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Jisoo joined the girls.

"So congratulations,everyone."Jisoo greeted them.

"Thanks to our wonderful teacher.We learned a lot."Nayeon said with her bunny smile.

"Of course,I won't let you all be a fool."Jisoo joked and they all laughed.Jisoo settled her hand on Mina's waist."So Mina and I are going to celebrate with the Myouis.We gotta go."Jisoo said and they're about to leave when..

"Sana!"They heard a scream so they turned,seeing Sana,who fell on the floor and unconscious.She walked there in a rush,going to Sana and tapping her cheeks.

"Sana ssi.Sana ssi wake up!"

"Let's bring her at the dorm."Tzuyu suggested.Jisoo nodded,lifting Sana,making her ride her back and bringing her to the girls' dorm.They came there,putting Sana at the bed.

"Mina I'm sorry I think we won't be able to catch up to the lunch."Jisoo told Mina.

"No worries,I texted mom.Sana is much important.We can just move it to dinner."

"Perfect.Lets just wait till she wakes up."Both of them got seated,since it was too boring Jisoo and Mina decided to play kart rider while waiting for Sana to wake up.

"You're a loser!"Mina said as she passed by Jisoo."Ha!My Jinguin's loser!"

"You thought."Jisoo smirked,then she kissed Mina on the lips,Mina suddenly stopped,not expecting it."Oh yes I'm so smart."She said as she continued to play."Aww!"She groaned when Mina poke her forehead."Minari!"

"You're being unfair, you deserve it."Mina laughed and continued playing.

"As if you don't like my kiss."

"I do like it,but you did it on the wrong time."Jisoo suddenly put Mina on her lap,tickling her."YAH!KIM JISOO-HAHAHAH you're being un-HAHAHAHA STOP!"Mina whined.

"You poke my forehead you penguin."They suddenly stopped when they heard a voice.

"Jisoo.."They both turned,seeing Sana who was already awake.

"Oh Sana ssi."They walked to Sana."Are you okay already?"Sana nodded.

"I'm good."

"You sure?You don't want us to being you to the hospital?"Sana smiled.

"No need,thank you for the concern."

"I'm gonna call the girls."Mina said,leaving the both of them.

"Should I call your parents?"

"No,they're in Japan already let them."

"What happened to you?Why did you suddenly fell down?"Jisoo asked worriedly.

"It's..just a side effect of my medicine."

"Medicine?For what?"

"Jisoo unnie,don't tell my parents about this but..I was diagnosed with brain cancer."Jisoo gasped.


"Yeah but my parents shouldn't know this.Please?"


The girls already knew about Sana's state.And they all agreed not to tell her parents and will take care of her.

"Jinguin,time to go to the dinner Sunghoon and mom is waiting."Mina told Jisoo,who was seating at the bed beside Sana.

"Oh yeah let's go."Jisoo was about to leave when Sana held her hand."Sana I need to go."

"Not yet,unnie.Please stay.I..I need you here."She said.

"Sorry but Mina's family is waiting for us."Sana looked at Mina.

"Mina please?Just for the night let Jisoo unnie stay.Please?"Mina sighed.

"Okay fine.Go stay,Jisoo.Its fine."

"Really?Thanks Minari you're the best!"Sana said.

"Gotta go leave now and take care of this girl, Jinguin."

"Of course."The couple kissed as a goodbye."Take care."

"Yeah bye."

HEARTS IN TROUBLE(TWICE X JISOO)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now