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Everything was fine so far,Jisoo and Mina gets along well.And guess what?Sooya and Tzuyu were back together.About the Kim family?Nothing new.The twins have good relationship,but Sooya and Mr.Kim don't get along like before.Mrs.Kim,she was focused on giving Jisoo the life she failed to give her,since it her fault why Jisoo went missing.She was the one who left the twins for a while before that's why they've been kidnapped.She didn't notice that her heart have been far from Sooya.They were having breakfast together.

"By the way I want us to have a vacation.Lets go to my private resort and bring your girlfriend along,Jisoo."Mr.Kim proposed.

"Oh really?That will be so much fun!Sooya you better teach me how to swim."Jisoo said.

"She's not going.She doesn't like joining family vacation."Mr.Kim stated.Sooya chuckled.

"You never asked me."

"Then you're going with us!Bring Tzuyu,it'll be so much fun for sure!"Jisoo said.

"Sure.I'll be going."



Jisoo drove to Myouis' mansion,to get her girlfriend.Jisoo saw Mina so she kissed her.

"Hi Minari.Annyeong,Mom."Jisoo greeted Mrs.Myoui.

"Hi Jisoo.You better take care of my daughter."Jisoo saluted.

"Yes ma'am!"They laughed.

"Nah I'm serious noona take care of Mina noona."Sunghoon said.

"Trust me,Hoon.She'll be well taken care of."Jisoo said.Jisoo carried Mina's bag and they went at her car and drove to the Kims' mansion,they'll be riding a van.All of them.

"Tzuyu!"Mina waved her hand to Tzuyu.

"Mina!"The girls greeted each other,Jisoo brought Mina's things at the back of the van.

"Let's go,everyone."Mrs.Kim said.They all went inside the van,until they came at the place where they'll ride a yacht.

"We're here."Me.Kim declared so they all went off the van,getting their things and transferring at the yacht.

"Woah.This is pretty."Jisoo said,looking around the yacht.

"I can give it to you.Or better yet,I'll buy a new one and name it after you if you want."Mr.Kim said.

"Really?That will be pretty cool!"Jisoo said as she clapped her hands.

"Hope all."Sooya whispered.Tzuyu patted her head.

"How many do you want?I'll buy it for you."Tzuyu said.Sooya laughed.

"You're the best girlfriend."She said.

"Nah,mine's the best."Jisoo argued.

"No it's mine."

"No it's my Mina."

"It's my Tzuyu!"

"I said its Mina!"

"Aish crazy dorks."Tzuyu said as her and Mina laughed.

"Why did we got this dorks again?"Mina said as they walked at a room.The journey have been fine,not until bad weather cames in.They were at a room talking,all of them when one of the operators came to them.

"Mr. and Mrs.Kim,we need to find the nearest place to got off first,the weather's bad.We can't proceed."The man said.

"Oh really?Ill check on it."Sooya said.

"I'll come with you.Everyone stay here."Jisoo said,following her twin.They went out,looking around.

"The weather seems to be bad..he's right."Sooya said.

"I think so.Its raining already."Jisoo said.And then the turbulence seems to be bigger and bigger as few waves hit their yacht."SH*T!"Jisoo cursed when she fell off,gladly Sooya was fast to hold her hand.

"Jisoo!"Sooya held her hand tight and about to help her up,when thoughts flooded her.If Jisoo's gone,her mom will love her again.The company,it'll be hers and finally she can prove to her father that she's worth it.Everything will be fine without Jisoo.

"Sooya help me!"Jisoo shouted.

"Sorry..I'm so sorry Jisoo."Sooya said,before letting go of Jisoo's hand.

HEARTS IN TROUBLE(TWICE X JISOO)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now