You're finally graduating."Jisoo said.

"Yeah.Thanks for my great teacher."Mina said,poking her nose.

"Couple yiee~"Momo said.

"Says the japanese who had a couple bracelet with the girl named Jihyo saying they're just 'friends'."Jisoo teased.

"Yah shut up."Momo said,rolling her eyes.They all lined up,the program started.They all clapped as the students walked,and there was Sooya,alone.So Jisoo immediately walked to her sister,to join her walking to stage.Sooya smiled.


"Anything for you.You know I'll always be here for you."Jisoo said with a smile.

"Thank you,then."

HEARTS IN TROUBLE(TWICE X JISOO)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now